
时间:2022-10-18 11:56:38


【摘 要】科技英语中的状语从句的作用和运用上相当复杂,翻译时需要根据其功能及其表达含义来行文表达。可以说,英汉两种语言的表达方式的不同,也就决定了英汉两种语言在表达思想时连接词的连接作用也不相同。只有正确理解了两种语言所表达的最基本的思想或概念方式,分别选用不同的表达形式才能传达其真实含义。在科技英语的翻译中这一点尤其重要,本文试图对此加以探讨。

【关键词】科技 英语 状语从句 翻译





When the ideas of a scientist are expressed in simple mathematical form, new relationships and new channels of investigation often suggest themselves.


Electric charges work when they move. 当电荷运动时,就做功。

As the sphere becomes larger, the waves become weaker. 随着范围的扩大,电波变得愈弱。


Current stops flowing as soon as we open the circuit. 电路一被中断,电流就停止流动。

Once you begin, you must continue. 你一旦开了头,就应当继续下去。

其区别在于:as soon as 强调时间的紧接,而once带有条件意味。另外,表达时间概念也不一定非要用时间状语,有时可以改用其他别的句式。例如:

Immediately he has gone, she burst into tears. 他一走,她就哭泣起来。

She had no sooner seen me than she ran off. 她一见到我就跑掉了。

The moment she saw me, she ran off. 她一见到我就跑掉了。


The earth turns round its axis as it travels around the sun. 地球一面绕太阳运转,一面绕地轴自转。


Even when we turn off the beside lamp and are fast asleep, electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned. 即使在我们关掉了床头灯深深地进入梦乡时,电仍在为我们工作:帮我们开动电冰箱;把水加热;或使室内空调机继续运转。

These three colors, red, green, and violet, when combined produce white. 红、绿、紫三种颜色,若合在一起便成为了白色。


We keep the battery in a dry place so that electricity may not leak away. 我们把电池放在干燥处,以免漏电。

Much work has been done in order that data can be transmitted by television and read off an ordinary TV screen.



Usually the capacitor is made up of plates of large area so that large electrical charges may be stored. 为了能储存大量电荷,电容器通常用大面积的金属板来制造。



Where there are magnetic forces, there are poles. 哪里有磁力,哪里就有极。或:有磁力的地方就有极。

Wherever conductors are needed, insulators will be in dispensable. 凡是需要导体的地方,绝缘体就必不可少。

where 或 wherever 引导的从句在逻辑上判断具有条件状语或结果状语的意义,可转译成条件从句或结果从句。例如:

It is hoped that solar energy will find wide application wherever it becomes available. 可以期待,太阳能将得到广泛的利用,以致任何地方都可以使用。



As the Internet pipeline is upgraded, the availability of broadband service will expand beyond major metropolitan areas, significantly reducing the costs of access.


Its beginning obscured by unemployment caused by the world economic slowdown, the new technological unemployment may emerge as the great socio-economic challenge of the end of the 20th century.



Because energy can be changed from one form into another, electricity can be changed into heat energy, mechanical energy, light energy, etc.


另外,注意 for 是一个并列连词,可引导一个表示非必然性的推论。例如:

It might rain last night, for the ground is wet. 地上是湿的,昨天晚上很可能下雨了。




If a heavy body is to be lifted to a certain height, work must be done, or energy expended, equal to the weight of the body multiplied by the height through which it is raised.



If something has the ability to adjust itself to the environment, we say it has intelligence. 如果某物具有适应环境的能力,我们就说它具有智力。


Were there no transformers to adjust the voltage, long-distance transmission of electricity would be impossible. 若无变压器来调节电压,远距离输送电力是不可能的。

Should there be urgent situations, press this red button to switch off the electricity. 万一情况紧急,按这个红色按扭以切断电源。


Iron or steel parts will rust, if they are unprotected. 铁件或钢件是会生锈的,如果不加以保护的话。


英语中的让步状语从句可由although;though;as;even though;even if 等引导。although 位于句首,用于正式文体中;though 既可位于句首,又可位于句中;而as只能位于句中,且多用于倒装句中。这四个连词均可译作“虽然……还/但是……”。even though 和even if 用法相同,意义也相同,都作“即使……也……”解。另外,no matter how 和 however 的意义与用法也相同,可作“无论多么……”解,引导让步状语从句。英语中的让步状语从句,可翻译为汉语中的让步分句或无条件的条件分句。汉语中用以表示让步的关联词语有“虽然”、“即使”等,让步分句多前置。例如:

Although its form can be changed, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. 尽管能量的形式可以转变;但它既不能创造,也不能消灭。

Even though robots can do many things than man does, they cannot replace man. 虽然机器人能做人所做的许多事情,但不能代替人。

Complicated as a modern machine is, it is essentially a combination of simple machines. 现代化的机器虽然复杂,但实质上不过是许多简单机器的组合。


He gets the same result whichever way he did the experiment. 无论用什么方法做实验,他所得到的结果都是相同的。

No matter how hard it is raining, I am going out for a walk. 不管雨下得多大,我还是要出去散步。

Even if you go there, there wouldn’t be any result. 你去了也是白去。


英语和汉语都将表示结果的从句放在主句之后,翻译时可采用顺译法,但应注意不能拘泥于引导结果状语从句的连词 so...that 等词义而一概翻译成“因而”、“结果”、“如此……以至于……”等等。翻译时尽量避开连词,以免使译文过于欧化。例如:

Electronic computers work so fast that they can solve a very difficult problem in a few seconds. 电子计算机工作速度如此迅速,一个很难的题目几秒钟之内就能解决。

Electricity is such an important energy that modern industry couldn’t develop without it. 电是非常重要的一种能量,没有它,现代化工业就不能发展。

英语中,so...that(如此……以至于……)、such(a)...that(这样……以至于……)引出的结果状语从句,so后接形容词或副词,而such a后一般接单数名词,such后跟复数名词。so that 既可引导结果状语从句,又可引导目的状语从句。其判别方式为:

1.so that 引导的从句中有 can,may,should 等,so that 前没有逗号分开,该从句多为表示目的意义的状语从句。

2.so that 引导的从句中没有情态动词,so that 前有逗号,且从句谓语为过去时、现在时和现在完成时,多为结果状语从句。


It was raining, so that we could not go out.



比较状语从句常见的从属连词有:as…as, not so(as)…as, than等。注意:


(1)A…+倍数+比较级+than B,如:

This building is twice taller than that one.


This building is three times as tall as that one.

(3)A…+倍数+the size(height, weight, length etc.)+of B,如:

This building is three times the size of that one.



(2)倍数+as many/much+名词+as

Americans eat more than twice as many vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

It is reported that the United States uses twice as much energy as the whole of Europe.

注意容易引起误解的表达方式:no more than只不过(嫌少的意思),如:

I have no more than two pens. 我只有两支笔。

It’s no more than a mile to the shops. 去商店不过一英里。

A not more than B不如……;(前者不如后者)

Jack is not more diligent than john. 捷克不如约翰勤奋。


1 Collins Cobuild.(1990)English Grammar

2 Harold, E., Palmer.(1964)A Grammatical Dictionary of English Words

3 薄 冰.高级英语语法[M].北京:世界知识出版社,2000

4 雷 馨.英语分类句型[M].北京:商务出版社,1979

5 陆国强.英汉和汉英语义结构对比[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,1997

6 天津大学化工精仪系外语教研组编.科技英语阅读手册[M].北京:石油化学工业出版社,1978

上一篇:精品课程建设的制度缺陷及质量保障途径研究 下一篇:数学思想与生物解题