
时间:2023-10-11 00:22:10




关键词:英语口语 词穷意尽 联想学习法场景联想 语言联想 文化联想 









结算员:total amount/items/articles/loyalty card/membership card/changes/sign/be paid 

顾客:cash/credit card/plastic bags 










easy to write 




① That supermarket is very near.I can go there on foot everyday. 

② That supermarket is not far.I walk to there everyday. 

③ We cook all the food by ourselves. 

④ All the food is cooked by us. 











级Unit 3,我就将“Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes”这段听力内容利用零碎时间反复地向学生播放,我还将阅读材料“Should I allowed to make my own decisions?”用软件制作成音频听力材料让学生边读边听,强化语感。




在教学中,英语教师应特别提醒学生,在课本上见到grammar focus时要特别用心,对这块内容要像学古文的“之乎者也”一样一字一句地琢磨细节。此外,还要组织学生多做些语法方面的训练,注意在训练时将语法练习生活实用化,不要与学生生活离得









关键词: 数理逻辑思想 英语语法教学 应用













F(x)=un+x■(examples:unhappy/unusual...)im+x■(examples: impossible/impassable....)in+x■ (examples: incorrect/inconvenience...)ir+x■ (examples: irrecoverable...)dis+x■ (examples disagree/dislike...)












(2)It作形式主语:It+be+adj+for/ofto do sth.

(3)It作形式宾语:Find/Think/Consider...it+adj+for/ofto do sth.

又如:在关于及物动词后接to do与v+ing做宾语这个问题上,我们可用公式表示如下:


(2)有些及物动词后既能接to do做宾语,又能接v+ing做宾语,但意思不同,可以用公式表示为:S+V+to do≠S+V+v+ing(常见的有:go on、stop、remember、mean)。

(3)有些及物动词后既能接to do做宾语,又能接v+ing做宾语,意思基本相同,可以用公式表示为:S+V+to do≈S+V+v+ing(常见的有:like、love、start 、begin)。












给每一个学生一个展示自我的平台。让他们感到英语氛围的宽松、和谐。从学生的“成功欲”中,潜移默化引领学生走入英语世界。英语新课本给予我们提供了大量的情景,如适用的情景有寻人寻物、电话交流、问路与指路、借物与送还、购物和用餐、出游运动、看病就医以及社会实践等。让学生饰演外国人角色举行语言实践,将死板的内容寓于有趣的情景教学之中,将课堂酿成了生动的英语外交场所。教学JEFC BookⅠ(A)Lesson 58 的Part One 时,以同桌两人为一个小组,一个饰演Mother,另一个饰演Tom,让学生根据对话内容举行情景对话。先让Tom趴在桌子上佯睡,个体学生还发出了酣声,Mother推着Tom急促地喊,“Tom! Tom! It's time to get up”这时Tom懒洋洋地问“What's the time, Mum?”当听到Mother回复“It's seven 。It's time to go to school”时,Tom突然从甜梦中惊醒说“Oh, dear! I'm late”接下来Mother告诉Tom, “Don't worry, Tom。 You can go with Dad today” Tom这才松了一口气。整个教学历程虽有点乱,且个体学生饰演得甚至比较“疯狂”,但他们那份全身心投入的劲让人感动。

一堂情景课,学生积极参与,教师和学生打成一片,尊重学生,给学生创造轻松、愉快的学习环境只有这样学生才感兴趣。才可品尝成功的喜悦和成就感。一堂课就是一个完整的艺术品,不仅要有一个好的开始和发展,也要有一个好的结尾。根据不同的情况下课前可给学生设置一个新的“悬念”,留一个耐人寻味的问题,放一遍课文录音,让学生小结一下课堂主要内容,唱一首歌曲等。总之,一堂课,始终要让学生学得轻松愉快、兴趣盎然。 继而让每位学生都觉得 缺不了自己,而且能淋漓尽致地运用自己所学,教师做到让学生感到被尊重、被关注,从而激发英语学习兴致。


一堂英语课的成功与否,往往取决于课堂气氛是否活跃。可以设想,课堂上死水一潭,学生听得昏昏欲睡,纵使教者水平再高,其效果也是不敢恭维的。因此,作为英语教师都有必要思考这样一个问题,即如何有效地激活英语课堂气氛 。


课堂教学中“导入”的重要性是不言而喻的,正所谓“好的开头等于成功的一半”。一个高明的教者绝对不会说“今天我们学习某课/某单元”之类乏味的话来导入,而是采用各种不同的方式来巧妙导入。譬如上Unit1 Good Friends这一课时,我是以一种激情化的方式导入的,让全班学生跟着周华健的《朋友》一起唱;从而从歌词中让学生体会什么是真正的朋友。在Healthy Eating 这一单元中,则是以直观的图片导入,让学生判断什么是垃圾食品,什么是健康食品,从而自然地导入到上课的主题。



如第十单元The world around us. 这一单元主要是关于如何保护动物,保护环境的主题,在给学生看了部分濒危动物的图片后,然后提出了这样一个问题:Do you know any other endangered animals in the world? 学生反应很大,迅速讨论起来并大声的说出了一些濒危动物的名称。之后我又紧跟着了问了两个问题:Why are they in danger? 和 What can we do to help endangered animals? 学生都饶有兴趣,一下子活跃了整个课堂气氛。在提问时,我也注意一些后进生的反应,对他们我一般提一些较为简单的问题,让他们也能体会到这种回答出问题的喜悦感,并多加表扬,使他们的心灵感到一种莫大的鼓舞与慰藉,从而激发了他们的学习兴趣,唤回他们的好奇心和求知积极性,促进师生在生动和谐的课堂气氛中愉快地教与学。


英语教学活动多,一堂课可以采用Pair work、或Group work与全班活动科学安排巧搭配,让学生在“活动”中真正实现自主、合作式学习,轻松愉快地完成各自的学习任务。如在第七单元Cultural Relics这一单元的Speaking部分,有一个主题是关于是否要将一个历史比较悠久的寺庙拆毁,而建成一处新的居民区,如何解决这个问题,我是以一个会议的形式,将全班分成四大小组,每个小组都是参会者,分别担任专家、开发商、村民A和村民B等角色,让他们讨论后来谈谈自己的观点,然后我选了一个口语比较好的学生来当村长,主持这个会议。学生积极性都很高,纷纷讨论起来,在这个活动中小组内的学生群策群力把自己得想法表达出来,试图能说服其他组,既培养了学生的群体意识、合作精神,又培养了学生综合运用英语的能力,收到了很好地教学实效,从而激发学生学习英语的兴趣。




教学目的是课堂教学的起点,是师生配合运动的指向。初中学生往往对篇幅较长的课文缺乏应有的耐心,难以认真研读,这就要求我们在仔细钻研教材时,认真思索怎样设计教学目的。例如在教JEFC Book 3, Lesson 10 “Make Our World More Beautiful”一课时,可以问“What do you think we should do to make our world beautiful?”先让学生大胆想象、回复,然后再让学生从课文中找谜底,这样可以让学生在阅读课文时去明白课文内容,知道为了使我们的天下变得更漂亮,我们应该做什么,我们不应该做什么。学生明确了学习目的,就发生了寻找目的的念头与兴趣,充分发挥教学目的的导向作用和激励作用。


在平时的英语教学中,应多角度、多方位设置多种思索题,拓宽生长学生横向、类比、逆向、遐想等发散头脑,使学生不单停留在明白和掌握所学内容的表层,而且能够使用现学知识,联合已学知识去缔造、探索,造就发散头脑,增强创新意识。如在学习“Asking the way”时,可用图片或幻灯片引导学生,设置一些疑问,“Where is …?” “Which is the way to …?”“How can I get to …?”“Which bus shall I take?”“Where is the bus stop?”勉励学生认真思索,努力回答问题,引导学生的发散思维和创新意识。




recent developments in language teaching have left many doubting about how to teach grammar. how to teach it effectively and meaningfully is the problem we face. the traditional ways of grammar teaching has been beaten by the communicative approaches. but they still have some instructive meanings. in designing a language class, one of the first things is to identify the influential factors that have to be taken account. at least the designer should consider the features unique to the learning of a language. learning a language well always means the use of ears, mouth, hands, brain, etc. as well as the eyes. this will mean significant adjustment of a learning class involving a lot of contents including the materials and the activities. and this is one of the reasons why modern language classes are usually all communicative, with very rare exceptions. from his experience, the writer finds that the traditional ways of grammar teaching such as deduction and induction are still instructive. thus,he wants to try a comprehensive way to teach english grammar. this paper tries to introduce a comprehensive approach of teaching english rammar in context instead of in isolation.

2the students’ background

2.1features of students in vocational college

if a language class is communicative, it is then basically learner-centered. therefore most of the influential factors in the designing of such a class will be very much related to or decided by the nature and need of the learners in question.

a language-teaching plan may be viewed as the teachers’ main guidelines, but it is the students who are set to benefit. therefore when planning a class, first one has to learn about the learners, who the learners are and what they do. research has shown the differences between college students and child language learners, which must be considered in the planning of a language class. some experts summaries 10 characteristics of college language learners, which may serve as a guide for the class planning. college students, for instance, are more likely to be learning rather than acquiring a new language, and this feature should exclude some popular materials and activities as unsuitable to them. yet college students can learn more efficiently, because they have a greater emory storage capacity, a greater capacity for analytic reasoning and can develop a strong instrumental motivation. to them, the subject matter involved in the learning can be more abstract, serious, less playful but more formal, and, so far as the input is comprehensible, and at the appropriate level, they can be quite efficient classroom learners. all these differ from child learners’ needs, creating wholly different teaching plan.

2.2students’ needs

most of the students have learned english for more than six years with a vocabulary of about 2 500 words and superficial knowledge of grammar for many reasons. some of them have jobs and even have quitted learning english for many years. english is mostly taught at middle schools using the traditional grammar-translation method, because of the exam-centered education system. this emphasis on examinations is due to the perception that results are superior to other qualifications in evaluating a teacher’s work. in order to cope with the demands of these exams, lessons are usually teacher-oriented, with teachers predominantly using chinese to teach english. therefore, students had little opportunities to accept a new teaching method. they want to obtain more knowledge of grammar in order to understand and use the target language correctly and effectively.

3constructive thinking of grammar teaching


designers should not forget the findings in language learning that learners, adults or children, share a similar language acquisition sequence. teachers should work with such a process rather than against it. thus, the theoretical basis of the design of a grammar class is supposed to include the following elements.

3.2teaching methodology —— traditional and communicative


teaching methods influence the result that produces in classroom teaching. traditional ways in chinese classroom teaching have been questioned and new approaches are being tried. grammar should be taught in a context, not rules and structures alone. penny ur(1988)suggests that: “when we teach grammar, we are —— or should be —— getting the learners to learn quite a number of different, though related, bits of knowledge and skills: how to recognize the examples of structure, how to produce the form, how to understand its meaning in context, and produce meaningful sentences using it themselves.”

as described above, grammar should be taught and practiced as a means of communication, rather than as a means of correcting the accuracy of individual sentences. learners should be taught how to form correct structures and also their functions, as the first step towards meaningful communication. learners should have a reason to use the information given in an exercise. grammar should be best introduced through a traditional approach. then, once students have a fairly thorough understanding of the grammar point, they are gently led into some communicative activities that allow them to demonstrate and consolidate their knowledge of that grammar point. in this way the communicative approach is not intended as a replacement for the traditional one, but as a supplement to it.

3.3psychological basis —— humanistic psychology

this theory initiates the full development of individual potential and realization of self-value. it proposes that a friendly and harmonious environment is the premise to satisfy the needs of both teachers and learners. s. p. corder, a famous applied linguist, has pointed out that language teachers actually cannot teach a language to students, what they can do is to create a harmonious language-learning environment for them.

3.4center of the grammar class —— learners and learning

since learners are the cores of the learning and learning is the process to achieve learners’ target, the grammar class is to focus primarily on both the learners and the learning. it is both learner-centered and learning-centered and the learners’ autonomy is to be emphasized.

4the principles and aims of the teaching plan

a teacher should prepare his/her lesson sufficiently, explain clearly and use various teaching aids to stimulate the students’ interest. good classroom control should be maintained and the teaching content should not only be presented theoretically but also put into practice.

at the same time, the students should be more relaxed, increasing the effectiveness of their study. they should be encouraged to participate and interact closely both with their classmates and the teacher. an environment should be created where they feel free to express their ideas without inhibition. so the aims are:

a.to provide students with opportunities to develop their language use.

b.to raise awareness of the communicative approach to grammar.

c.to get the students to study grammar using the communicative approach.

4.1teaching content: the basic usages of infinitive

4.2the objectives

d.to give the students practice in the use of the basic usages of infinitive

e.to understand the principles of communicative approach, deduction and induction to grammar.

4.3teaching procedure

step one: warming-up activities(2 minutes)

greetings: good morning, everyone! how are you today?

we learned auxiliaries in chapter 18 last time. this morning we’ll learn chapter 19 —— non-finite verb. did you preview this chapter before class?did you find any difference from what you had learned in the middle school?

comments: some students may say “yes” and some may say “no”. no matter what answers will be, teachers should get some information about the students. as mentioned before, there are some differences between a practical english grammar written by professor zhang daozhen and our textbook —— an english grammar for general readers written by professor zhang zhenbang

introduction: finite verb and non-finite verb

verb can be classified as finite-verb and non-finite verb according to its

changes in person and number. finite-verb is subjected to its subject’s person and number while non-finite verb is not. non-finite verb includes infinitive, participle(present and past participle) and gerund. and now we’ll learn the basic usages of infinitive on page 380 of your textbook.

step two: the basic usages of infinitive(8 minutes)

the sentence functions of infinitive can be used as subject, predicative, object, attributive, adverbial, subjective complement and objective complement of a sentence. let’s see the following sentences. please pay attention to the underlined parts.

a.his plan is to spend a few days in the mountains.

b.lei feng’s only desire was to be useful to the people and the country.

c.to make a decision without knowing all facts is difficult.

d.it’s necessary for us to master a foreign language.

e.she began to learn french at the age of twelve.

f.what do you plan to do tomorrow?

g.perhaps this would be a good chance to go to hainan.

h.she was the only one to look after the child.

i.in 1918 he went to japan to study medical science.

j.the girls jumped with joy to hear the news.

l.he asked you to call him back at 11 o’clock.

m.please remind me to take my medicine tomorrow.

step three: questions(5 minutes)

a.can you tell me the sentence functions of infinitive in the above sentences?

b.ask one or two students to answer the question.

c.comments on the students’ answers.

step four: summing-up(15 minutes)

a.the infinitive in sentences a and b is used as predicative.

b.the infinitive in sentences c and d is used as subjects. please pay attention to the different sentence patterns.

c.the infinitive in sentences e and f is used as objects. note:the infinitive used as object is often cited behind transitive verb. the following verbs often have infinitive as their objects, such as want, like, wish, hate, start, forget, pretend, decide, expect etc.

d.the infinitive in sentences g and h is used as attributive. the infinitive used as attributive is often cited behind the noun or pronoun it modifies.

e.the infinitive in sentences is used as adverbial, expressing purpose and cause respectively. besides when infinitive is used as adverbial, it can also express result and degree.

e.g. he lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.


mary wouldn’t be so careless as to forget her key.


f.the infinitive in sentences l and m is used as objective complement. but if sentence l is changed into passive voice, its infinitive is subjective complement.

e.g. you are asked to call him back at 11 o’clock.

furthermore, the following verbs may have infinitive as their objective complement, such as:tell, order, invite, force, allow, expect, encourage, advise, permit, persuade etc. the following verbs may have infinitive without “to” as their compound objects, such as:make, have, let, see, hear, watch, notice etc.

e.g. did you notice him leave the house?

i often hear her sing in her room.

if the sentences above are changed into passive voice, the objective complements in original sentences have become subjective complement, “to” can not be omitted.

e.g. was he noticed to leave the house?

she is often heard to sing in her room.

step five: classroom activity(8 minutes)

direction: identify the usages of infinitive in the following sentences.

a.mrs. brown made me stay in new york for two more weeks.

b.go in quietly so as not to wake up the baby.

c.a few years later she came home to find that her hometown had greatly changed.

d.she usually has a lot of meetings to attend in the evenings.

e.i like to go for walks in the warm sunshine.

f.her wish is to marry an honest man.

g.it’s important to make a plan for our future.

h.the old man sat down to have a rest.

(walk around to find out if the students have any questions to ask and be ready to answer or explain)

step six: homework(2 minutes)

a.review what we have learned in this period after class.

b.discuss the basic usages of infinitive with your classmates.

c.do the exercises on page 387.


the learning activities based on this design turn out to be effective, but it seems a little time-consuming. many teachers only adopted approaches of deducing and inducing when teaching english grammar in the past decades. it was helpful in language learning. but i think the traditional approaches are not the most effective ones, especially in stimulating the students’ interest, motivation and tactics in language learning. comprehensive ways of grammar teaching makes the students more active in class and understand what they learn more thoroughly.


1 david, n. “communicative language teaching: making it works”[j]. elt journal, 41/2, 1987

2 jeremy, h. the practice of english language teaching[m]. longman ltd, 1983

3 liu longxi. “designing a grammar workshop”[j]. teaching english in china, vol.26 no.2, 2003

4 susan, h. grammar matters[m]. citl, 1993

5 xia jimei. foreign language course design modern theory & practice [m]. shanghai: shanghai foreign language education press, 2003

6 zou xiandao. “planning a language programme”[j]. teaching english in china, vol.25 no.3, 2002

7 zhang daozhen. a practical english grammar [m]. commercial press, 1979


关键词: 小学英语教学 教学方法 教学实践










1. 用过去进行时表示

We were coming to see you,but it rained (so we didn’t). 我们本打算来看你的,但是下起雨来了。

I was trying to help but I screwed up again. 我本想帮忙,反而又把事情搞糟了。

2. 用 was [were] going to do sth 表示

―Why didn’t you come to the meeting? 你为什么不来参加会议?

―I was going to,but I caught a bad cold. 我本想来的,但我患了重感冒。

She was going to attend the concert last night,but she was too busy. 她昨晚本想去听音乐会的,但她太忙了。

3. 用want, think, hope, plan, mean, expect, intend, suppose 等动词的过去完成时表示

I had intended to speak,but time did not permit. 我本想发言,但时间不允许。

We had hoped that you would come to see us,but you didn’t. 我们本想你来看我们的,但你没有来。

I had meant to go on Monday but have stayed on. 我本想星期一走的,但又留下了。

We had thought to return early but they wouldn’t let us go. 我们本想早回来的,但他们不让我们走。

4.用want,think,hope,plan,mean,expect,intend,suppose 的过去式后接不定式的完成式表示

I meant to have told you about it earlier,but I could not come. 我本想早点把这事告诉你,但是我来不了。

I wanted to have told her what I thought,but I didn’t. 我本想把自己的想法告诉她,但我还是没有。

5. 用 want,think,hope,plan,mean,expect,intend,suppose 的过去式表示

I meant to reason with you,but you wouldn’t reason. 我本想和你讲道理,但你不肯讲道理。

He hoped to come with us,but he was too busy. 他本想同我们一起来的,但他太忙了。

I wanted mother’s present to be a secret,but my sister let the cat out of the bag. 给母亲的礼物我本想保密,可是妹妹却露了马脚。

6. 用 would have done 表示

I would have written before,but I have been ill. 我本想给你写信的,但我生病了。

I would have preferred a bed,but beggars can’t be choosers so I slept on the sofa. 我本想要张床,但是叫花子不能挑肥拣瘦,所以我就睡在沙发上了。

7. 用 should [would] like [love] to have done 表示

I should like to have seen it (but it wasn’t possible). 我本想事前看到的(但这不可能)。

I would like to have gone to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. 昨晚我本想去参加晚会的,但我要加班写一个报告。

I’d love to have taken him round the factory,but I was too busy. 我本想带他去厂里看看,但我太忙了。

8. 其他比较灵活的表达

The surprise party turned out as flat as a pancake. 这次本想让大家感到惊奇的聚会到头来却十分扫兴。

We went by sea but I’d rather have gone by air. 我们是乘船去的,可我本想乘飞机去。



















上一篇:认识动物范文 下一篇:读书卡片范文