
时间:2022-04-21 11:15:42



German Etiquette Group Targets Workplace Kissing

A society in Germany which advises on etiquette[礼仪] and social behaviour has called for kissing to be banned in the workplace.

The Knigge Society says the practice of greeting colleagues and business partners with a kiss on the cheek is uncomfortable for many Germans.

The society’s chairman, Hans-Michael Klein, says he has received concerned emails from workers on the issue.

He advises people in the workplace to stick to the traditional handshake.

“We can’t forbid (kissing in the workplace),” he told the BBC.

“But we have to protect people who don’t want to be kissed. So we are suggesting that if people don’t mind it, they announce it with a little paper message placed on their desk.”

Mr. Klein said he had received 50 emails this year alone on the rise of kissing on the cheek-sometimes both cheeks-as a greeting at work.

“People say this is not typical German behaviour,” he said.

“It has come from places like Italy, France and South America, and belongs in a specific cultural context. ‘We don’t like it.’ they say.”

The society held a meeting on the issue, and carried out a survey of people both on the street and at their seminars, he said.

“Most people said they didn’t like it. They feel there is somehow an erotic aspect to it -a form of body contact which can be used by men to get close to a woman.”

He said there is, in Europe, a “social distance zone” of 60cm (23in.) which should be observed.

“Knigge” translates as “proper behaviour”, and the society is based in a castle 80km from Dortmund in western Germany.

It has reportedly previously ruled on the correct way to end a relationship via text message, and how to deal with a runny nose in public.

1. It is advised by the society that ________.

A. people should ban kissing wherever they are

B. people should shake hands in public places

C. people should announce it when they hate to be kissed

D. people should kiss others on the cheek instead of both cheeks

2. It can be inferred from the underlined sentence that _______.

A. German people have been kissing each other since long ago

B. German people find it especially polite to kiss each other in public places

C. German people find it new and uncommon to kiss each others in public places D. German people have spread their kissing in public places to other European countries


Birmingham Disorder: Father’s Plea over Haroon Jahan’s Death

The father of a man who was killed along with two others when they were hit by a car during Tuesday’s disorder in Birmingham has appealed for calm.

Haroon Jahan, 21, Shahzad Ali, 30, and Abdul Musavir, 31, died as they protected property. A man aged 32 has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

Tariq Jahan urged people to stay calm, and said communities should be united.

About 250 people attended a peaceful vigil[守夜] on Dudley Road in Winson Green, which began late on Wednesday night. Mr. Jahan stood in the middle of a semi-circle of well-wishers as they lit candles. The crowd gathered near the scene of the fatal hit-and-run incident, which happened as the three men guarded property along with a crowd of 80 or so people on Tuesday night.

Harpreet Singh, 28, who helped to organise the vigil, said: “Let this be a message to other communities, not just Muslims and Sikhs, let’s stand together, let’s hold candlelight vigils. People have been hurt, families have been hurt, if we don’t stop this, and the people who are rioting do not stop this, there will be more people dying. It has to stop and we are standing here united.”

He questioned the effectiveness of West Midlands Police’s handling of the disorder in Birmingham and elsewhere but said that Sikhs and Muslims would unite to bring peace to the area.

“We as Sikhs, we have been there and we have been protecting the mosques[清真寺],” to which one man shouted from the crowd, “and we will protect the temples.”

Speaking earlier on Wednesday about the death of his son, Mr. Jahan said losing a family member was something no mother, father, son or sister should endure.

“Today, we stand here to call to all the youth to remain calm, for our communities to stay united,” he said. “As we stand here today, this is not a race issue. The families have received messages of sympathy and support from all parts of the communities-from all faiths, all colours and backgrounds.”

He appealed for people to respect the memories of their sons by staying away from trouble and not going out. “I have lost my son-if you want to lose yours step forward, otherwise calm down and go home.”

West Midlands Police Chief Constable Chris Sims said the incident happened when a group of males had been gathered close to a petrol station in Dudley Road.

“At some point, and in circumstances that as yet I can’t fully explain, a vehicle has been driven into that group of males, which tragically has led to three of those men losing their lives.” Referring to the arrest he said: “He has been arrested for murder because the information that we have at the moment would support the idea the car was deliberately driven.”

Witnesses to the incident said the three men-to of them brothers-were part of a group protecting shops from looting.

1. According to the news report, Tariq Jahan is _______.

A. one of the three men killed during Tuesday’s disorder

B. head of the community where the disorder occurred

C. the person who organized the vigil

D. father of one of the three men killed in the disorder

2. The underlined word “fatal” probably means “_____”.

A. unexpected B. deadly C. unfortunate D. intended

3. The vigil was held for all BUT _______.

A. to protect the property from further damage

B. to encourage the community to work together

C. to prevent more people from losing their lives

D. to promote peace between Sikhs and Muslims

4. We can know from Mr. Hahan’s words that _______.

A. all the young people should be enthusiastic against disorders

B. race issue is the basic cause of Tuesday’s disorder

C. people of various faiths and colours have shown great sympathy on them

D. young people should go all out to fight against any disorder


They seemed like best mates. Every time one of them got a point, they did a high five[击掌相庆]. The men were the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, and the President of the USA, Barack Obama.

The palling around[结伴玩耍] took place during Mr. Obama’s state visit to the UK.

On 10 April, 1971 a delegation of nine US table tennis athletes, 4 officials and 10 journalists entered mainland China through a bridge from Hong Kong, which ended decades of “cold war” between China and the US.

40 years later, during a state visit by US President to the United Kingdom, President Obama and the UK Prime Minister David Cameron played a game of impromptu table tennis during a visit to a secondary school in south London. This was in the course of a time when the Anglo-US, which has been labeled as “special relationship” by leaders of both sides, was believed to be in a trough through a series of international incidents where the two countries were reported to be in disagreement.

There have been many examples of close working relationships between the leaders of the UK and the USA. Harold Macmillan and John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, Tony Blair and George Bush were all examples of Britishes and Americans standing shoulder to shoulder.

The closeness between Britain and America in the past has been described as “the special relationship”. But there has been speculation that, for Mr. Obama at least, the special relationship is not that special.

Now both men are keen to show that on matters of policy they have plenty in common. In a shared opinion piece in the Times newspaper, they write of “coming of age” at the same time, and seeing “eye to eye”.

As for the special relationship, they call it “an essential relationship”. Nick Robinson, the BBC’s Political Editor, says that the two men are not pretending to be bosom buddies but want to be seen as close allies[同盟]. He writes: “‘The essential relationship’ may lack emotion, warmth and nostalgia[怀旧], but it, like the president, is meant to be contemporary, practical and sincere.”

1. President Obama and the UK Prime Minister David Cameron played ping-pong together mainly ______.

A. to suggest they were good at playing table tennis

B. to tell the people how to play ping-pong

C. to show the relationship between the UK and the USA was close

D. to show they were best friends all the time

2. There are four presidents in the following, which one is NOT the previous US president?

A. Tony Blair. B. John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

C. Ronald Reagan. D. George Bush.

3. Why does Nick Robinson think of the relationship between the UK and the USA as the special relationship?

A. Because their relationship can make people feel moved.

B. Because their relationship can make people feel loved.

C. Because their relationship can make people recall things in the past.

D. Because their relationship can make people think they are facing many problems to solve together at the moment.

4. The phrase “bosom buddies” means ______.

A. close friends B. close gays

C. cold partners D. cold followers

5. We can infer that ______ from the passage.

A. the relationship between the UK and the USA is stable all the time

B. the relationship between the UK and the USA got through decades of “cold war” C. the relationship between the UK and the USA was low just before their meeting

D. the relationship between the UK and the USA was never improved



1. B推理判断题。根据文章第四段内容所说的人们在公共场所应该坚持传统的握手可以推知本题选B。

2. C推理判断题。根据画线文字的下文说明可以知道这种在公共场所的见面礼仪属于特定文化的礼节,是从意大利、法国、南美等传过来的,德国人并不喜欢。因此本题选C。


1. D推理判断题。根据文章第三小节的第一句话可以推知Tariq Jahan是死者之一的父亲。

2. B猜测词义题。根据上下文可以推知该肇事逃跑(hit-and-run)事故导致了三人丧命,因此该词应该是deadly(致命的)意义。

3. A细节理解题。根据文章第五小节的内容可以知道该守夜的目的主要为选项B、C和D,选项A是三个人丧生的原因,而非该守夜活动的目的。

4. C细节理解题。根据文章第九小节的最后一句话可以知道选项C正确。


1. C主旨归纳题。通读全文,可知奥巴马和卡梅伦一起打球的目的是向世人展现他们的关系亲密。

2. A细节理解题。看文中第五节,可知Tony Blair是英国前首相,而不是美国前总统。

3. D细节理解和推理判断题。根据文章最后一段,“want to be seen as close allies”可知。

4. A词意猜测题。根据下文的close allies(亲密同盟),可推知A正确。

5. C推理判断题。根据文中的第二节第二句,我们可推断出他们需要加强合作去共同处理国际问题。

上一篇:Wuhan―the City of Rivers 下一篇:经历就是财富