时间:2022-10-08 04:32:44

When Nikon launched its D90 camera in 2008, its video-shooting capability was a first for DSLRs. But even then, it could shoot 720P videos continuously only in clips of 2GB limits (in terms of time, you could get 5-20 minutes of video). Soon after, most companies incorporated video shooting, with Full HD resolutions, in their DSLR and no clip limits. With the price of DSLRs falling, the new products gave the people the opportunity to hold in their hands cameras that would produce excellent still images as well as videos.

The prevalance of movie modes in quality cameras has raised a question. How good is video produced on DSLRs when you compare it to those created by full-fledged video cameras? Can the camcorders be shunted out by the DSLRs? Can you buy just a DSLR with video rather than have a camera for photographs and a camcorder for moving pictures? Here are some pointers.


GOOD QUALITY VIDEO AT AFFORDABLE PRICES: The quality of videos shot with SLR cameras is good in comparison to those shot by the regular video camcorder because of higher megapixel count of DSLR censor. DSLRs are also cheaper than high quality video recorders.

WIDER RANGE OF CHEAPER LENS: The DSLR has a wide range of lens—from extreme wide to extreme tele. The cost of these lenses is much lower than specialised movie camera lenses. And remember, in the lower-end camcorders, you are forced to use the single lens they come with since they have no options for interchangeable lenses. DSLRs, on the other hand, allow you to use different lenses whether they are entry-level cameras or professional. Finding fast lenses for video cameras can be a costlier proposition given the lower prices of a variety of DSLR lenses.

BIG IMAGE SENSOR: The size of the sensor not only enhances the quality of pictures but also allows greater depth of field. This is because larger sensors require the user to get closer to their subject or to use a longer focal length in order to fill the frame with that subject. This means that one has to use progressively smaller aperture sizes in order to maintain the same depth of field on larger sensors. DSLRs often come with bigger sensors than camcorders.


LACK OF ELECTRONIC VIEW FINDER: DSLRs have no electronic view finder, only an LCD view finder and maybe a direct prism view finder. The electronic view finder is very helpful for hand-held high quality shooting and it is also very helpful in harsh sunlight. In both these conditions, the DSLR LCD view finder may prove inadequate.

RECORDS SHUTTER AND LENS IN AND OUT NOISE ALSO: When we shoot a video on a DSLR, often the camera also records the noise of the shutter if pictures are taken in between as well as the movement of the lens when zooming in or out.

LACK OF GOOD GRIP: DSLRs are made for still shooting not for live shooting so it’s uncomfortable when shooting videos.

FOCUS PROBLEM: DSLRs focus excellently when it comes to still pictures, but with moving subjects, focus is a problem and the sharpness suffers from frame to frame.