珍珠 第6期

时间:2022-05-29 11:20:24

珍珠 第6期

[美] J•米兰达李起 编译

It was the end of summer, a light rain had fallen. I saw you just as you came out from the tree line on the far side of the field. You looked so good. My heart skipped a beat. I found myself moving in your direction. It was almost hypnotic in the way things felt around me. I could smell the grass around me. The rain drops dripping from the barn doors. Even the yellow flowers which covered the way to you seemed even brighter than usual. I didn’t know when I would see you again. Time had slipped by and now we were each heading in our own directions to discover our own discoveries; and yet, hoping that somehow we could still continue with what had fallen to us in this special time and place.

There was no sound only that which came from within. You looked just as I had seen you that first time. A smile that rendered you helpless and a look in your eyes filled with mystery and wonder. As I crossed the field I caught a glimpse of something. I stopped. Looked down at my feet and realized it was a shiny pearl, plain and majestic in its own way. Holding as much mystery and awe as that special someone before me. It didn’t matter where it came from only that it would carry this story much like how it came to be here, at this moment. I scooped it up seeing that this had to be a sign of something wonderful and special for a special someone.

When I drew closer your arms extended to me and I easily slid in as I had done countless times before. But, today was different. I kissed you and it felt like I was alive all over again. I held you tight to me since I wanted to make sure that I would remember every moment because it would have to last me a lifetime.

While the rain began to fall, I kissed you and you cried. I could taste your kisses and the tears once again. I was reborn with you in that sweet touch of our lips and in the love we shared.

I told you I loved you and turned to walk away. I knew then in that single moment that even though I had been and felt alive in your touch that I would never see you again. I hoped with all that was in me that the rain would cover my own heart so that you would not see just how you touched me.

As I walked away, I looked in my hand and discovered I had not given you the pearl. But when I turned, you were gone. The only thing I had left was a pearl and the dream of her always and forever in my heart.

The alarm clock sounded. I jumped up, looked around the room startled by the sound and saying to myself it was only a dream. I turned to fluff up the pillows to return to my sleep when I felt something. I looked down and there right by my pillow was a pearl.









上一篇:希望的颜色 下一篇:你会像Cory一样妥善处理问题吗?