
时间:2022-06-18 02:50:17





Scene 1:When a Writer Meets Wine




Maya: You know, can I ask you a personal question, Miles?

Miles: Sure.

Maya: Why are you so into Pinot注1? (Miles laughs.) I mean, it’s like a thing with you.

Miles: I don’t know. I don’t know. Um...it’s a hard grape to grow, as you know, right? It’s…it’s thin-skinned, temperamental[喜怒无常的], ripens early. It’s…you know, it’s not a survivor like Cabernet注2, which can just grow anywhere and…thrive[茁壮成长] even when it’s

neglected. No, Pinot needs constant care and attention, you know. And, in fact, it can only grow in these really specific, little tucked-away[使隐藏] corners of the world. And…and only the most patient and nurturing[有养育心的] of growers can do it, really. Only somebody who really takes the time to understand Pinot’s potential can then coax[哄]

it into its fullest expression. And then, I mean, oh, its

flavors, they’re just the most haunting[不易忘怀的] and brilliant and thrilling[激动人的] and subtle[微妙的] and…ancient on the planet. What about you?

Maya: What about me?

Miles: I don’t know. Why are you into wine?

Maya: Oh, I…I think I…I originally got into wine through my ex-husband. You know, he had this big, sort of show-off cellar[酒窑], you know. But then I discovered that I had a really sharp palate[味觉]. And the more I drank, the more I liked what it made me think about.

Miles: Like what?

Maya: I like to think about the life of wine. How it’s a living

thing. I like to think about what was going on the year the grapes were growing how the sun was shining, if it rained. I like to think about all the people who tended[照看]

and picked the grapes, and if it’s an old wine, how many of them must be dead by now. I like how wine continues to evolve[变化]. Like, if I opened a bottle of wine today, it would taste different than if I’d opened it on any other day, because a bottle of wine is actually alive, and it’s

constantly evolving and gaining complexity that is,

until it peaks, like your ’61. And then it begins its steady,

inevitable[不可避免的] decline.










Scene 2: When a Waitress Meets Pies




Old Joe: Oh, give me a smile, Jenna. Nobody makes strawberry chocolate pie the way you do. Wednesday’s my favorite day of the week, ’cause I get to have a slice of it. I think about it as I’m waking up. Could solve all the problems with the world, that pie.

Jenna: You’re making too much of it. It’s

just a pie.

Old Joe: Just a pie? It’s downright[彻底的] expert. A thing of

beauty. How each flavor opens

itself, one by one, like a chapter in a book. First the flavor of an exotic[奇异的] spice hits you, just a hint of it. And then you’re flooded with chocolate, dark and bittersweet, like an old love affair. And finally, strawberry the way strawberry was always supposed to taste, but never knew how.

(Several weeks later.)

Old Joe: If I’d ever met a girl like you, Jenna, my whole life could have been different. (Jenna laughs.) You don’t even know what you are deep inside. You’re

not just some little waitress. You understand what I’m saying?

Jenna: Not at all. No.

Old Joe: I’m saying…my whole life I spent lost. If a sign said “go this way,” I’d go the other way, time

after time after time. I turned the wrong corner, made the wrong choice, went the wrong way, like a chicken without a head. You understand?

Jenna: You “was a chicken without a head”?

Old Joe: Pie-lady, listen to me. This life will kill you. I’m saying...make the right choice. Start fresh. It’s never too late. Start fresh.











Scene 3: When a Chef Meets Bad Luck


《厨房秘事》(Kitchen Confidential)剧情简介


Jack: Okay, who’s a little freaked out[吓坏了] about what happened last night?

The Crowd: Me!

Jack: Well, relax. We’re not gonna get robbed again. Lightning just not strike twice. Tonight Nolita’s the

safest place in New York City.

Mimi: Unless we become an easy target and we get hit again and again and again...

Jack: Okay, somebody get her a drink. This is

nothing! This is hiccup[间隔]. This is a speed bump注3.

Donna: Have you seen today’s paper?

Jack: Not yet.

Donna: (reads) “Diners at Nolita were served up an order of terror last night as three gun men

brutally[残酷地] robbed the trendy downtown eatery[餐馆].”

Jack: So? You think people are going to stay away because of a newspaper article?

The Crowd: Yes!

Jack: No! This is New York City! This is the greatest

city in the world with the toughest people in the world! We’re going to bounce back[卷土重来]! You guys need proof? Take a look at this. (Steven shows the crowd the booking list.) Yeah! We’re totally booked for

tonight! It’s a full house, people! Now, what are you guys doing sitting there when we are the hottest restaurant in town and we have a city to feed? So, come on! Let’s go get them! Come on, let’s go!

(Despite Jack’s words, the business faces a sharp decline. Jack can’t help blaming himself to Pino, his boss.)

Jack: (sighs) That’s my fault. All this is my fault.

Pino: Oh, I see. So you actually think the robbery is your fault, don’t you?

Jack: All I’m saying is there’s a limited amount of good luck in the world. And...I used up my share a long time ago.

Pino: Well, personally, I don’t believe in luck. It decreases the merit[优点] of a man. (Jack tastes the dish.) It’s the first dish you ever made for me.

Jack: It’s good.

Pino: Yes. Your success is due to your hard work and your talent, Jack. We make our own luck.

Jack: (gasps) Thank you.

(Days later.)

Jack: Your passion. Your calling[职业使命感]. That’s what makes life worth living. Remember that, and everything else will follow.

Tanya: Nolita. Party of注4 eight tomorrow night? Yes! We can take you.

Jack: New York is a very forgiving town. If you’re good at what you do, it finds a way to reward you.
























注1:全称为Pinot Noir,世上最难种的酿酒葡萄之一,能酿成酒中极品的黑比诺红酒。

注2:全称为Cabernet Sauvignon,祖籍法国波尔多,如今遍布世界各地的著名酿酒葡萄品种。

注4:完整用法为“a party of…”,指一起行动的一行人,是订座常用语。

上一篇:我写故我在! 下一篇:都灵:挑动你的味蕾