真实语境 真实交流

时间:2022-10-29 08:55:35



一、 Warm up: Free talk. 对话暖身,活跃气氛


T: Good morning, boys and girls. I’ll teach you today. You may call me Mr Li.

Ss: Good morning, Mr Li.

T: Good morning, children.


(二) I like animals

T:Do you like animals?


T: I like animals, too. I like animals very much. I have pets at home. I often visit the zoo to see animals. I love animals.(教师在陈述过程中让学生感受like和love在表示喜爱时程度上的区别。)

T: Let me show you some photos.(师播放ppt,向生展示自己与家人在动物园时所照相片)

T: They are goats, they are so naughty, right? This is my son, we are feeding them. Do you know?

(三)Pandas love bamboo

T: Look at this photo. My favorite animal is panda. What do pandas eat?

S:Pandas eat bamboo.

T: Yes,pandas eat bamboo. Pandas eat a lot of bamboo. Pandas eat for twelve hours a day. (教师一边描述,一边展示熊猫吃竹子,野生熊猫出入竹林的照片。)

Pandas love bamboo. (师板书课文标题,再次强调love的意义。)


二、Lead in: Review the words of animals. 游戏导入,复习词汇

通过游戏good witness(优秀目击证人),复习扩展关于动物的词汇;引导学生运用目标句型,谈论动物的生活习性。需要说明的是课文标题Pandas love bamboos. 使用love一词,与like一词在情感程度上的差异是本课学生理解与体验的重点。在这个环节的练习中,讲述动物对食物的偏好与习性,教师还是选用like而不是love,帮助学生熟悉句型。

(一) Brain storm: Talk about the animals you like

头脑风暴,让学生使用目标句型I like…谈论自己喜欢的动物。教师通过前面话题铺垫,引发学生参与讨论的兴趣,在自己示范陈述之后,给学生机会描述自己对动物的感受与观点。

(二)Game 1: Are you a good witness? 游戏:优秀目击证人

T:Well, there are some animals in the picture to show you. You have ten seconds to see. Try to remember what are they. The winner is the one who remember the most? Ready? Let’s see.


T:What do you see?

S1: I see a snake.

S2: I see an elephant.

S3: I see a bear.



T:Very good. Now, let’s check.教师重新展示这张图片,示意学生朗读动物名称,核对自己的答案,并复习这些词汇。


(一)Free talk. 师生问答,谈论动物对食物的偏好,听说的方式复习重点句型: They like…

T:Do you know what do they eat?

S1: Elephants eat bananas.

T:Yes, Elephants eat bananas. Elephants like bananas. How about bears?

S2: Bears eat fish.

T:Good! Bears eat fish. Bears like fish.


T: Now, let’s learn more about these animals from the text. Read the text with your e-pen. (教师使用点读笔,在课文挂图上逐句点读课文,学生看课文,听课文录音。)

(三)Task 1: What do elephants like? 句型的交互性应用练习活动之一。(控制性练习)


T:Different Animals like different things. According to the text, what do elephants like?

Ss: Elephants like water.

T: Yes, elephants like water. (教师把对应图片相连,展示几张真实的大象玩水的图片,帮助学生了解大象的生活习性。)

T: Who can ask a question with the next animal? (师尝试让学生相互问答)

S1: (学生自愿举手提问)What do cats like?

S2: Cats like fish.(师连上对应图片)

T: Good, go on please.(学生继续回答,师依次连上动物与其喜好的图片。)

T: You are so clever.(师给予参加对话活动的学生动物卡片作为奖励) Now, let’s read the text together. 示意学生朗读课文。

(四)Task 2: Tell me more. 句型的交互性应用练习活动之二。(半控制性练习)

出题谜的学生使用目标语言They like…描述某个动物,其他同学猜测答案,如果猜不出来,可以说“Tell me more”,要求提供更多线索。出题谜的学生用更多的句子来描述这个动物。此项活动所使用的问语与答句只受话题范围的限制,具体内容由学生自己确定,即兴产生,属于半控制性练习。

T: Now, we play a guessing game, can you guess what animals they are? Look.(教师示范猜谜游戏,播放ppt, 显示第一个词条——“They eat meat.”)

S1:Maybe they are tigers.

S2:Maybe they are lions.

S3:Maybe they are dogs.(生竞相回答)

T: I’ll tell you more. (师打出第二个词条——“They live/sleep in the grassland”)

S1:They are lions!

T: Well, they are lions. (教师在ppt上显示谜底狮子) Ok. It’s your turn to play.




(一) I like birds.看图说话,教师示范表述

(二)Task 3: Talking about the animals you like best. 任务3:尝试描述自己喜爱的动物。


S1: (生举手) I like bears. they live in the forest. They sleep in the hole. They play with other bears. They have got paws and fur, and they have got a big mouth. Bears love honey and fish. They can climb trees.

T: Wow, that’s so great.教师表扬鼓励学生的表述,尤其是学生主动补充了作为本课标题的句型Pandas love bamboo.

T:Here I have more animals for you. Of course, you can talk about some other animals we don’t have here. 教师为学生的表述提供可参考的图片,但充分尊重学生自己的喜好和选择。鼓励更多的学生描述不同的动物。

T: You please.

S1:(声音洪亮地)Cats like fish. They live in people’s house. They sleep in small house. They play with other cats. Sometimes they play with toys. They have got paws and beautiful fur.

T: Prefect.(师鼓掌,生齐鼓掌)


(三)Task 4: find the odd one out.任务4,找出一组图片中与其他事物不属于一类的那张来。说出理由。

T: Look. Here are some pictures of animals. Which one does not belong to this group? Tell me why?


1 whales dogs cats

S1: The whales. They live in the sea. Dogs and cats lives on land.

S2: Whales can swim.

S3: Dogs can swim, too.

S2: Whales can’t run. Dogs and cats can. 学生运用所知尝试,展开讨论,运用目标语言描述动物的习性。

T: Whales are different. I agree with you. Let’s see two more groups. Discuss in four, first.


2 snakes owls pandas

3 frogs bears tigers


T: OK, time is up, who would like to share your opinions with us?

S1:I think snakes are different. Pandas and owls have got paws and fur(feather), but snakes haven’t.

S2: (迫不及待地举手) I think owls are different because owls can fly!

S3:I think pandas are different. Pandas love bamboo, but snakes and owls love mice.(教师肯定了学生多元化的分析角度。)

T: Good. All your words sound reasonable. Let’s talk about group 3.

S1:I think frogs are different, they can live in the water, but bears and tigers can’t.

S2: I think tigers are different, frogs and bears will sleep in the winter, but tigers won’t sleep in the winter.

T: Yes, frogs and bears go hibinations in winter.教师给学生即时补充语言内容,在情景中增加课堂教学的英语语言输入量。





T: Let’s read and know more animals.

T: Try to finish your work sheet.

T: Well, Let’s check the answers. (学生跃跃欲试,教师请几个同学展示其题单答案。)

(二)Home work for additional reading

Read and collect informations of a certain animal we don’t mentioned today. Stick their pictures and complete the sentences.

(作者单位:宜宾市中山街小学,四川,宜宾 644000)

上一篇:灰色童谣:由堵到疏 下一篇:培养学生的自学能力 提高课堂的教学效果