
时间:2022-10-07 05:40:24



>> 整合碳汇资源发展绿色经济 发展林业碳汇,挖掘绿色黄金 云南森林碳汇制度发展研究 中国林业碳汇发展分析 对碳汇渔业发展的思考 水库:碳源,还是碳汇? 模仿视角下的林业碳汇生产的激励机制研究 谈谈森林的碳汇功能 林业碳汇助推绿色奥运 生物碳汇类型的特性研究 第一单森林碳汇交易 碳汇与草地生态补偿 完善森林管理 增强碳汇能力 浅谈中国林业碳汇工作 研究草原碳汇经济的意义 郭鑫 碳“汇”绿色希望 梅县区碳汇林业建设研究 林业碳汇产权归属浅析 发展林业碳汇推进生态建设的思考 大力发展林业碳汇 完善生态补偿机制 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.




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Carbon Sink Production, Carbon Sink Trade and the

New Leap of Western DevelopmentLIU Chengyu

(Western Economics Research Center of China, Southwestern

University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu 610074, China)

Abstract: Carbon sink production and carbon sink trade have boosting effect on regional economic growth, especially, bring new ideas and new opportunity to economic and social development in the west regions of China. The research shows that the development of carbon sink production based on forest and grass can accumulate development potential energy and tamp the development of industrial economy, urban and green economy. Carbon sink production and carbon sink trade provide effective initiation and grip for ecological protective screen construction and economic leapfrogging development in west part of China. Currently, the west part of China actively participates in carbon sink production and carbon sink trade but the efficiency is not high, furthermore, its inner development is not balanced. West part of China should pay more attention to ecological and environmental construction, develop forestry and grass, push forward ecological migration, boost part of areas to quit grain production in order, expand new area of carbon sink, tamp regional carbon sink base, promote carbon sink efficiency, set up more ecological special zones, implement special policies for ecological construction and ecological protection, ecological compensation and transfer payment as well as financial policy and political performance examination policy, take the advantage of carbon sink and environmental capacity to accept heavy and chemical industry from east part of China, develop green economy, try to get vertical ecological transfer payment from central government and horizontal ecological compensation and boost carbon sink capacity construction.

Key words: carbon sink production; carbon sink trade; carbon sink capacity; carbon sink efficiency; carbon emission reduction; western development; CDM Project; ecological special zone; green economy

CLC number:F062.2;F127 Document code:AArticle ID:16748131(2013)03007310

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