
时间:2022-07-08 06:32:09


Penelope: Hey, Sebastian! ①Glad to see you’re still kicking!

Sebastian: Hi, Penelope. What’s that supposed to mean?

Penelope: I’m just glad your new job hasn’t done you in. ②You’ve been kind of off the radar lately, so we all assumed you were in over your head at the new company. Sebastian: Well, kind of. But I’m still alive and well; it’s nothing I can’t handle!

Penelope: ③That’s the spirit! So, what’s it like? Is the new boss a slave driver?

Sebastian: Hardly. She’s pretty relaxed about working styles, as long as everyone meets the deadlines.

Penelope: She sounds reasonable. If she’s not the problem, then it must be the workload that’s got you down. Did they load you down with projects right off the bat?

Sebastian: Not at all. ④They’re letting me get my feet wet with some small projects, so I can really ease into the new position.

Penelope: Then I’m 1)stumped. Why have you been 2)bummed about the new job?

Sebastian: It actually has nothing to do with the job itself. I’ve just been trying to figure out how to fit in with my new co-workers.

Penelope: ⑤I never would have guessed! You’re such an 3)upbeat guy, it’s hard to imagine you’d have a problem fitting in.

Sebastian: It’s never been a problem before, but this office culture is different from my last job. They’re a lot more negative. Penelope: I’m surprised. From what you’ve said, the work environment seems pretty relaxed. Why would there be a negative 4)vibe?

Sebastian: I don’t think they’re actually bad people, but many of them really like to gossip.

Penelope: ⑥You mean, they like to talk about people behind their backs?

Sebastian: Yep. Co-workers, clients, even the boss. It seems like every time they take a smoke break, they pick someone else to criticize.

Penelope: I can imagine. All your co-workers standing around 5)dissing people, and you standing off to the side, not saying a word.

Sebastian: That’s right!

Penelope: Well, is that so bad? If they want to be rude, you can let them. Don’t feel the need to sink down to their level.

Sebastian: I mostly agree with you. But the problem is, if I don’t start gossiping with them soon, I’ll end up with a reputation as the anti-social new guy.

Penelope: Ah, now I can see where you’re coming from. No matter who they are, your co-workers are still your co-workers, and a good rapport is important.

Sebastian: Bingo. So what can I do?

Penelope: ⑦Well, in my humble opinion, I think you’re doing it half-right already. There’s no need to pick up other people’s bad habits. Always follow your own moral compass instead of sacrificing your ideals just to fit in.

Sebastian: I wholeheartedly agree. So how can I do that?

Penelope: It won’t be easy, but I think you can do it. If they don’t want to talk about anything other than gossip, see if you can start some conversations about something else.

Sebastian: That will be hard, especially since I don’t know them very well yet.

Penelope: You don’t have to do it with everyone all at once. You can start one-on-one. After you get a feel for who they are, then you can start conversations about their interests.

Sebastian: That’s not a bad idea. Maybe it’s the group 6)dynamic that’s the problem, not the individuals.

Penelope: Almost certainly! Hey, it’s time for me to go. Good luck, and let me know how it goes!

Sebastian: Sure thing! See you later!































Smart Sentences

① Glad to see you’re still kicking! 很高兴看到你活得好好的!

still kicking: active and well, well and healthy(活蹦乱跳,照旧活跃)。例如:

―How is Bill since his stroke last year?


―Oh, he’s still kicking.


② You’ve been kind of off the radar lately, so we all assumed you were in over your head at the new company.你最近都不知所踪,所以我们猜想新公司让你忙得焦头烂额。

off the radar: be forgotten or ignored(被忘记,不被留意)。例如:

Lily has locked herself in the lab to work on the new materials and has been off the radar.


in over sb.’s head: a situation is too busy or difficult for sb. to handle(太忙/难,无法承受)。例如:

I’ve been in over my head all summer, working on my thesis.


③ That’s the spirit! 这就对了!

That’s the spirit: used to express approval of the other’s attitude and energy, same as “That is the right attitude.”(表达对对方态度和干劲的赞许,等同于“That is the right attitude”)。例如:

―I’ve decided not to worry about the final result and just try my best at the speech competition.


―That’s the spirit.


④ They’re letting me get my feet wet with some small projects, so I can really ease into the new position. 他们让我着手一些小的项目,所以我可以真正轻松地进入新环境。

get one’s feet wet: get a little first-time experience with sth.(开始参与,初试)。例如:

You can’t blame him for the not-so-perfect report. He’s hardly got his feet wet yet.


⑤ I never would have guessed!我真的没想到!

I never would have guessed: used to express surprise(用以表达意外)。例如:

I heard Wendy was let go because of the accident. I never would have guessed it.我听说韵迪因为那场事故被解雇,我怎么也不会想到是这种结果。

⑥You mean, they like to talk about people behind their backs? 你的意思是,他们喜欢在别人背后说闲话?

behind sb.’s back: sth. is done without sb. knowing about it(背地里)。例如:

Amy loves to talk about her co-workers behind their backs.


⑦ Well, in my humble opinion, I think you’re doing it half-right already. 好吧,依我看,我觉得你已经做对了一半。

in my humble opinion: a phrase introducing the speaker’s opinion(按愚见,据鄙人之见)。例如:

In my humble opinion, we really need to buy a new printer instead of endlessly repairing the old one.


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