
时间:2022-09-23 09:46:54


It was the mid-90s, the age of Britpop. On the week starting August 14th 1995, two rival bands, Oasis and Blur,went toe to toe in a race to the top of the UK singles chart. Both bands released their singles on the same day.On the one hand was Roll With It from northern working-class heroes Oasis. On the other, arty middle-class southerners Blur, with Country House. The battle was compared to the rivalry between the Beatles and the Rolling Stones back in the 1960s.

There was a media frenzy - every commentator in the country felt compelled to express an opinion on the Britpop phenomenon. For teenagers nationwide, almost everyone fell into one of the two camps - you could be Oasis or Blur but not both. The event caught the public's imagination and gained mass media attention, even featuring on the BBC News.



What is Britpop?

Britpop is a British alternative rock movement from the mid 90s, characterised by the appearance of bands who borrowed many influences from 60s and 70s while creating big and catchy hooks, as well as the glamour of earlier pop stardom and the sense that they were creating the soundtrack to the lives of a new generation of British youth. The movement was as much about British pride (as the country's quality of life improved from the 80s), media hype and imagery as it was about the particular style of music. Suede, whose debut album came out in 1993, was the first of the new crop of guitar-oriented bands to be completely embraced by the UK music media as Britain's answer to Seattle's grunge sound.

In April 1993, Select magazine helped spark the upswing in British pride by featuring Suede's lead singer Brett Anderson on the cover with a Union Jack in the background and the words "Yanks go home!". In 1994 and 1995 other Britpop and similar style acts started to appear - as well as Blur and Oasis, there were Elastica, Radiohead, the Verve, Supergrass, Pulp, Cast, Black Grape and more. Some of them were new, others already established acts who benefited from association with the movement.

The Contest

Blur were at the top of their game. Parklife was the unofficial Britpop national anthem and the band were set to release Country House, the first single from their forthcoming album, The Great Escape. Oasis were the upstarts, only one album - Definitely Maybe - behind them, with something called (What's The Story) Morning Glory? on the horizon. No one knew then what a big seller that album was destined to be.

In the end, it was Blur - led by singer Damon Albarn - who were victorious. Country House finished the week at number 1, selling 274,000 copies. Roll With It was number 2, on 216,000.

"What a strange cul-de-sac of pop Country House was," said Blur bassist Alex James in an interview years later. "Musically it was a really unusual pop record. It wasn't our coolest record, but maybe that tells you something about number ones. The coolest ones never get to No 1."

Who Won in the End?

While Blur may have won the battle, by the end of the year Oasis seemed to have won the war. Britpop was now massively in the public consciousness, but Blur had already probably reached the limits of their success. They were a rather complex, not very populist group. Oasis received a huge publicity boost from the battle and could now bring their uncomplicated pop-rock to a much wider audience. By the end of 1995, the Oasis album (What's the Story) Morning Glory? sold many more copies than Blur's The Great Escape. Blur may have come out ahead in the very long term, though - while Oasis are still playing the same stuff today, Blur continue to be popular because their music has changed over the years, incorporating new styles and influences.

"Nobody really realises this," says Alan McGee, then president of Creation Records, "but at that point, Blur were three times bigger than Oasis. Oasis may well never have wanted to admit that to themselves, but Definitely Maybe was at around 600,000 and Parklife had sold something like 1.5 to 2m copies. They were miles past us. And Damon Albarn, in his bizarreness, decided he was going to have it with these lunatics from Manchester, thinking it was going to be all jolly hockey sticks. And of course, that meant that the spotlight was on Oasis and it brought them up to a new level. In that sense, he probably did Oasis the biggest favour ever."












1. The event caught the public's imagination...

在文章第二段中,出现了这句话,其中用到了一个固定搭配――“catch sb's imagination”。如果说某事“catch your imagination”,那么其意就是,之前你并没有真正关心或了解此事,但是从你接触后的那一刻起,你对此事一直有着浓厚的兴趣。

2. ...creating big and catchy hooks...


3. ...with something called (What's The Story) Morning Glory? on the horizon.

在文章第五段中,出现了这句话,其中的“on the horizon”用的并不是字面的意思。当用其来形容某事时,它的意思就是此事将要发生,不过不是马上,而是在一段相当长的时间之后。

4. It wasn't our coolest record...

在文章第七段中,出现了这句话。其中的“record”指的就是歌曲《Country House》。因为《Country House》是作为单曲唱片发行的,所以也就被称为是一张“record”了。

5. ...he was going to have it with these lunatics...

在文章中最后一段中,出现了这句话。其中的“have it”是一个俚语,意思是“竞争”或“争斗”。

6. ...it was going to be all jolly hockey sticks.

在文章中最后一段中,出现了这句话。其中的“jolly hockey sticks”用的是引申含义,相当于“great fun”。这个词组含有贬义色彩,暗指某人过着富足舒适的生活而对生活的艰辛漠然不知。例如,“Going on a charity trip to Africa may seem all very jolly hockey sticks to you, but it is something you need to take seriously.”。

toe to toe(近距离)面对面的

arty /`3ti/ adj.附庸风雅的;艺术家气派的

frenzy /`frenzi/ n.狂热;狂暴

commentator /`k4menteit9/ n.评论员;讲解员

compel /k9m`pel/ vt.强迫;迫使

catchy /`k2tHi/ adj.易记住的

hype /haip/ n.大肆宣传

embrace /im`breis/ vt.采用;接受

spark /sp3k/ vt.发动

upswing /`7pswiM/ n.高涨

Union Jack 英国国旗

national anthem /`n2H9n9l `2nF9m/ 国歌

forthcoming /f5F`k7miM/ adj.即将来临的

upstart /`7pst3t/ n.崛起者;暴发户

cul-de-sac /,kuld9`s2k/ n.死胡同

populist /`p4pjulist/ adj.民粹派的

publicity /p7b`lisiti/ n.宣传;推广

bizarreness /bi`z3nis/ n.古怪

lunatic /`l(n9tik/ n.疯子;狂人

spotlight /`sp4tlait/ n.公众的注意力;聚光灯

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