
时间:2022-10-11 03:36:50




>> 新媒体艺术:陌生化与日常性的统一 现代艺术的 “陌生化” 鲁迅作品中的陌生化语言艺术 《壮族嘹歌》语言的陌生化艺术 “陌生化”理论对艺术设计的作用 浅谈“陌生化”艺术语言的魅力 论《一九八四》的陌生化艺术手法 陌生化的表现·日常生活 新媒体艺术的审美评价 新媒体时代的领导说话艺术 新媒体艺术的时空交互叙事 对新媒体艺术的审美诠释 新媒体艺术的趋向研究 新媒体艺术中的空间语言 论新媒体时代的领跑艺术 论新媒体艺术的文化实践 新媒体艺术的商业运用 新媒体时代的戏剧艺术 遥望新媒体艺术的价值 新媒体艺术的“齐物论” 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l[EB/01]. 2006-08-13.


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New Media Art:The unification of Defamiliarization and Ordinariness


(School of Chinese Language, Xia Men University, Fu Jian, China361005)

Abstract: The important characteristic of new media art is its newness and strangeness. That is to say, it has the trait of Defamiliarization. This is specifically represented through abnormal thoughts of artists and innovations of means of artistic expression in works. The means of innovation include mosaic, simulation, simulacra and so on. These are the marvelous spectacle of new media art in contrast with traditional art. Now the scholars have studied much in this respect. But the other characteristic of new media art, namely, ordinariness, hasn't been paid much attention by scholars. The existence of new media art can't depart from real life. When we totally investigate the mode of existence of new media art, we should dialectally analyze the two aspects because they seem to contradict with each other from the surface, but actually unity in the same work.

Key Words:new media art; Defamiliarization; Ordinariness; unity of opposites.

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