
时间:2022-09-16 02:59:25



关键词:文学翻译 灵活翻译 理解原文 读者反映





(杨译) Jiang Yuhan gives a new friend a scarlet perfumed sash

Baochai bashfully shows her red bracelet scented with musk

(霍译) A crimson cummerbund became a pledge of friendship

And a chaplet of medicine-beads becomes a source of embarrassment

相比之下,杨译固然直接,一一对应译出了字面意思,但细细品味似乎并不如霍译的a pledge of friendship和a source of embarrassment概括性强,含义深刻,它开篇就点明题旨,有吸引读者继续读书的作用,而且读毕下面章节后仍会觉得言简意赅,含义隽永。


(原文) ……就便死了,也是屈死鬼,任凭高僧高道忏悔也不能超生,还得你申明了缘故,我才得托生呢!

(杨译)……If I die now I can only become a ‘ghost hounded to death,’ and not even the massed of the best bonzes and Taoists will be able to save my soul. I can only be born again if you’ll tell me what’s wrong

(霍译) ……If I were to die now, I should die with a grievance, and all the masses and exorcisms in the world wouldn’t lay my ghost. Only when you explained what your reason was for ignoring me should I cease from haunting you and be reborn into another life.



……湘云走来,笑道:“爱哥哥,林姐姐,你们天天一处玩,我好容易来了,也不理我理儿。”黛玉笑道:“偏是咬舌子爱说话,连个 ‘二’哥哥也叫不上来,只是‘爱’哥哥‘爱’哥哥的。回来赶围棋儿,又该你闹幺‘爱’三了。……湘云笑道:这一辈子我自然比不上你。我只保佑着明儿得一个咬舌儿林姐夫,时时刻刻你可听‘爱’呀‘厄’的去!阿弥陀佛,那时才现在我眼里呢!



They were interrupted by Hsiang-yun’s arrival.

“why, Ai Brother and Sister Lin!” she cried cheerfully. “You can be together every day, but it’s rarely I have a chance to visit you; yet you pay no attention to poor little me.”

“The lisper loves to rattle away,” said Tai-yu with a laugh. “Fancy saying ai instead of erh(note) like that. I suppose, when we start dicing, you’ll be shouting one, love, three, four, five…”


Natually I’ll never come up to you in this lifetime. I just pray that you’ll marry a husband who talks like me , so that you hear nothing but ‘love’ the whole day long. Amida Buddha! May I live to see that day!”

That set everyone laughing, and Hsiang-yun turned and ran out.

(Translators’ Note: Erh means “two” or “second” and ai “love”)


Just then Xiang-yun burst in on them and reproved them smilingly for abandoning her:

‘ Couthin Bao, Couthin Lin: you can thee each other every day. It’s not often I get a chanthe to come here; yet now I have come, you both ignore me!’

Dai-yu burst out laughing:

‘Lisping doesn’t seem to make you any less talkative! Listen to you:”Couthin!” “Couthin!” Presently, when you’re playing Racing Go, you’ll be all “thickehteh” and “theventh”!’


‘I shall never be a match for you as long as I live,’ Xiang-yun said to Dai-yu with a disarming smile. ‘All I can thay ith that I hope you marry a lithping huthband, tho that you have “ithee-withee” “ithee-withee” in your earth every minute of the day. Ah! I think I can thee that blethed day already before may eyeth!

Bao-yu could not help laughing; but Xiang-yun had already truned and fled.

毋庸讳言,杨译和霍译都是很好的译文,在遣词用字和句型结构安排上都下了很大的功夫,但根据奈达的读者反映理论,这里霍译的元音变辅音的“咬舌子”效果似乎更好。这里的“咬舌子”其实就是元音的ai和er 分不清,但在英语中没有直接的对应。Lisping指的是辅音分不清,也就是咝音(sibilant)和齿音(dental)分不清,相当于汉语中发不好的平舌音和翘舌音。霍克斯把“二和爱”的元音混淆转换成咝音和齿音的变化,为译语读者创造了极大的方便之门,不能不说是一种创造性的灵活翻译手段。

奈达在他的《翻译理论与实践》 (The Theory and Practice of Translation)一书中提到,信息对等优于形式对等。他主张从译入语读者角度,而不是从译文形式角度来看待翻译,要实现动态对等(dynamic equivalence),要看译文能否为目的语读者所理解。动态对等就是指译语接受者对译语信息的反应和源语接受者对原文的反应基本相同 (Dynamic equivalence is therefore to be defined in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source language) 。为了达到这种基本相同的反应,就要对译文进行相应的调整。所以是否完成了翻译的任务达到了既定的效果,就要看译语接受者的反应,换句话说,译语读者的反应就是评判译文质量的标准。




[1] Nida, Eugene A & Charles R. Taber. The Theory and Practice of Translation[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2004.

[2] 金. 文学翻译课讲义:转换与创新[A].

[3] 曹雪芹著,杨宪益,戴乃迭译. A Dream of Red Mansions[Z]. 北京:外文出版社,1973.

[4] 曹雪芹著,Hawkes,David译. The Story of the Stone[Z]. Penguin Group, 1973.

[5] 刘艳. 奈达和纽马克翻译理论对比初探[J]. 长春师范学院学报(人文社会科学版),2006(1): 120-122

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