
时间:2022-09-30 05:56:37


去年12月,美国《时代》周刊(TIME)2009年度人物榜出炉。美联储主席本・伯南克(Ben Bernanke)当选该杂志年度人物,而“中国工人”作为榜单上的唯一群体,荣升亚军宝座。世界的目光犹如聚光灯般投射到“中国工人”身上,而肖红霞、黄冬艳、彭春霞、邱小院等人的名字和笑容在一夜之间传遍了世界。这群来自深圳的普通工人成为千千万万勤劳坚韧的中国工人的代表。也许就个体来说,他们再平凡不过,然而所有平凡人的努力积聚起来,就能创造出让世人为之惊叹的伟大与奇迹。不要怨叹自己过于平庸、没有大作为,实际上,伟大很可能就如同做好本分工作那么简单。

In China they have a word for it. Baoba means “protect eight,” the 8% annual economic growth rate that officials believe is critical to ensuring social stability. A year ago, many thought hitting such a figure in 2009 was a pipe dream[白日梦]. But China has done it, and this year it remains the world’s fastest-growing major economy and an economic stimulus[刺激物] for everyone else. Who deserves the credit? Above all, the tens of millions of workers who have left their homes, and often their families, to find work in the factories of China’s booming coastal cities in plants like the Shenzhen Guangke Technology Co.’s, just outside Hong Kong, which sits amid a jumble[混乱] of snack stands, cheap clothing stalls, and old men dragging carts filled with candy to sell to workers on their day off. Near the factory we found some of the people who are leading the world to economic recovery: Chinese men and women, their struggles in the past, their thoughts on the present and their eyes on the future.


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