
时间:2022-07-18 11:42:10



>> 节能减排视角下我国农村节能灯的推广研究 北京破解节能灯推广难题 我国LED节能灯产业发展现状研究 节能灯的质量现状和改进方法 LED节能灯的现状和发展前景 智能楼道节能灯 废旧节能灯何去何从 节能灯省电技巧 电子节能灯制造关键技术研究 提高节能灯利用率的研究 废旧节能灯回收体系研究及改进 节能灯照明系统谐波电流问题研究 节能灯:照明艺术与创新体验 节能灯发光效率与光衰分析 节能灯灯牌拆装器 节能灯:节能背后的真相 哪种节能灯最节能? 节能灯出口又遇波澜 节能灯:小改动大收益 节能灯产业的战略机遇 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

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Study on Strategies of Popularization and Promotion of Energy-saving Lamps

in theRural Areas of Hunan Province

Tan Bin1,Zhang Xiaolong1,Lü Xiang1,Zhao Ziheng1,Zhou Xuanhan2

(1.School of Economic and Management,University of South China,Hengyang 421001,China;

2.School of Electric Engineering,University of South China,Hengyang 421001,China)

Abstract:In this paper,14 cities of Hunan province are firstly classified into three levels and four categories,and one city in each category is chosen to making a survey.Secondly,the national rural census data and survey data of this study are used to analyse current situations of the utilization of energy-saving lamps in three rural areas of Hunan with different development level which includes developed,developing and undeveloped level.Finally,the popularization and promotion strategies of energy-saving lamps in Hunan rural areaare discussed from the view of government,production enterprises and sellers.

Key words:energy-saving lamps;rural area;energy-saving;promotion strategy

上一篇:杜松山地育苗技术探讨 下一篇:节能减排视角下我国农村节能灯的推广研究