
时间:2022-08-18 04:25:19


[摘要] 目的 探讨急性脑出血患者存在哪些相关的危险因素易导致消化道出血(GH)。方法 根据严格的诊断标准筛选出271例脑出血患者作为研究对象,并根据是否合并GH,把患者分为两组;同时对两组患者7个方面的指标进行观察,收集相关数据并进行单因素分析和多因素logistic回归分析,以探讨7个因素中哪些是е录毙阅猿鲅患者易并发GH的危险因素。 结果 单因素分析结果显示脑出血部位、脑出血原因、脑出血量和GCS评分是潜在的急性脑出血并发GH的危险因素。多因素logistic回归分析显示,脑出血部位、GCS评分是急性脑出血并发GH的独立危险因素。 结论 对于急性脑出血患者,出血原因、出血量、出血部位、GCS评分,是判断其并发GH可能性大小的重要因素。对于出血量较大,部位靠近丘脑、脑干等边缘系统者,GCS评分较低者应积极用PPI治疗,预防GH的发生,可改善患者的预后。

[关键词] 急性脑出血;消化道出血;危险因素

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the risk factors which make the acute cerebral hemorrhage patients easily lead to gastrointestinal bleeding (GH). Method According to strict diagnostic criteria, screening out of 271 cases of cerebral hemorrhage for the study. Based on a merger of GH, the patients were divided into two groups; univariate indicators of two groups of patients were simultaneously observed in seven areas, and collect relevant data for analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis to investigate the seven factors, which is a risk factor in patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage easily complicated by the GH. Results Univariate analysis showed that cerebral hemorrhage site, cerebral hemorrhage causes cerebral hemorrhage and GCS score was the potential risk factor for acute cerebral hemorrhage of GH. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that cerebral hemorrhage site, GCS score were the independent risk factors for acute cerebral hemorrhage of GH. Conclusion For patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage, bleeding causes bleeding, the bleeding site and GCS score are the important factors in judging the possibility of concurrent GH. For cerebral hemorrhage patients, the sizes of bleeding, the site near the thalamus, brain stem and other limbic system, and lower GCS score is more likely to lead to GH, so PPI should be actively used in advance to treat or prevent the occurrence of GH while it could improve the prognosis of intracerebral haemorrhage patients.

[Key words] acute cerebral hemorrhage; gastrointestinal bleeding; risk factors

急性脑出血是神经系统一种严重的疾病,有较高的致死率、致残率,预后较差;Cushing溃疡导致的消化道出血是急性脑出血的并发症之一,发生率达48.3%,死亡率高达87.9%[1]。因此尽早识别和预防脑出血患者并发的消化道出血(gastrointestinal haemorrhage,GH)可以降低患者的死亡率[2]。本研究回顾分析了在神经外科住院的271例脑出血患者的临床资料,探讨急性脑出血并发GH的危险因素,为临床医师认识和防治GH,改善患者预后提供借鉴。

1. 材料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 研究方法

1.2.1 入选条件:脑出血经病史分析、体格检查及头颅CT检查确诊。并排除近期有消化性溃疡活动或出血者;正在使用抗凝剂或抗血小板药物或非甾体类药物者;有凝血功能障碍或严重肝肾疾病者。



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上一篇:校长应如何提高课程领导能力 下一篇:急性脑梗死患者阿替普酶溶栓致过敏2例并文献复...