
时间:2022-09-16 06:59:31



Module3 Literature――Period 1 Introduction and Reading


In this module, all the learning materials and activities centered on the topic Charles Dickens and his works. In the introduction part, two activities are included which will enable the students to learn vocabulary on literature and information on ‘Oliver Twist’. By doing these exercises, students can lay a good foundation for reading. Reading and Vocabulary introduced an extract from ‘Oliver Twist.’ The passage enables the students to learn the life in the middle of the 19th century, a period that is now called Victorian but also words and expressions related to this topic. The first of the four activities after reading is designed for choosing the summary and the others for the learning of vocabulary.

These two parts make it possible for students to relate their knowledge about Oliver Twist and the topic to what they are going to learn. With this in mind, it will also be easier for students to understand the reading material and actively participate in the learning activities such as listening, speaking and writing as well as grammar and vocabulary in this module.



a. To learn to describe the people and characters in the novel of Charles Dickens.

b. To learn some useful expressions related to the passage and appreciate them.

Important words and expressions: orphan, novel, novelist, starve, workhouse, appetite, companion, starve, warden, assistant, whisper, astonishment, nudge, misery, serve, hang, take place, pick out, hold on to, in a weak voice, knock at, hit sb. on the head, with a large pot at one hand, be desperate with hunger and misery


a. Talk about the novels of Charles Dickens;b. Learn to summarize a story in one’s own words;c. Guess the meaning of the words according to the context;d. Role play the scene from ‘Oliver Twist’;e. Rewrite the story


4、 文化意识。了解英国古典文学和同期中国古典文学,了解它们对世界文化的贡献。


1、To get the students to learn the writing background of the novel ‘Oliver Twist’ and make some predictions about the story.

2、How to summarize a story or a part of story.3. How to improve the students’ reading ability:4. Grammar: Ways of emphasizing


How to enable the students to summarize a story and describe characters properly


Multi-media and a projector

A bowl and a spoon A soup spoon


Skimming, Scanning and Summarizing


Ask the students to surf the net to look for Charles Dickens and his works.


Step 1:Greetings

Step 2:Teaching the new lesson



T In the last period, I ask you to surf the Internet to get some background information about the Oliver Twist and its writer. Now let’s share your information. Tell me how many novels written by Charles Dickens you have read and what they are.

S1. I have read “Hard Times” and “A Tale of two cities”

S2. I have read “ David Copperfield” :S3: I have “A Christmas Carol” “Great Expectation” and “Oliver Twist”T OK! Very good! Today we are going to learn the novel Oliver Twist. Now look at the picture and talk about it using the words given in activity 1. Turn to Page 29. Read the intruduction about Charles Dickens and Oliver Twist to learn some key words related to the topic, guess the meaning of the words according to the context and finish Activity 1. .Match the definitions with the correct words.(I will give you two minutes, you can have a discussion.)

T Check the answers with the whole class

Now let’s do Activity 2. Work in pairs, describe the picture using the questions printed in Activity 2 and predict what will happen.

Look at the picture. It shows a scene of the novel “Oliver Twist”. Look at it carefully and try to answer the questions.

What does Oliver look like?

S He is very poor and dirty, he looks like a beggar.T Yes, let’s go on. Why is he in the workhouse?S Maybe he was born in a poor family and his parents

both dead, he had to be there for shelter and food.

T Well done! Another question :what’s in his hand what is he saying to the man?

S A bowl in his hand and he may be saying “I’m hungry and I want more.”

T Good. Please guess “Could the man give him and what will happen?”

[设计思路] 利用教学资源的收集和课堂提问导入新课,引出模块话题,通过看图对人物描述 回答问题以及对事的预测,激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生参与学习的积极性,为阅读打下良好基础。

上一篇:新时代背景下教师素质的思考 下一篇:浅谈中学体育差生的心理障碍及消除方法