
时间:2022-09-20 07:22:23




中图分类号: TP391.4 文献标志码:A

New method of block.restoration for motor.vehicle blurred images

LI Yu.cheng*, YU Hai.tao, WANG Mu.shu

College of Mechanical Electronical and Engineering, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144, China


During the restoration of actual motion blurred images based on Wiener filtering, restoration results were affected by serious ringing effects and not.ideal local restoration. Its main reasons were found through theoretical analysis, experimental comparisons and the study of the characteristics of the actual motion blurring process. Propose the artificial boundary compensation and block.restoration to restrain ringing effect and local not.ideal restoration. The relations of blur parameters, space positions and speeds, even the standard of blocking partition were given. Experimental results verify that the proposed method of the boundary compensation and the block.restoration can effectively reduce ringing effect and keep whole performance well.

During the restoration of actual motion blurred images based on Wiener filtering, restoration results get affected by serious ringing effect and unsatisfactory local restoration. Its main reasons were found through theoretical analysis, experimental comparisons and the study of the characteristics of the actual motion blurring process. It was proposed that the artificial boundary compensation and block.restoration were used to restrain ringing effect and local unsatisfactory restoration. The relations of blur parameters, space positions and speeds, even the standard of blocking partition were given. The experimental results verify that the proposed method of the boundary compensation and the block.restoration can effectively reduce ringing effect and maintain the consistency of the overall image restoration effect.

Key words:

Wiener filtering; motion blur; ringing effect; blur process; blur parameter

0 引言

运动模糊图像的恢复对图像的利用和进一步分析至关重要,特别是对图像进行识别和信息提取具有非常大的实际意义。对模糊图像的处理主要有检测模糊参数和恢复处理两个关键步骤,需要采用相应的检测或处理方法。例如霍夫变换[1]、最大期望(Expectation Maximization,EM)算法[2]、改进的Radon变换[3]、差分[4]、相关系数法[5]、方向微分[6]以及样条插值[7]等方法能够用来检测模糊参数;维纳滤波和迭代法被广泛地用于图像恢复,此外,逆滤波算法[8]、遗传算法[9]和小波变换法[10]也被用于图像恢复。但在实际图像恢复中,存在很多影响恢复效果的因素,其中振铃效应和局部恢复差异的问题较为明显。目前,针对运动模糊图像恢复结果中的振铃现象,已有一些处理方法,如自适应滤波[11-12]、改进的自适应滤波[13]等,试图弱化振铃现象;而改进λ取值的维纳滤波恢复[14]、循环边界延拓法[15] 则试图避免产生振铃。但这些方法均存在处理结果不太理想或计算量成倍增加等问题。而目前鲜有文献涉及运动模糊图像恢复中整体与局部参数差异的问题,这一问题也明显影响恢复的效果。



1 振铃产生的原因分析


7 结语


1) 由式(7)可知,模糊长度的大小与目标点所在的位置和运行速度相关。当运动目标自身长度较长、或高度较高、或者摄像头离目标距离较近时,目标各区域的模糊长度差异较大。并且,随运动速度增大,这种差异被放大。所以,为了获得一致的模糊恢复效果,需要对目标进行分块恢复,并且越是高速运动的目标或大型目标进行分块恢复的必要性越大。图11反映了给定条件下,分块区域的划分情况。

2) 实验表明,振铃现象是因为实际运动模糊图像不满足维纳滤波要求的周期性而产生的。为了克服振铃现象,可以人为地对图像的边界进行补偿,以尽可能满足维纳滤波要求的周期性,从而获得较好的恢复效果。





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上一篇:马尔可夫边缘描述符的图像特征提取算法 下一篇:新的桶形畸变的点阵样板校正方法