
时间:2022-09-22 11:42:03


【摘 要】目的:研究创伤性休克的早期即刻液体复苏以及延迟液体复苏的临床意义。方法:选取80例患创伤性休克病人,将其分为IR(即刻复苏)组、DR(延迟复苏)组各40例、对其液体复苏一小时中的血检HCT值、PT值、APTT值、BL值、PH值以及BD值的变化进行回顾性分析,然后对患者液体复苏的前后数值出现的变化进行比较。结果:即刻复苏组的血PT值和APTT值都比DR组显著延长;且IR组患者在第一个小时中的输液量DR组,其差异存在统计学意义;在治疗之后,IR组的HCT值下降显著;而两组的BL和BD值在治疗的前后间差异没有统计意义。结论:创伤性休克患者在手术前的1小时内采取延迟液体的复苏,能保护病人机体凝血系统出现失血,也能够维持患者组织器官的最低有效灌注量,从而保证容量和酸碱代谢的基本平衡。


【中图分类号】R44 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004-7484(2013)05-0071-02

【Abstract】Objective: Research the clinical significance of traumatic shock about of immediate fluid resuscitation and delayed fluid resuscitation. Methods: Select 80 cases of patients with traumatic shock , divide into two groups with 40 cases in each group :IR(immediate resuscitation group ),DR(delayed resuscitation) . Retrospectively analysis the changes in blood of HCT , PT value, APTT value, BL value, pH value and BD value of the resuscitation in one hour, then make a comparison with the changes of the patients before and after fluid resuscitation numerical. Results: the blood PT and APTT values of immediate resuscitation group is longer than group DR significantly; group DR infusion volume in the first hours and patients in the IR group, The difference has statistical significance ; after treatment, HCT decreased significantly in IR group; and the difference of BL value and BD value in the two groups has no statistical significance between before treatment and after treatment. Conclusion: Patients with traumatic shock taken delayed fluid resuscitation before the operation 1 hour, can protect the body's blood coagulation system from losing blood, and also can maintain the lowest effective perfusion of patient’s tissues and organs, so as to ensure the basic balance between capacity and acid-base metabolism.

【Keyword】shock; fluid resuscitation; immediate fluid resuscitation; delayed fluid resuscitation

创伤性休克(traumatic shock)是由于机体遭受剧烈的暴力打击重要脏器损伤、大出血等使有效循环血量锐减,微循环灌注不足;以及创伤后的剧烈疼痛、恐惧等多种因素综合形成的机体代偿失调的综合征。因此创伤性休克较之单纯的失血性休克的病因、病理要更加复杂[1]。现选取80例创伤性休克病人,对其早期即刻液体复苏以及延迟液体复苏的临床意义进行研究,具体汇报如下。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料 选取2010年10月到2012年12月在我院接受治疗的80例创伤性休克病人,其中,有52例男性,28例女性,其年龄在16到63岁间,平均为34岁。48例是车祸伤,20例坠落伤,12例是塌方挤压伤。受伤后到就诊时间是20分钟到1小时。具体伤情:30例是多发伤,18例是胸部伤,16例是腹部伤,16例是四肢骨盆伤。急诊时病人意识情况:48例是清醒,24例为意识模糊,8例是昏迷。80例病人随机分成IP(即刻复苏)组与DR(延迟复苏)组,两组各40例。

1.2方法 IR组的病人在发生休克的第一小时内就迅速输入1500到2500毫升的平衡盐,之后依据需要进行全血、血浆等的输入,将病人的收缩压维持在120 mm H g;对于DR组患者,则进行小量的、分次的方法,对其注入250毫升到750毫升的平衡液,并将患者的收缩压保持在100到90 mm H g,一直到手术完全止血之后,再采取足量的液体复苏[2]。

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