
时间:2022-10-15 12:37:56



Graffiti is defined as a type of deliberate marking made by humans on property. It can take the form of writing, drawings or symbols. The exact origin of the word 'graffiti' is disputed. One theory is that it is derived from the Italian word 'graffiato', which means 'to scratch'. Before the advent of spray cans most graffiti was scratched onto surfaces. Another likely theory is that it originates from the Greek word 'graphein', which means 'to write'.

Ancient Graffiti

Graffiti existed in ancient times. Inscriptions on public property without the permission of the government were common in the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece and Rome. The best preserved examples exist in Pompeii and reflect the street life of that city before its destruction. Pompeii's graffiti includes insults, love declarations, and political satire. Tourists to the ancient city of Ephesus, in Greece, will be shown ancient graffiti advertising prostitution. It consists of a hand, a heart and a number. Local tour guides explain that the heart represents love, the number refers to the amount of steps to be taken to get there and the hand indicates that payment will be necessary.

'Kilroy Was Here'

One of the most famous graffiti trends in history began to appear in the U.S., Europe and Australia at the time of the Second World War. It consisted of a face with a large nose peeking over a wall. A caption underneath would read, 'Kilroy Was Here'. Sometimes the name was different. In Britain, it was often 'Chad' and in Australia 'Foo' was popular. Furthermore in Britain, a line satirizing the lack of commodities due to rationing would be included. This usually took the form of 'What, no (name of commodity)?'

Theories to how this trend started and spread are so many that there are several books written on the subject. One theory suggests that Kilroy was an American Navy shipyard inspector. He would write his name on the pieces of equipment he had inspected. Thousands of servicemen saw the name 'Kilroy' in the most unusual places, (e.g. the inner hull section of a destroyer) and would then write 'Kilroy Was Here' wherever they were stationed during the war. A myth developed about the ability of Kilroy to be everywhere. Other theories include that Kilroy was a time traveller from the future who returned to witness historical events.


In post-war Europe and America, large scale urbanisation led to an increase in gang rivalries. Gangs would define their territories by marking symbols or words on public areas in their neighbourhoods. This became known as 'tagging'.

Today, tagging is not confined to gangs. Many taggers merely want to have their name seen. This has led to huge competitions between different taggers. In many cases they will try to better each other by having their name or symbol sprayed in more difficult places. Having your symbol in a difficult to reach place, such as a bridge, is known as 'tagging heaven's place'. The deepest insult that one tagger can give another is to 'line' his 'tag', which is done by drawing a line through it. When a tagger becomes well known, he is said to be 'up'. The primary target for taggers in New York is the subway system. Taggers can become 'up' if they manage to tag the inside and outside of every train in the system. This is referred to as 'going all city'.

In other cases, tagging is used to commemorate an event, such as a death, or to express respect for the tagger's idols. When famous rappers, like Tupac Shakur, have died, numerous tags mourning their passing appeared in urban areas in the U.S. Some of these have been so creative and elaborate that shop owners decided not to remove them from their premises. The Abbey Road Studio in London has received Beatles related graffiti in different languages since the band first recorded there. Not only does the studio not discourage this but actually has the wall repainted occasionally to allow a fresh surface for more inscriptions.

Modern taggers are eager to differentiate themselves from gang taggers. They emphasize that their purpose is self-expression and has nothing to do with the criminal activities of gangs.

Art or Vandalism?

Despite the influence of graffiti on mainstream art and fashion, it is

still illegal almost everywhere in the West. In recent years, some major cities in North America and Europe have launched anti-graffiti campaigns. Critics of graffiti claim that its associations with urban decay and gang related crime cause it to make urban areas look poor and dangerous.

Nonetheless, some graffiti works are so creative that it has to be admitted that the 'writers' have artistic talent. In some cases a 'crew' will work together to cover an entire wall with a complex design or picture. This is known as 'bombing'. Supporters of graffiti say that these kinds of artists are talented people who, without graffiti, would not have the opportunity to express themselves. Moreover, without the commercial or political pressures of mainstream art, graffiti is a true form of free expression. However, graffiti is usually written on property which does not belong to the writer, making it an illegal act.

Some cities have tried to find a compromise by providing areas for graffiti crews to practice legally. They hope that this will give talented people in urban areas a channel to express themselves. They also claim that because the graffiti artists can work legally in these allocated areas they can take more time to their pieces and, therefore, produce better quality works. Some graffiti artists have entered the mainstream art world and have been hired by corporations for advertising campaigns.

















graffiti /`Gr9`f1ti/ n.在墙壁等上的涂抹乱写

deliberate /di`lib9reit/ adj.故意的

property /`pr4p9ti/ n.财产;所有物

dispute /dis`p(t/ v.争论;辩论

advent /`2dv9nt/ n.(尤指不寻常的人或事)出现;到来

inscription /in`skripH9n/ n.题字;碑铭

satire /`s2tiai9/ n.讽刺;讽刺作品

prostitution /,pr4sti`t(H9n/ n.;堕落

caption /`k2pH9n/ n.说明;字幕

satirize /`s2tiraiz/ v.讽刺性描写

ration /`r2H9n/ v.实行定量配给

shipyard /`Hipj3d/ n.造船所

serviceman /`s/vism9n/ n.军人;修护人员

station /`steiH9n/ vt.驻扎;配置

urbanisation /,9b9nai`zeiH9n/ n.都市化

rivalry /`raiv9lri/ n.竞争;敌对状态

confined /k9n`faind/ adj.被限制的;狭窄的

better /`bet9/ vt.超过

commemorate /k9`mem9reit/ vt.纪念

elaborate /i`l2b9r9t/ adj.精心制作的

premise /`premis/ n. (pl) 房屋及其周围的房基地

differentiate /,dif9`renHieit/ v.区别;区分

vandalism /`v1nd9liz(9)m/ n.故意破坏艺术的行为

compromise /`k4mpr9maiz/ n.妥协;折中

obscene /4b`s1n/ adj.的;猥亵的

vulgar /`v7lG9(r)/ adj.粗俗的;庸俗的

shepherd /`Hep9d/ n.牧羊人

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