雄浑朴茂 内敛蕴藉

时间:2022-10-02 02:08:45

Vigorous and Sincere, Temperate and Refined

-- Appreciation and analysis of works by painter Xu Chengyu

Written by Xu Donghua

Translated by Zhu Luqi


Xu Chengyu, a painter from Beijing, was born in 1946, and his ancestral home was in Penglai, Shandong Province. He graduated from China Academy of Chinese Painting, majoring in Chinese Painting, and was taught by master painters including Li Keran, He Haixia, Liang Shunian, and Gao Guanhua. Now he is a member of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Committee of the Ministry of Culture, Council Member of China Fine Arts Artist Association, and Academician of Calligraphy and Painting Institution of China Celebrity Association.











Mr. Xu Chengyu has studied painting for more than 50 years. He has always been fully devoted to painting and never slackened his efforts. He learned western painting in his early years, which laid a solid foundation of modeling. Then he turned to studying traditional Chinese painting because of his fondness for Chinese ancient civilization.

He studied Chinese painting on his own and experienced exploration with lots of frustration for a long time and eventually found a path suitable to himself.

Although he faces various temptations, he has always been able to enjoy loneliness and never played high key. He has never flaunted, pursued empty reputation, or flattered celebrities for recognitions.

Depending on his understanding of nature, his mastery of knowledge and his profound foundation in painting, he’s spared no efforts to find a unique way to elaborate the beauty of all things on earth.

Appreciating his works of mountains-and-waters painting makes you feel embraced by a fresh and classic atmosphere. The style of his painting is pure, spacious, and free. He has pursued the taste of painting and ink as well as the elegance of styles. Both the spirit of traditional art and the persistence and innovation of the artist can be reflected in his paintings. People who watch them can have an insight from the bottom of their hearts.

Xu Chengyu has insisted that national culture comes first, and on this basis, he selectively absorbs elements like perspective, color, light sensation and the coordination of black-white-grey from western painting which pays more attention to the unifying of the overall picture, to enrich the expressions of Chinese landscape painting. We can feel his endeavor in modern society from his paintings.

Hui Nantian said: The brushes inside brushes and the ink outside ink cannot be obtained and understood by common people but real talented ones. It means to understand a high character from freestyle Chinese landscape painting and express the unique charm of orient, which is also a huge difference of Chinese painting from western painting from forms to conceptions. Xu Chengyu concentrates his efforts on art of composition, brushwork, and color of ink, paying attention to the black-white contrast and coordination, the sophistication and change of brushwork, the intensity of color, and the rhythm and beats of lines. All of these give his works romantic charm.

The principle of overall harmony and elegancy can be reflected in his use of ink and colors. Sharp contrast forms intense visual impact and increases the artistic effect of the works. The inks are mostly watery, plentiful and wet, which shows the feelings of spaciousness, peace, and elegancy. We can see the romantic nature and free attitude of the painter from his pure and innocent works. “A painter’s sincerity is beyond the common world, and a brush nurtures all living things like a spring rain.”

Xu Chengyu elaborates and depicts his understanding of nature, life, and everything on earth in a poetic way. Therefore, his works are appreciated and valued by people.

In the interview, Mr. Xu said humbly: “I think the skills of a painter are not worth boasting. The prosperity of my country gives me what I have today. Being grateful can help people to remember who they are. We should keep a common mindset in life and painting, work hard and not mind too much others’ comments.”

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