
时间:2022-06-18 11:13:30


Two years ago, while exploring about Haruhi Suzumiya, I happened to discover that it was adapted from a book. Now, this was a new concept to me then I was a newcomer at the time, with a preconceived[先入为主的] notion that all anime were based upon manga. Later, I found that these books were called “light novels,” and many recent anime were actually based upon them, including some of my favorite series, like Shakugan no Shana, Trinity Blood, and Kino’s Journey.

Light novels are generally books that are heavy on dialogue

and place an emphasis[强调]

on an easy-to-understand plot development. In order to make the story more accessible[好懂的],

these books usually contain manga-style illustrations[插画].

Although they are mostly targeted at teens and young adults, many classic light novels go far beyond common school-based romantic dramas, creating complex worlds of fantasy. As a writer of light novels may go on to win a literary prize for ordinary novels, the best writers are no less than great masters, famous both at home and abroad. These years, light novels have been popular choices for anime adaptation, because there are fewer and fewer imaginative[富想象力的] original stories in the manga field.

Despite the fact that the domestic[国内的] market of light novels is worth more than $160 million with about 30

million copies published annually[每年] and that the books enjoy great popularity in Asia, English translations used to be rare, due to low demand and the difficulty of translation. However, in 2007, Seven Seas Entertainment became the first English publisher to print light novels. Overseas readers like me finally have the chance to join this unique[独特的] world of writing, which, in most cases, goes much deeper than its anime adaptations could ever do.





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