
时间:2022-07-21 12:32:25


At the dawn of the automobile age, Henry Ford predicted that "ethyl alcohol is the fuel of the future." With petroleum about $65 a barrel, President Bush has now embraced that view, too. But Brazil is already there.

This country expects to become energy self-sufficient this year, meeting its growing demand for fuel by increasing production from petroleum and ethanol. Already the use of ethanol, derived in Brazil from sugar cane, is so widespread that some gas stations have two sets of pumps, marked A for alcohol and G for gas.

In his State of the Union address in January, Mr. Bush backed financing for "cutting-edge methods of producing ethanol, not just from corn but wood chips and stalks or switch grass" with the goal of making ethanol competitive in six years.

But Brazil's path has taken 30 years of effort, required several billion dollars in incentives and involved many missteps. While not always easy, it provides clues to the real challenges facing the United States' ambitions.

Brazilian officials and scientists say that, in their country at least, the main barriers to the broader use of ethanol today come from outside. Brazil's ethanol yields nearly eight times as much energy as corn-based options, according to scientific data. Yet heavy import duties on the Brazilian product have limited its entry into the United States and Europe.

Brazilian officials and scientists say sugar cane yields are likely to increase because of recent research.

"Renewable fuel has been a fantastic solution for us," Brazil's minister of agriculture, Roberto Rodrigues, said in a recent interview in Sao Paulo, the capital of Sao Paulo State, which accounts for 60 percent of sugar production in Brazil. "And it offers a way out of the fossil fuel trap for others as well."

Here, where Brazil has cultivated sugar cane since the 16th century, green fields of cane, stalks rippling gently in the tropical breeze, stretch to the horizon, producing a crop that is destined to be consumed not just as candy and soft drinks but also in the tanks of millions of cars.

The use of ethanol in Brazil was greatly accelerated in the last three years with the introduction of "flex fuel" engines, designed to run on ethanol, gasoline or any mixture of the two. (The gasoline sold in Brazil contains about 25 percent alcohol, a practice that has accelerated Brazil's shift from imported oil.)

But Brazilian officials and business executives say the ethanol industry would develop even faster if the United States did not levy a tax of 54 cents a gallon on all imports of Brazilian cane-based ethanol.

With demand for ethanol soaring in Brazil, sugar producers recognize that it is unrealistic to think of exports to the United States now. But Brazilian leaders complain that Washington's restrictions have inhibited foreign investment, particularly by Americans.

As a result, ethanol development has been led by Brazilian companies with limited capital. But with oil prices soaring, the four international giants that control much of the world's agribusiness - Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfuss - have recently begun showing interest.

Brazil says those and other outsiders are welcome. Aware that the United States and other industrialized countries are reluctant to trade their longstanding dependence on oil for a new dependence on renewable fuels, government and industry officials say they are willing to share technology with those interested in following Brazil's example.

"We are not interested in becoming the Saudi Arabia of ethanol," said Eduardo Carvalho, director of the National Sugarcane Agro-Industry Union, a producer's group. "It's not our strategy because it doesn't produce results. As a large producer and user, I need to have other big buyers and sellers in the international market if ethanol is to become a commodity, which is our real goal."

The ethanol boom in Brazil, which took off at the start of the decade after a long slump, is not the first. The government introduced its original "Pro-Alcohol" program in 1975, after the first global energy crisis, and by the mid-1980's, more than three quarters of the 800,000 cars made in Brazil each year could run on cane-based ethanol.

Ethanol can be made through the fermentation of many natural substances, but sugar cane offers advantages over others, like corn. For each unit of energy expended to turn cane into ethanol, 8.3 times as much energy is created, compared with a maximum of 1.3 times for corn, according to scientists at the Center for Sugarcane Technology and other Brazilian research institutes.

"There's no reason why we shouldn't be able to improve that ratio to 10 to 1," said Suani Teixeira Coelho, director of the National Center for Biomass at the University of Sao Paulo. "It's no miracle. Our energy balance is so favorable not just because we have high yields, but also because we don't use any fossil fuels to process the cane, which is not the case with corn."

Brazilian producers estimate that they have an edge over gasoline as long as oil prices do not drop below $30 a barrel. But they have already embarked on technical improvements that promise to lift yields and cut costs even more.

Some mills are now producing so much electricity from sugar by-products that they sell their excess to the national grid. In addition, Brazilian scientists, with money from Sao Paulo State, have mapped the sugar cane genome. That opens the prospect of planting genetically modified sugar, if the government allows, that could be made into ethanol even more efficiently.

From The New York Times






















1. Henry Ford

在文章第一段中,提到了Henry Ford这个人。此人的来头可不一般,全球著名的汽车制造商福特公司(Ford)就是由其在1903年所创建,而且该公司的名称就是以他的姓氏来命名的。1908年,福特汽车公司生产出世界上第一辆属于普通百姓的汽车――T型车,从此拉开了世界汽车工业革命的帷幕,并在同时奠定了Henry Ford在汽车行业的元老地位。

2. ethyl alcohol、ethanol 和alcohol

在文章当中,多次出现这几个词汇。这三个词汇在化学中指的都是“乙醇”,只不过在词形上不同而已,实质上的差异并不大。另外,“ethanol”是由“ethyl alcohol”缩拼而来。

3. We are not interested in becoming the Saudi Arabia of ethanol.

在文章倒数第六段中出现了这句话。众所周知,沙特阿拉伯是中东石油大国,在全球石油供应中占有举足轻重的地位。而Eduardo Carvalho说巴西不想在乙醚领域成为沙特阿拉伯的翻版,就是在表明巴西不会垄断乙醚的供应,为其下文阐明他们愿意与其他方面加强合作,共享技术做了一个铺垫。

predict /pri`dikt/ v.预知;预言

petroleum /pi`tr9uli9m/ n.石油

barrel /`bAr9l/ n.桶

embrace /im`breis/ vt.信奉

self-sufficient /`selfs9`fiH9nt/ adj.自给自足的

sugar cane 甘蔗

State of the Union 国情咨文

cutting-edge /`k7tiMe_/ adj.尖端的

chip /tHip/ n.碎片

stalk /st5k/ n.茎;梗

switch grass 柳枝稷

incentive /in`sentiv/ n.刺激;鼓励

yield /j1ld/ v&n.生产/产量

duty /`d(ti/ n.税

account for 占……的比例

fossil fuel 矿物燃料

cultivate /`k7ltiveit/ vt.培养;耕作

ripple /`ripl/ v.起波纹

destine /`destin/ vt.注定;预定

soft drink 软饮;不含酒精的饮料

levy /`levi/ v.征收

soaring /`s5riM/ adj.高涨的

inhibit /in`hibit/ v.抑制;约束

trade /treid/ vi.对换

longstanding /`l4M`st2ndiM/ adj.为时已久的

commodity /k9`m4diti/ n.商品

slump /sl7mp/ n.消沉;衰退

fermentation /,f8men`teiH9n/ n.发酵

ratio /`reiHi9u/ n.比;比率

biomass /`bai9um2s/ n.生物质;生物量

miracle /`mir9kl/ n.奇迹;奇事

balance /`b2l9ns/ n.收支差额

edge /e_/ n.优势

embark on 着手

mill /mil/ n.工厂

grid /Grid/ n.高压输电网

map /m2p/ v.绘制(某物的)形态图

genome /`_1n9um/ n.基因组

genetically modified 转基因的

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