推荐 第5期

时间:2022-09-28 03:11:33

Skye Sweetnam

Noise From The Basement


Skye Sweetnam comes from a small town called Bolton just north of Toronto. Growing up with no mall, no movie theatre, no cable or internet, she had nothing else to do but find ways to entertain herself. She spent her younger years singing, dancing, acting and getting attention any way she could. If there was a stage, she was on it. She started off doing the dance competition circuit, performing in hip-hop dance numbers, ten minute productions of classic musicals such as Les Miserables and Cats and entering singing competitions. The music played around the family house was everything from Bryan Adams, Enya, The Who's Tommy, The Cranberries, Genesis, Weezer, and the occasional Spice Girls.

She started to explore songwriting at age nine. At age twelve, Skye began to seriously feel compelled to make a career out of it once she joined "Popstars" camp. Her mother missed the deadline on the highly anticipated snowboarding classes Skye was looking forward to, so she tried to redeem herself by enrolling her in the local music school's spring break day camp. It was there, at "Popstars" camp where Skye's first recording of a Britney Spears song caught the attention of the music teacher and her songwriterhusband. It was that couple that helped Skye realize her potential and helped her put together a three song demo.

A combination of luck and marketability brought the demo to the attention of Canadian label execs, who hooked Sweetnam up with a local producer and instrumentalist named James Robertson.

Together, Robertson and Sweetnam hammered out the structure of what would become Noise from the Basement, her Capitol Records debut. The single Billy S. appeared in July 2003 on the soundtrack to the Mandy Moore vehicle How to Deal.

Sweetnam supported the single with a tour of summer camps. She

also began downplaying the comparisons to Avril Lavigne to whoever

would listen, though the reference seemed valid based on their similar upbringing and rock-based sound. The year 2004 began promisingly for Sweetnam, with the March release for her album Noise from the Basement and a new single in Tangled Up in Me.

Skye has now been on the road for over 2 years rocking with her band. They've ventured everywhere from the club circuit in the Canadian Maritimes, to jam-packed arenas with Britney Spears, visiting more than twenty countries in all.

Heart Of Glass

Once I had a love and it was a gas

Soon turned out had a heart of glass

Seemed like the real thing, only to find

Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind

Once I had a love and it was divine

Soon found out I was losing my mind

Seemed like the real thing

But I was so blind

Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind

In between

What I find is pleasing and I'm feeling fine

Love is so confusing there's no peace of mind

If I fear I'm losing you it's just no good

You teasing like you do

Once I had a love and it was a gas

Soon turned out I had a heart of glass

Seemed like the real thing only to find

Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind

Lost inside

Adorable illusion and I cannot hide

I'm the one you're using, please don't push me aside

We could have made it cruising, yeah

Yeah, riding high on love's true bluish light

Once I had a love and it was a gas

Soon turned out I had a heart of glass

Seemed like the real thing only to find

Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind


本期有奖征集歌词活动所选出的是《摇滚小魔女―闹翻地下室》专辑中的一首歌曲――《Heart Of Glass》。请喜爱音乐的读者朋友们将你们翻译好的歌词寄给我们,我们会从中选出一份翻译得最出色的作品,推荐给EMI公司。被选中的作者将获得由EMI公司提供的该专辑正版CD一张。还等什么,赶快行动吧!记住,截止日期是5月20日哦!

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