
时间:2022-08-22 06:54:12



关键词:人脸检测;肤色聚类;最小二乘法;CbCrCg空间; 三维肤色模型

中图分类号: TP391.41 文献标志码:A

Face detection pre.processing method based on three.dimensional skin color model

SUN Jin.guang, ZHOU Yu.cheng*, MENG Xiang.fu, LI Yang

School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Huludao Liaoning 125105, China


In order to improve the face detection test results under the influence of illumination change and complex background, an algorithm of 3 dimension color clustering model based on direct least squares estimate was proposed during the preprocessing phrase. Firstly, three plane projection distribution of skin color was seen as fitting object in CbCrCg space, and then smooth edge was get by median filter and Sobel operator, at last the best 3 dimension color model was get through direct least squares. In experiment, the public face library and face image which is get by outdoor shooting were seen as objects, and the experiment results show that, this algorithm has better segmentation effects than traditional color preprocessing algorithm, and it has impr-oved the detection rate more effectively.

In order to improve the face detection test results under the influence of illumination change and complex background, an algorithm of 3D color clustering model based on direct least squares estimate was proposed during the preprocessing phrase. Firstly, three plane projection distributions of skin color were seen as fitting objects in CbCrCg space, and then smooth edge was got by median filter and Sobel operator, at last the best 3D color model was got through direct least squares. In experiment, the public face library and face image got by outdoor shooting were seen as objects, and the experimental results show that, this algorithm has better segmentation effects than traditional color preprocessing algorithm, and it has improved the detection rate more effectively.

Key words:

face detection; skin color clustering; least square; CbCrCg space; 3D skin color model

0 引言




1 空间选取及肤色模型建立

1.1 颜色空间选取

对于肤色检测,颜色空间的选取是关键的一步[8]。常见的肤色分割空间有RGB、HIS、HSV、YCbCr等,其中YCbCr空间由于具有亮度与色度分离的特性及较好的肤色聚类性,是最常用的颜色空间。相比YCbCr空间, de Dios提出的YCgCr 空间肤色聚类性更好[9],而且充分体现了肤色中蓝色分量相对较少的特征。但由于光照的影响,肤色在以上两个空间并非简单的二维关系,即使同一肤色点,由于光照影响,可能处于三维空间相离很远的两个位置,因此简单地在二维平面上投影处理,容易造成肤色和非肤色点的重叠[10]。本文采用CbCrCg颜色空间,避开亮度信息,通过三个平面肤色分布拟合情况来研究肤色的三维空间分布模型,提高肤色模型对光照和复杂背景的鲁棒性。由RGB空间转化到CbCrCg颜色空间的公式如下:




上一篇:基于双正交基字典学习的图像去噪方法 下一篇:基于Gabor滤波器的快速人脸识别算法