
时间:2022-10-19 05:37:34




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Which of the following is true?


How many …?

What / Who / When / Where / How / Why …?





A new report shows what life might be like in 100 years from now. Experts on space and architecture (建筑), and city planners gave their ideas on life in 2116. Twenty-five years ago, we could not imagine how greatly the Internet would change our lives. Now the Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and learn. They said the changes in the next century would be even more unbelievable.

51. Who gave their ideas on life in 2116?

A. Experts and city planners.

B. Teachers and workers.

C. Researchers and 2000 adults.

【答案解析】A。根据本段“Experts on space and architecture (建筑), and city planners gave their ideas on life in 2116.”一句可知,空间建筑专家、城市规划者们描绘出2116年的生活场景,故选A。


[Passage A

Yuan Longping was born in Beijing in 1930. He developed his new kind of rice in 1974, which helped many countries grow more rice than ever before. So he is called “the Father of Rice”. ]

41. According to Passage A, which sentence is right?

A. Yuan Longping is “the Grandfather of Rice”.

B. Yuan Longping was born in 1932.

C. Yuan Longping helped only one country grow more rice.

D. A new kind of rice was developed by Yuan Longping.

【答案解析】D。根据Passage A,袁隆平生于1930年,帮助多个国家培育水稻,被称为“杂交水稻之父”。故选D。


A new camera made by a company named Netatmo has facial recognition software (面部识别系统) that can tell parents at work that their children have returned from school, or that a package has been taken to their home. It can also tell them if a stranger has entered their home.

38. The new camera made by Netatmo can _____.

A. warn the strangers

B. welcome the children

C. stop the visitors

D. recognize the comers

【答案解析】D。根该段最后一句“It can also tell them if a stranger has entered their home.”可知,这种新型的摄像头可以对来访者进行识别。故选D。



What does the underlined word ... (in Paragraph 1/2/3) mean?

The underlined word(s) / phrase(s) mean(s) _____.

The underlined word / phrase could be replaced by _____.

Whats the meaning of the word / phrase ... as used in the passage / text?

The underlined part ... is closest in meaning to “_____”.




例如: We should feel the thankfulness for those who help us.

根据我们熟知的thankful(感激的、感恩的),再根据构词法“thankful+ness”,可知thankfulness 是名词,意为“感恩”。



例如:Mr. White loves to talk and his wife is similarly loquacious.

loquacious是个生词,但根据similarly这个词,它暗示loquacious与love to talk同义,意为“多嘴的、饶舌的”。


我们有时可以在文章中找到类似that is,in other words,to mean 等标志词,对生词作出解释,或用破折号、冒号和逗号等标点符号对后面的词语来解释说明。

例如:A hibernating animal doesnt wake in winter. That is / In other words, it sleeps in winter.

hibernating是生词,但根据That is后面的解释可知,hibernating意为“冬眠的”。


例如:Water usually boils at 100 centigrade.

众所周知,水的沸点是100摄氏度,由此不难判断出centigrade 的意思是“摄氏度”。


例如:The little girl was the only grandchild in the family. She was the apple of her grandparents eyes.



例如:Bananas, oranges, pineapples, coconuts and some other kinds of fruit grow in warm areas.

从句意我们不难看出pineapple,coconuts和bananas,oranges 是同类关系,即它们是生长在温暖地带的水果,准确地说,也就是菠萝和椰子。


The waitress looked at the young man a little perplexed, not fully understanding the request. That was when the young man asked her to give the juice to the old gentleman eating his lunch outside, as well as the change (零钱) from the 20 dollars.

62. The word “perplexed” in the second paragraph probably means _____.

A. doubtful B. embarrassed

C. worried D. angry

【答案解析】A。根据该词后面的一句话“not fully understanding the request”可知,服务员不明白年轻男子这么做的原因。doubtful“怀疑的,不确定的”;embarrassed“窘迫的”;worried“担心的”;angry“生气的”。故选A。


The school wanted to help the girls build an ability to get better from setbacks quickly, so they wouldnt think it was the end of the world if they didnt do well in an exam.

64. What does the underlined word “setbacks” mean in Chinese?

A. 弱点 B. 吹嘘

C. 病痛 D. 挫折

【答案解析】D。根据“... so they wouldnt think it was the end of the world if they didnt do well in an exam.”可知,即便她们没考好,也不会觉得这就是世界末日。由此可确定:学校想帮助女孩培养快速从挫折中成长的能力。


“Everything happens for the best,” my mother said whenever things werent going my way. “Dont worry, one day your luck will change.”

I found mom was right after I finished my college education. I had decided to try for a job in a radio station. I wanted to host (主持) a sports program day. One day, I went to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station. But I got turned down every time.

In one station, a kind lady said my problem was that I hadnt got enough experience. “Get some work in a small station and work your way up,” she said.

57. The underline sentence “But I got turned down every time” in Paragraph 2 most probably means “_____”.

A. But I was successful every time

B. But I was refused every time

C. But I lost my way every time

【答案解析】B。根据上文中“I went to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station.”可知,我去芝加哥求。再根据下文“In one station, a kind lady said my problem was that I hadnt got enough experience.”可知,我的工作经验不足。由此我们确定该句的意思是“但是我每次都被拒绝了”。故选B。



The underlined word ... in the passage refers to (指的是) _____.

What does the underlined word ... refer to in the … paragraph?

In this story the underlined word ... refers to _____.

Here ... refers to _____.






You walk into the kitchen. You grab the milk, but a voice says, “You shouldnt drink that!” Your fridge has read the small computer chip (芯片) on the milks label (商标), and it knows the milk is old. In 2040, every food item in the grocery store has a small chip.

51. The word “that” in Paragraph 4 refers to _____.

A. the kitchen B. the fridge

C. the milk D. the label

【答案解析】C。根据上文“You grab the milk”以及drink可确定that指代“牛奶”。


Making Use of Smog

SMOG (雾霾) is annoying. But what if it could be made into a diamond (钻石)?! A “Smog Free Tower” will try to do that although the diamonds will not be as dear as real ones. Black particles (颗粒) in smog and diamonds are mostly carbon. A designer from the Netherlands made the tower.

53. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. Make the diamonds seem dear.

B. Make the smog become more annoying.

C. Make the diamonds from the tower.

D. Make the carbon particles in smog into diamonds.

【答案解析】D。根据前句“SMOG (雾霾) is annoying. But what if it could be made into a diamond (钻石)?”和下句“Black particles in smog and diamonds are mostly carbon.”可确定该词是指“将雾霾中的碳颗粒变成钻石”。


Youll soon be 84 years old. Dad, and you and I will have had 56 Fathers Days together. I didnt think that you were old. But the sad thing happened last week. I watched as you turned at the corner in your car. I didnt realize at once that it was you because the man who was driving looked so elderly.




28. What do the underlined words “the man” in Paragraph 2 refer to (指)?

A. An old man. B. A car driver.

C. Jennys father. D. Jennys husband.

【答案解析】C。根“Dad, and you and I will have had 56 Fathers Days together.”和“I watched as you turned at the corner in your car.”以及落款处的Jenny可知,坐在车里的人是Jenny的父亲。故选C。



What can we get from the passage?

What can we infer (推断) from the passage?

Where may the passage come from?

What would the writer write the passage mainly for?

Whats the writers opinion about …?






Like her classmates, Eha loves to sing. Here, music is part of daily life. Even the students who do not study English can sing some American pop songs, such as Stand By Me, “Stand by me. Please stand, stand by me. Stand by me ...”

Iyehezkiel Parudani says the song has special meaning to the students. “In our life, we need other persons. You have to stand by me. Without you standing by me, Im meaningless.”

36. From the last two paragraphs, we can infer (推断) that the students _____.

A. sang songs side by side

B. achieved their dreams

C. had a meaningless life

D. needed help from others

【答案解析】D。根据“In our life, we need other persons. You have to stand by me. Without you standing by me, Im meaningless.”可知,在生活中我需要别人站在自己一边,也就是支持自己。故选D。


So is there a connection (联系) between traditional tattoos and fashionable tattoos? And can you call tattoos a fashion? Chris Rainier is an expert in tattoos and his book Ancient Monks has photos of tattoos from all over the world. He thinks people in modern societies often have tattoos because they are a connection to the trad-itional world. But tattoos arent a fashion like clothes or a haircut because you cant put them on and take them off again like a jacket or a hat. They are permanent (永久的) and for life.

74. Whats the writers opinion about tattoos?

A. Tattoos are religious in modern societies.

B. Tattoos connect tradition with fashion.

C. Tattoos are a fashion among famous people.

D. Tattoos show information about a persons hobby.

【答案解析】B。根据“But tattoos arent a fashion like clothes or a haircut because you cant put them on and take them off again like a jacket or a hat. They are permanent (永久的) and for life.”可知,B项是作者的观点。


Later someone asked the violinist why he didnt take the lottery ticket to pay for his high education. He said, “Although I dont have much money, I live a happy life. If I lose honesty, I wont be happy forever.”

60. We can learn from the passage that the violinist was _____.

A. poor but honest

B. rich and honest

C. poor and careless

D. rich but careless

【答案解析】A。由“Although I dont have much money, I live a happy life. If I lose honesty, I wont be happy forever.”一句,我可推断A项是正确的。



What would be the best title (标题) for the passage?

Whats the best title of the passage?

Whats the main idea of the passage?

The passage mainly tells us _____.







A city without cars would be very strange, right? But Venice is such a city.

Venice is in the northeast of Italy. It wasnt built on land, like Beijing or Shanghai, but on more than 110 islands. Seawater is everywhere around the city.

Even so, travel isnt that difficult. The waterways have always been the best way to get around. There are 117 waterways and more than 400 bridges that can guide you where you want to go. People in Venice move from place to place by boat.

Water makes the city special, but it is also a big problem. Sometimes tourists will have such strange experiences. One moment they walk across the Rialto Bridge, and theres nothing special. But when they come back to the bridge an hour later, its underwater and everyone is wearing rain shoes.

Once, people used too much underground water. This made the city get lower little by little. Now the city has gone down by 23 centimeters. Another problem is the rising seawater. The temperature has risen over the years. This has made ice of the Arctic Ocean (北冰洋) melt (融化). Every year, high waters hit the city in autumn and winter. When a lot of water comes, more than half of the city is underwater.

Scientists are trying different ways to stop the city from getting even lower. The Italy government has asked some of Italys biggest companies to build the MOST project, which was planned to be built under the seawater to stop the rising water. Anyway, this project is helping solve the problem.

56. Whats the best title of this passage?

A. The Places of Interest of Venice.

B. The History of Venice.

C. The Specials and Problems of Venice.

D. The MOST Project of Venice.



Lockheed Martin, American space system company (空间系统公司) has found a really cool way to inspire the young minds of today to the research fields in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).

It may look like a normal yellow bus, but all the magic happens once you get inside. Meet the “Mars (火星) Experience Bus”, part of Lockheed Martins new “Generation Beyond” national education program to get the kids joining in studying what goes on outside of our home planet. The bus offers a virtual reality (VR, 虚拟现实) experience making the teenagers feel like they are driving on Mars.

The VR experience was developed by taking advantage of software (软件) created for todays best video games, so you can imagine the picture shown is top level. The kids do seem really excited to see the bus take a virtual trip on the red planet and search unknown places. Its certainly a great way of learning about the universe by virtual reality working on a common bus.

The Lockheed Martins bus will start a tour in the United States to allow kids from different parts of the country to take a ride in it. The Generation Beyond project also includes an iPhone app for IOS providing real-time information about weather reports for Mars, and theres also a free deep space course for middle school teachers and students.

61. The best title of this passage may be _____.

A. The common yellow bus

B. The mysterious red planet

C. The magic VR tour


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