
时间:2022-10-02 10:15:26


摘 要:农村饮水是社会主义新农村建设与和谐社会构建的重点内容之一。目前,农村饮水安全问题是农民最关心、最迫切需要解决的

>> 基于农户收入异质性视角的农田水利设施供给效果分析 基于农户异质性视角的退耕还林农户收入研究 基于农户视角的农村公共产品供给效果评价 基于知识异质性团队的异质性知识网络运行机制 企业异质性视角下产业空间分布的“二重性”:基于前沿文献的讨论 农户异质性对农业技术培训参与的影响 基于不同收入水平农户的农田水利设施供给效果研究 异质性合作社内源型资本供给约束的实证分析 股东异质性的历史分析 异质性思维 何谓异质性? 基于异质性知识获取视角的高校教学团队提升路径 选择效应:异质性视角下的企业区位决策 知识异质性视角下的企业知识创新能力评价指标体系研究 人力资本异质性视角的国际贸易溢出效应研究 市场竞争视角下的高管异质性薪酬差距 企业异质性与企业家知识异质性的耦合性分析 理性程度的异质性:基于理论与实践的考察 基于异质性的中小企业融资难问题研究 基于微观异质性的新新经济地理研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:。

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Evaluation on the Supply Effects of Rural Water in the View of Farmers’ Income Heterogeneity:An Investigation From the Midwest

Tang Juanli

(Business School, Zhengzhou University)

Abstract:Rural water is one of the important content of construction of new village and harmonious society. At present, rural water safety is the most concerned and most urgent problem. An investigation of 1571 farmer households shows that evaluation on the supply effects of rural water is relatively high. The overall probability of “very good” and “good” is 74.87%, of “badly” is 1.99%, and of “not good” is 9.09%. The result is linked to the farmers’ heterogeneity. In this paper, ordered logistic model is adopted to analyze the factors that could influence the evaluation result of rural water supply effect. Supporting degree of policy, farmers' evaluation of town government, whether the water could be up to the needs of life, how water change, comparative advantage are drawn as the key factor that influence farmer households’ evaluation on rural water supply effect. Other factors such as village type, distance from the county, sex, age, educational level, farmer households’ participating satisfaction degree, source and quality of drinking water are also identified as noticeable elements to significantly influence households’ evaluation result. The paper proposes policy strategy to promote the supply effects of rural water from promoting the supply level, producing leading function of the government, guidancing and encouraging farmers to actively participate in the rural water, and targeting selection the supply mode.

Key Words:Rural Water; Farming Households on Different Income Level; Supply Effect; Ordered Logistic Model

上一篇:向着希望飞翔 下一篇:儿科住院患儿家属的心理状况分析及护理对策