
时间:2022-05-17 10:00:45




>> 加强与台湾农机领域的合作 促进福建农业机械发展 台湾农业现状与闽台农业合作 拓展校企合作领域、丰富校企合作方式的研究与探讨 云南农业战略性新兴产业选择与培育研究 我国能源农业重点产业选择与发展思路探讨 农业银行:云南省分行与越南一银行签订合作协议 云南―台湾农民专业合作组织对比研究 农业农村体制机制创新的重点领域 台湾大陆经贸政策变化与闽台经济合作路径选择 河南新能源产业发展重点领域选择研究 欧盟愿与中国在农业和食品安全领域深入合作 天津农业国际科技合作的战略重点与措施 有关中俄域合作重点领域的思考 云南省交行重点支持领域发展 农业保险的保费分解与政府财政补贴方式选择 农业银行:云南省农行与省林业厅深化银政合作等3则 云南 农博会助力中国东盟农业合作等 美援与台湾农业的发展 东亚经济整合与台湾的选择 云南与台湾“生命教育”的比较研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:,2013-01-20.


The Choice of Key Projects and Ways of

Yunnan-Taiwan Agricultural Cooperation

ZHU Rui-qian

(School of Economics, Yunnan University, Kunming, 650091, Yunnan, China)

Abstract:The investment from Taiwan is shifting from China's coastal areas to the central and western regions. Yunnan, with its unique resources and niche advantage, is becoming an important cluster to undertake the transfer of the investment. Such transfer is based on the industrial cooperation between these two regions. It is the common expectation of people on both sides to strengthen the cooperation for mutual benefits and win-win results. Depending on the status quo and features of agriculture in Yunnan and Taiwan, this paper attempts to put forward the possible practical choices from the agricultural aspect, such as the cultivation of flowers, fruits and vegetables, and provides suggestions to promote the agricultural cooperation between these two areas.

Keywords:Yunnan-Taiwan agricultural cooperation; cultivation of flowers; cultivation of vegetables; suggestions

上一篇:澳基金善用社源惠子 造福社 下一篇:国际贸易专业双语教学体系设计