Researches On The Necessity And Countermeasures Of College Education To Conduct

时间:2022-03-25 09:27:44

Abstract: Ecological civilization is a new form of civilization after the agricultural and industrial civilizations. At present, China is in a period of transition from industrial civilization to ecological civilization. it is essential to strengthen ecological civilization education among college students.Therefore,we should strengthen ecological civilization education in ideological and political education curriculum and campus culture,and focus on promoting education in the practice of ecological civilization, to promote the construction of ecological civilization and our education system.

Keywords: college students; ecological civilization education; necessity; countermeasures

I. The need to strengthen college ecological civilization education

1. Strengthening college ecological civilization education is an objective requirement of the times

Ecological civilization is formed in humans reflection period on the basis of industrial civilization.It races the human as a subsystem of natural systems,it considers that any development of mankind, including economic, political, cultural and so inseparable from the natural gifts are dependent on natural resource stocks.Marx pointed out: “nature, on its own is not the human body, it is a man’s inorganic body, which means that people rely on nature, life, human nature is to not die but must continue to interact with the human body. the so-called people’s physical life and spiritual life is linked with nature mean that nature itself linked with, because man is part of nature, “this shows that humans and nature are closely related, yes - a continuum, humans depend on nature. However, since the industrial revolution, with “resources - products waste” is characterized by a linear economy has become the dominant economic model of human development.This model of economic development has brought many problems, such as high consumption of resources, high pollution emissions and low utilization of resources, causing a accumulative decline and deterioration of the natural resources and ecological environment.After entering the post-industrial era, humans began to reflect this economic development model, proposed construction of ecological civilization, achieved the idea of sustainable human development.

Therefore, if we want to build an ecological civilization, we must strengthen ecological civilization education, construct ecological ethics and form ethics.College students are the future and hope of the nation State,are builders and successors of modernization, their moral and political consciousness is directly related to the overall quality of the Chinese nation,related to the construction of ecological civilization goal whether can be achieved or not.Therefore, in the process of strengthening the national ecological civilization education, we should focus on strengthening ecological civilization education of contemporary college students.

2. Strengthening college ecological civilization education is the age requirement of moral universities

2.1 Scological civilization education is an objective requirement for students to create a good ecological ethics

As a new form of civilization, ecological civilization shows high consistency with the theory of sustainable development, scientific development and conservation-oriented society.The so-called eco-ethical norms that regulate relations between people, between people and society about the ecological relationship between environmental interests, it transcends to the people and community-based traditional morality, emphasizing nature-based and based on intergenerational between contemporary and equal rights and obligations of resources and the environment, reflecting the human moral obligation and responsibility to nature. This requires university students to the field of ethics and moral behavior spread from person to person, man and society between man and nature, the ethics fairness, equality, responsibility and obligations applied to deal with the relationship between man and nature go, the initiative to undertake from the natural responsibility.

Contemporary college students need to adapt to the times,contribute their strength in building a conservation-oriented society, we must have a science of ecological ethics, understanding natural resources and ecological environment knowledge, correctly understand the status quo of China's resources and environment, and conscientiously fulfill their responsibilities and obligations to the ecology, realizing its transformation from ecological awakening to ecological consciousness.

2.2 Ecological civilization education is an objective requirement to expand moral content

As an important part of ecological civilization, ecological morality requires respect and care for nature, comply with ecological laws?to form a healthy lifestyle and consumption patterns.These objectives and requirements and spiritual civilization is consistent, which runs through into the communist morality, social morality and professional ethics education, implies a dialectical philosophy and values. In today's emphasis on sustainable development, for moral education in universities, this content is essential.

2.3 Ecological civilization education is an objective requirement to promote the comprehensive development of college students

Ecological civilization requires people to pay attention and adherence to the principles of harmony, to achieve harmony between man and nature, man and society, and between people and the common development in social life.This requirement of ecological civilization is corresponding with the goal of building a harmonious society of our correspondence,it reflects the values of previous re-understanding, which has important guiding significance for the college's growth and overall development.Ecological civilization education can help students to establish a good idea ecological awareness and harmony, so that they learn the relationship between man and nature and between people correctly understand and deal with, caring society, respect for nature, care for the environment and consciously resist environmental hazards behavior, thus promoting their full development.

II.Measures to strengthen the ecological civilization education of college students

1.Establish ecological civilization education system of university

Compared with other countries, China's ecological civilization and education has just started, still stuck in the the field of knowledge, not perfect, immature, especially universities ecological civilization and education are still far from being able to meet the needs of society.According to the survey, the current non-biological, environmental professional elective institutions and the creation of eco-related, accounting for only about 10% of the total number of colleges and universities, the number of students receiving education also accounted for a small percentage. Therefore, to enhance ecological civilization of college education is imperative.

First, we should establish a system of ecological civilization education in colleges and universities, so that the ecological civilization proceeds to Teaching Reform of Higher Education in;Secondly, the Ministry of Education organized experts to write about ecological civilization education textbook series, which include knowledge about natural resources, environmental protection and ecological ethics to develop other aspects, and strive straightaway;Again, the ecological civilization Higher education courses as public courses, requiring all colleges and universities organize professional teachers teach; Finally, the relevant departments should increase investment, develop a number of outstanding ecological education teacher. Through these measures, the construction of ecological civilization from the Education System in China.

2.Strengthen ecological civilization in the ideological and political education teaching education courses

In order to strengthen the ecological civilization and education of college students, our primary job is to embed ecological civilization education in the curriculum of ideological and political education, helpping students to establish a scientific concept of ecological civilization.The so-called concept of ecological civilization, that while in the pursuit of human development, establish the concept of human development and the natural balance and coordination, which includes the philosophy of ecological civilization, values, ethics, green consumption and green technology outlook and outlook, including philosophy, the formation of values and ethics concept of ecological civilization Students play an important role. Concept of ecological civilization cultivate college students ideological and political education in the teaching curriculum, the teacher in the classroom is to ask the ideological and political education programs, through a description of the human ecological footprint, education students look at the development process of human civilization, the concept of harmony and global awareness dialectically opposed and unity between man and nature, fully aware of the ecological balance of the interests of the whole of mankind lies to protect the ecological balance is to protect our own homes.

3.Strengthen ecological civilization education in the construction of campus culture

Moral form culture is the core and pillar to the campus culture, and ecological ethics belong to this level.Campus culture has a rich, open, concrete and vivid characteristics, students can accept a wide range of dynamic information to stimulate the growth of knowledge in a pleasant,increasing capacity, so as to realize the comprehensive development of the self.Construction of ecological civilization and cultural education entering the campus students can promote the formation concept of ecological civilization.Specifically, strengthening ecological civilization education in campus culture should do the following: First, the use of knowledge media publicity natural resources and ecological environment of the campus newspapers, Internet, billboards, etc., especially to use plain language and intuitive picture of publicity with students who are closely related to environmental knowledge, such as green consumption, including what, how to recycle used batteries, etc.; second is to encourage students to some of the environmental aspects of the establishment of community organizations to attract students through these organizations concerned with environmental protection, promotion environmental protection; Third hire environmental experts regularly lectures at schools and environmental protection, universal ecological knowledge, help students establish good ecological concept; Fourth, through organization of environmental speech contests, debates and quizzes to promote student participation in environmental knowledge learning and outreach activities. Through these measures, should influence the students' moral values, to enable students to recognize that part of the school is just an ecological subsystem human ecosystem, which gradually form a good concept of ecological civilization and ecological ethics.

4.Focus on promoting education in the practice of ecological civilization

Ecological civilization education can not just stay in the classroom and books, but to go deep into practice,let students feel the importance of ecological civilization behavior in practice, so contemplation of their cognitive and behavioral, and continue to be improved and enhanced.For example,in the process to guide students to develop moderate consumption and green consumption concept,schools can expand the publicity from the use of disposable tableware canteen, waste battery recycling and utilization.In addition, the school also organize students to visits the eco-enterprises, eco-industrial parks and green community,so that they truly feel the effectiveness of the ecological community in order to deeply understand the importance of ecological civilization, and then correct their attitude and positive action.


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