Seeing Green

时间:2022-10-24 12:14:40

On July 8, 2016, Guizhou Province welcomed 1,200 distinguished guests from China and overseas as well as 2,500 foreign and domestic enterprises to brainstorm conservation culture. First held in August 2009, the forum, known as Eco Forum Global, has established a platform for people from all corners of the planet to address issues concerning green development, natural conservation, and climate change. Host Guizhou Province has been making strides to open its window to the rest of the world ― The New York Times cited Guizhou as one of the most worthy places to visit in 2016.

Understanding & Protecting“Green”

Summer heat is eased away by the cool breeze from the dense forest in the park of Mt. Huancui (“Green All Around”) in Zhenning County. “It used to be considered a ‘poor place’ with mountains and trees,”remarks Xiang Yuegui, vice magistrate of Zhenning. “But now it’s hard to find anywhere like that. Data attests to the success of better utilizing our naturally-endowed resources. Smartly planning around mountains and rivers not only brings great harmony to our lives, production, and ecology, but also attracts more investors.”

Zhenning is merely one of many case studies for local development in Guizhou. Over the last few years, the province has achieved impressive social and economic progress by practicing conservation culture. Between 2011 and 2015, for example, its province-wide forest coverage increased by 1 percentage point annually. By the end of 2015, forests covered 132 million mu, over half of its total area. Guizhou is home to 78 forest parks, 104 forest and wetlandbased nature reserves for wildlife, and 40 wetland parks. In 2015, the provincial government launched a three-year action plan to build 9.16 million mu of forests, which will push its green coverage to 54 percent in 2017.

“You can understand why so many people consider Guizhou a top holiday destination,” commented Christa Markwalder, president of the National Council, Swiss Parliament. “The province has impressive forests and terraced fields, well-patterned dwellings, and smart planning. Guizhou used to be isolated due to its topography, and now it is a flagship for the rest of the country in terms of ecological progress, which has become a massive driving force for its economic growth.”

Systemic Guarantees

About nine years ago, China’s first court specializing in environmental protection was established in Qingzhen, Guiyang City of Guizhou, especially to decide the country’s first civil public welfare dispute, in which an environmental protection organization sued a paper mill over sewage discharge.

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