Analysis of constraints of building a moderately prosperous society in ethnic mi

时间:2022-05-04 01:28:41

( Qujing Normal University,Qujing,Yunnan,655011 China )

Abstract. The restricting factors in building a moderately prosperous society in Yunnan include the aspect of economic development: such as low level of industrialization, economic restructuring backwardness, slow non-public economy and export-oriented economic development, backwardness of the county economy, also includes the aspect of social development: such as low- level urbanization, wide range of poverty, poor quality of labor. In addition, there are some problems of resources and environment.

Keywords: Yunnan, national, well-off society, constraints

1. Components of ethnic minority areas in Yunnan

Yunnan province has the largest number of ethnic minority in China, according to the data distribution in the fourth national census in 1990, the country has 56 ethnic groups while Yunnan has 52. 26 minorities have a population of more than 5,000 people, besides Han, there are 25 ethnic minorities, and ethnic distribution was inhabited by characteristics of large and small settlements. There are 15 ethnic minorities living in Yunnan from ancient time: Bai, Hani, Dai, Lisu, Lahu, Wa, Naxi, Jingpo, Blang, Pumi, Achang, Nu, Jino, De’ang, Independent Dragon. The province’s total population of about 4192 people (1999), where the minority population more than 1,300 people, accounting for 1 /3 of the provinces total population. In the 25 minorities, Yi has the largest population, there are more than 400 million; Dulong has the least population, only 5,500 people. Yunnan has many nationalities, its causes are many, mainly because: Yunnan is located in the plateau, there are mountains and traffic barrier, residents are living in a relatively “closed” state, over time, gradually developed into different nations; some people of the minority moved from the inland to Yunnan in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties due to refuge, fleeing, or other reasons, because some of these main reasons, so Yunnan province has the largest number of minorities.

The distribution of 25 ethnic minorities in Yunnan is more complex, but there are two outstanding features: First, staggered distribution, large mixed. No single ethnic county ( city ) is living in one province, nor nationalities live in only one county (city), in general, mostly distributed in the border areas; Second, three-dimensional distribution. Overall, Dai, Zhuang live mainly in river valleys, Hui, Manchu, Bai, Naxi, Buyi, water and other ethnic groups mainly live in the dam area, Hani, pull dry, Wa, Jingpo, keno and other ethnic groups living in the semi- mountainous areas, Miao, Lisu, Nu, Dulong, Tibetan, Pumi ethnic groups mainly live in the high mountains. It is because of the special nature of its ethnic composition led to differences and complexity in economic development.

2. Economic development overview of minority areas in Yunnan

Yunnan is located in China's southwest border, is a frontier mountainous province with many nations. On the eve of liberation, economic and social development of Yunnan were very backward, with extremely low level of productivity, in 1949, the province's per capita GDP is only 56 yuan. New China was founded more than 50 years, Yunnan has undergone tremendous and profound historic changes. Especially since the reform and opening up, the province's total economy continues to grow, the economic structure became more reasonable, comprehensive economic strength significantly increased and people's living standard had been improved greatly. But the province’s economic and social development is still at a low level of primary stage of socialism, industrialization and economic development was in the transition from early stage to middle stage, showing characteristics of ‘ four lows and four highs”, that is, low level of social development, low level of development of the productive forces, low qualities of scientific and cultural labor and low level of people’s overall lives; high proportion of natural economy, high proportion of the poor, high proportion of illiterate, high degree of imbalance in regional development. Compared with the national level of economic development, Yunnan is still lagging behind, especially in recent years, and economic growth gradually is slowing down.

In recent years, Yunnan, after a series of efforts, has made significant improvement in all aspects of the economy. In 2011, the province ‘s GDP was 875.095 billion yuan, an increase of 13.7% ; total fixed ass et investment was 710.97 billion yuan, an increase of 27.4% ; total fiscal revenue was225.82 billion yuan, an increase of 24.8% ; local general budget revenue was 111.08 billion yuan, an increase of 27.5% ; total retail sales of social consumer goods was 300.01 billion yuan, an increase of 20% ; disposable income of urban residents was 18,576 yuan, a real increase of 10.3% ; rural per capita net income of 4,722 yuan, a real increase of 13.9% ; urban registered unemployment rate was 4.05% ; natural population growth rate was 6.35 ‰; consumer price index rose by 4.9% ; unit GDP energy consumption fell 3.22 percent ; in 2011, total industrial added value reached 320.6 billion yuan, tobacco industry realized profits and taxes of 109.6 billion yuan, energy and metallurgical industry sales are exceeded 100 billion yuan. There were 114 new provincial leading enterprises, and the province’s agricultural enterprises amounted to more than 2,400 households, sales revenue reached 87.2 billion yuan. The reception of 167 million domestic and overseas tourists made tourism revenue over 130 billion yuan. The added value of the proportion of the province’s GDP reached 6.3%. In 2011 total fixed asset investment reached 710.97 billion yuan, an increase of 27.4 % over the previous year. The first industrial investment was 28.216 billion yuan, an increase of 24.9% ; second industrial investment was 222.224 billion yuan, an increase of 25.3%, of which industrial investment was 221.352 billion yuan, an increase of 25.3% ; the investment of tertiary industry was 460.53 billion yuan, an increase of 30.5 %.

From the above data we can see a series of good economic situation in Yunnan, Yunnan frontier minority areas, however, due to historical, geographical, ethnic and other reasons, there are three development gap with developed regions: the gap between economic development ( GDP per capita area, urban-rural income, the gap between urban and rural production services, etc. ), the development gap between life ( health, standard of living, quality of life gap ) and knowledge development gap ( education, science and technology, information, institutional and other disparities ). We believe that the gap in Yunnan with the developed provinces did not shrink, but further widening.

3. Constraints of building a well-off society in ethnic minority areas of Yunnan Province

3.1 Capital shortages, underdeveloped infrastructure

Poor infrastructure is the "bottleneck" constraining economic development in minority areas. This constraint presents in three aspects: First, inadequate transport facilities, isolated railway and highway cannot meet the needs of the capital of mineral resources as well as other industrial development of agricultural and livestock products; Second, aging water conservancy facilities cannot make the limited water resources fully rational developed and utilized; Third, poor communication facilities greatly restricts the dissemination of economic information and ethnic people’s understanding and communication of the outside world, restricted the regional economy. But the biggest obstacle to cross in front of the infrastructure is inadequate funding. Shortage of funds for the development of minority areas are mainly in three aspects: First, the impact of macroeconomic policies on national autonomous areas funds. For a long time, the state of the financial aspects of the ethnic autonomous areas to give concessions to set up a special account funds, agricultural taxes, and low-interest or interest-free (subsidized) loans, the earmarked funds, and grants substantially exceeds the local income every year. But in 1993, the state transferred from the economic strategy to establish a socialist market economic system. In 1994, market economic system began the operation in terms of finance, planning, taxation, foreign trade, business, etc., some preferential policies given to ethnic minority areas in the past disappeared, the national investment in ethnic minority areas reduced, so that the fledgling nation’s economy was shocked and some construction projects due to lack of financial support and the subsequent fell by the wayside. Second, capital accumulation is very limited in autonomous areas; fiscal deficits plagued the further development of the economy. In ethnic areas, the industrial base was weak, and lack of local financial resources. According to the survey, ethnic minority areas since 1982, local fiscal deficits year after year, financial self-sufficiency rate of some ethnic autonomous areas was less than 3000, the lowest self-sufficiency rate of county finance was less than 1000, coupled with the implementation of the civil service since 1994, the civil service salaries and related office expenses was rising every year, while the central just gave but money, making it more difficult for the nation ‘s local fiscal constraints. In this case, it would not increase investment in economic construction, the new and expansion projects can be imagined. Third, poor utilization of foreign investment channels, absorption capacity is not strong. Northwest Ethnic Area since the reform and opening up, the actual utilization of foreign investment is very low, just above Tibet, lower than other provinces nationwide.

3.2 Education is lagging behind; quality of the population is low

Before the founding of our nation, school education is blank in minority areas. After the liberation, the party and the country attached great importance to education in minority areas; the nation has put a huge education investment to make education thriving in ethnic autonomous areas, but also trained a group of various ethnic groups at all levels of professionals. But with the deepening of reform and opening up, and impact of market economy, the state implements the strategy of rejuvenating the country, ethnic regions are facing intense competitive market pressures, economic development and human needs have become increasingly prominent. The main reasons of the problems existing in the current minority areas in Yunnan Education are: First, weak national education foundation, local fiscal revenue limited, big spending, inadequate education funding, the total lack of investment, poor infrastructure, a serious shortage of school buildings, poor boarding conditions are the fundamental reasons caused the poor national education; Second, ‘ two frees “ of minority students and boarding schoolchildren living allowance have not honored, some students cannot attend school because of family difficulties. Third, some people lack understanding of education. Fourth, poor teacher quality makes it difficult to improve the quality of education, thereby affecting the initiatives of farmers and herdsmen to send their children to school. Under the above constraints, the Education and Economic Development in Northwest Ethnic Area cannot adapt to each other, overall population accept low level of education, and cultural qualities of the population is poor, affecting the promotion and application of advanced technology in these areas. In short, the overall level of basic education in ethnic minority areas in Yunnan is low, this is a very prominent issue. If ethnic minority areas want to get rid of poverty, develop, and achieve well-off goal, they must give priority to education.

3.3 Low level of urbanization, contradiction of imbalance urban and rural development

Affected by the low level of industrialization, urbanization development in Yunnan is also lag behind. Urban population is less than 1,000 people in Yunnan province and the cities with urban population of over 100,000 are rarely, over 50 million people are less. Between 1990 to 2000, the province's urban population in the total population has risen by only 8.64 percentage. By 2001, the urbanization rate was only 24.9 percent of Yunnan, lower than 12.8 percent of the nation. It was in last third column of the 31 provinces and autonomous regions in the country, just above Tibet ( 8.3% ), Henan ( 23.20% ). Urbanization lagging, led less effect on the surrounding area, so that various elements of the development of the market become slow, directly inhibits agriculture development and agro- industrial products in circulation, and had impact of the increase in farmers’ income and the transfer of rural surplus labor. At the same time the imbalance economic development of rural and urban increased. According to the released materials of National Statistics Department, Yunnan disposable income of urban residents reached 6,798 yuan, higher than Xinjiang, Qinghai, Ningxia, Gansu, Shaanxi, Guizhou, even higher than Sichuan, Chongqing, Hainan, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei and other places, ranked 10th in the country. However, the net income of rural residents was only 1533.74 yuan, ranking 27 in the country. The high and low rank formed a stronger contrast, the gap between urban and rural areas in Yunnan showed more prominent in the country. To build a moderately prosperous society in Yunnan, we must further accelerate the pace of urban and rural structural adjustment, urbanization is a product of industrialization process, is an important factor in promoting industrialization. In recent years, Yunnan actively promotes the process of urbanization, the urbanization level in 2002 reached 26%. Compared with other provinces, there is still a wide gap, especially the development of the urban system in Yunnan is not perfect, and the development of medium cities and big cities is seriously lagging behind, urban type is single, the scale is small, spatial distribution is imbalance, the city’s potential economic development is not fully played. Accelerating the urbanization in Yunnan is an important measure to effectively adjust the structure of urban and rural areas, in the future, there need increase efforts in Yunnan to continuously improve the level of urbanization.

3.4 Wide range and deep level of rural poverty

During the ninth Five-Year plan, Yunnan launched the work to support the poor, had made nearly 500 million poor people out of poverty. But by 2001 the province still had 10.05 million poor people, of which 4.05 million for the depth of poverty, accounting for one third of the 30 million rural poor, as compared to the present, there were 5000 villages extremely poor. The province has 129 counties, there were 73 key counties for national poverty alleviation. In the 73 counties, three counties’ GDP was less than 1,000 yuan per capita, 43 counties were less than 2,000 yuan. Yunnan had a population of 32,190,000 people in rural areas, the vast majority located in the mountains accounted for 94 percent of the land of the province, the economic development is lagging behind, and the province had 4.05 million extremely poor people, more than 600 million poor people, mainly in rural areas. In 2001, the national per capita income of farmers was 2,366 yuan, while the net income of farmers in rural areas was only 1533.7 yuan, ranked No. 26 in the country.

4. Conclusion

Through careful analysis of constraints of building a moderately prosperous society in ethnic minority areas in Yunnan Province, we consider to be the two deep-seated contradictions, that is, the vicious circle of human development and social development, population and resources, environment. Low overall quality of workers is a result of the economic backwardness of Yunnan, and become constraints of building a moderately prosperous society. The rapid growth of population in Yunnan is the direct cause of deforestation, over-exploitation, resulting in resource depletion, environmental degradation and ecological damage. Resource and environmental issues of less developed areas should primarily be attributed to the population problem. We believe that, to solve the contradiction between the two, and make the relationship between human development and social development, population and resources, environment step into a virtuous cycle, is the breakthrough to combine actual situations of border ethnic areas with the concept of scientific development, is also the key to building a moderately prosperous society.


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