新目标英语八年级(上)重点词语讲解(Units 9~10)

时间:2022-09-19 02:12:59

新目标英语八年级(上)重点词语讲解(Units 9~10)

1. join, join in, join to, take part in


1) join 意为“加入某一种组织并成为其中的一员”, join 后面还可以接表示人的名词或代词,表示“加入”到某些人的行列中去。例如:

When did your father join the army? 你父亲什么时候参的军?

These students joined the League two years ago. 这些学生两年前入的团。

We are going for a swim. Will you come and join us? 我们要去游泳,你和我们一起去好吗?

2) join in 意为“参预某种活动”或“与某人一起参加某种活动”。常见的含有 join in 的结构有“joinin sth”和“join in doing sth”。例如:

May I join you in the game? 我可以和你们一起做游戏吗?

She joined in planting trees. 她参加了植树这一活动。

3) join to 意为“把……同……连接起来”。例如:

We are going to join the city to the other by a railway. 我们将建一条铁路把这个城市同另一个城市连接起来。

Please join this one to that one. 请把这个与那个连在一起。

4) take part in 一般指“参加”会议或群众性的活动,着重强调的是以主人翁的态度参加进去。例如:

We all took part in the interesting activities. 我们都参加了那些有趣的活动。

Are you going to take part in the meeting? 你打算参加这个会议吗?

The teacher took part in our discussion yesterday. 昨天老师参加了我们的讨论。

2. because, because of


1) because 是个从属连词,引导原因状语从句,这种从句多位于主句之后。例如:

I was late for school this morning because I got up late. 今天早上我上学迟到了,是因为我起床晚了。

My family moved to France, because my father found a job in Paris. 我家搬到了法国,因为我父亲在巴黎找到了工作。

2) because of 是一个复合介词,后接名词、动词的-ing 形式或代词构成介词短语,表示原因。 because of 后面不能接从句。例如:

They had to stay at home because of heavy rain. 因为天下着大雨,他们只好呆在家里。

She didn’t go there because of illness. 她因病没有去那里。

I said sorry to the teacher because of coming late. 我因迟到而向老师道歉。


① 回答 Why 引起的特殊问句时,常常用 because,不可用 for。例如:

―Why did Li Fang buy some food? 为什么李芳买了一些食物?

―Because she was very hungry. 因为她非常饿。

② “not... because...”意为“不要因……便……”,用来引导原因状语从句。例如:

We can’t laugh at him because he is backward. 我们不能因为他落后就嘲笑他。

3. become, get, turn, grow, go


1) become 多用于书面语,强调的是由一种状态变成另一种状态,后面接形容词和名词作表语,但不可接动词不定式作表语。例如:

Our country is becoming richer and richer. 我们的国家变得越来越富有了。

She wants to become a doctor. 她想成为一名医生。

2) get 作为系动词,在口语中最常见,表示进入或变为某种状态,后面多用含抽象意义的形容词作表语,尤其多用这种形容词的比较级形式作表语。例如:

The wind is getting stronger and stronger. 风越刮越大。

The days are getting longer and longer. 白天变得越来越长。

3) turn 强调的是变得和以前完全不一样,后面多接形容词或其比较级作表语,其后也能跟不带冠词的名词作表语。例如:

When she saw me, her face turned red. 当她看到我时,她的脸变红了。

In spring the trees begin to turn green. 春天树开始变绿。

He finally turned doctor in the country. 最后他在乡村当上了医生。

4) grow 指的是渐渐地“变成”,后面可接形容词或过去分词作表语。例如:

The boy is growing thinner and thinner. 这孩子越来越瘦了。

Soon they grew satisfied with their work. 很快他们对自己的工作感到满意了。

5) go 多用来表示进入某种令人不愉快的状态。如 go bad(变坏,变酸), go mad(变疯), go hungry(挨饿), go wrong(出毛病)等。例如:

Eggs soon go bad in hot weather. 鸡蛋在热天很快变坏。

The milk in the bottle went sour. 瓶子里的牛奶变酸了。

4. person, people, man


1) person 是个可数名词,有单、复数形式,可用来表示男女老少各种人。表示贬义时,可作“家伙”解。例如:

Who is the youngest person in your class? 谁是你们班里年龄最小的人?

Everyone likes a person with good manners. 人人都喜欢彬彬有礼的人。

Sports help to train a person’s character. 运动有助于培养一个人的性格。

Do you know who that person is? 你知道那家伙是谁吗?

Among the persons at the party, I didn’t know a single one. 在聚会的人群中,我一个人也不认识。

2) people 作“人”讲时为集体名词。我们可以说 five people, many people,不可以说 a/one people。 people 在句中作主语时,谓语动词为复数形式。 people 通常用来指大批的或数目不详的人,在口语里也常指“家人”、“亲属(尤指父母)”。例如:

There are a lot of people on the playground. 操场上有许多人。

Sports help to keep people healthy. 运动使人们保持健康。

How many people are there in your family? 你家有几口人?

The people under the tree are playing cards. 树下的那些人正在打牌。

注意: people 作“民族”讲时,为可数名词。 a people 意为“一个民族”, the peoples of Africa 意为“非洲各民族”。

3) man 指的是“男人”,为可数名词,复数形式是 men。它与 woman 相对。 man 也可用来表示“人类”,此时要用单数形式,其前也不加冠词。例如:

These two men can speak English. 这两个人都会讲英语。

Any man with eyes in his head can see that he’s exactly like a rope. 任何头上长着眼睛的人都能看得见它的确像一根绳子。

Man must change in the changing world. 人类必须随世界的变化而变化。

5. college, university

1) university 意为“大学”,通常指由多个学院(college)组成的综合性大学。例如:

He is a teacher in a university. 他是一个大学教师。

Mr Brown graduated from Oxford University. 布朗先生毕业于牛津大学。

2) college 指“学院”,一般指综合大学内部的学院。它也可指独立的学院。例如:

He studies in a college of foreign languages. 他在一所外语学院学习。

There are several teachers’ colleges in Anhui Province. 安徽省有几所师范学院。

6. gold, golden


1) gold 意为“金制的”、“金质的”,指被修饰的东西中含有黄金(made of gold)。例如:

I have a gold watch. 我有一块金表。

2) golden 只用来表示颜色,意为“金色的(of golden colour)” 或用来表达某物“像黄金一样珍贵”。例如:

Do you know the girl with golden hair?芽 你认识那个金发女孩吗?


a gold coin 金币

a gold ring 金戒指

a gold bar 金条

gold plate 金制餐具

golden sunset 金色的夕阳

golden opportunity 绝好的机会

a golden saying 金玉良言

the golden age 黄金时代

the golden years of one’s life 一生中的黄金时代(岁月)

7. too... to..., only too... to

这两个词组中只有 only 一词之差,但表达的意思完全不一样,很容易误用。

1) “too... to...”意为“太……以致于不……”,其中的 too 是副词,有“过于”、“超过限度”的意思。 to 后面跟动词原形,是个动词不定式,含否定意义。例如:

The boy is too young to join the army. 这孩子太小,还不能参军。

It is too dark to read in the room. 房间里太暗,不能看书。

“too... to...”中的动词不定式可以转换成“so...that...”中的 that 从句,但从句中应用否定式。上面两句可改为:

The boy is so young that he cannot join the army.

It is so dark that you cannot read in the room.

但是, too 后面是 ready, eager, anxious, likely, apt 等形容词时,其后的动词不定式含肯定意义。例如:

He is too ready to help others. 他总是乐于助人。

When he was abroad, he was too eager to go home. 他在国外时,归心似箭。

“too... to...”结构中含有否定词时,其中的动词不定式也含肯定意义。例如:

It is too important a problem not to cause heated discussion. 这个问题这么重要,不会不引起热烈的讨论。

We are never too old to learn. 我们活到老学到老。

2) “only too... to...”结构中的动词不定式不含否定意义。例如:

I am only too glad to go. 要我去,我真是太高兴了。

We are only too pleased to visit your country. 我们非常高兴,能去访问你们的国家。

He is only too delighted to accept your kind invitation. 他十分高兴地接受你的友好邀请。

8. call on, call at, call in


1) call on 意为“拜访”、“探望”, 后面的宾语为“人”。例如:

All the neighbors called on us immediately after we moved into the new house. 我们一搬入新居,所有的邻居都立刻来探望我们了。

We called on him last month. 我们上个月拜访了他。

2) call at 作“拜访”解时,后面的宾语是“地方”,而不是“人”。例如:

They called at the Dean’s Office. 他们去了主任办公室。


Yesterday a group of students called at Granny Li’s house. 昨天有几个学生去了李奶奶家。

3) call in 表示“到某人的家(办公室……)访问”,意思和 call on 相同;只是 call on 后面带宾语,而 call in 后面不带宾语,因为这里的 in 是副词。例如:

―May I call in this evening? 我今天晚上可以来看看吗?

―Yes, Please call in at eight. 可以,请在八点钟来。

You may call in or ring up. 你可以亲自来,也可以打电话来。


误:Last Monday, we called on Mr Zhang’s house.

正:Last Monday, we called on Mr Zhang.

正:Last Monday, we called at Mr Zhang’s house.

9. famous, well-known, world-famous

famous 意为“著名的”,通常用来修饰好的人或事物,像政治家、学者、诗人、作家、风景、名胜、物产等。 well-known 是口头用语,语气不如 famous 强,可用来修饰普通事物。 world-famous 意为“举世闻名”、“天下皆知”,形容影响大,范围广。例如:

By 1914 he had become famous all over the world. 到1914年,他已经闻名世界了。

There he received a letter inviting him to go to the United States to teach at a well-known research institute at Princeton. 在那里,他收到了一封信,信中邀请他到美国普林斯顿一个著名的研究院去任教。

This is a well-known restaurant. 这是一家有名的饭店。

Although Princeton, New Jersey, has a world-famous university, it is still a small quiet town. 新泽西州的普林斯顿虽然有一所世界闻名的大学,但它却还是一个宁静的小城镇。

10. stop to do sth, stop doing sth

stop to do sth 和 stop doing sth 看似相同,但它们的实际含义和用法却不同。

(1) stop doing sth 表示的是“停止正在做的事”,这里的 stop 为及物动词, doing sth 作 stop 的宾语。例如:

She stopped crying and listened to the music. 她停止了哭泣,听起音乐来。

Class begins. Stop playing basketball, please. 开始上课了,请不要打篮球了。

(2) stop to do sth 表示的是“停下正在做的事,去做另外的事”,这里的 stop 为不及物动词, to do sth 作 stop 的目的状语。例如:

They walked for a while and stopped to have a rest. 他们走了一会儿,便停下来休息一下。

When she came in, we stopped to talk with her. 她进来时,我们停下来和她交谈。

11. grow

grow 用作实义动词时,意为“生长”、“种植”,“增长”等。例如:

Everything begins to grow in spring. 春天万物开始生长。

What crops do you grow here? 你们这儿种什么庄稼?

The world’s population is growing faster and faster. 世界人口增长得越来越快。

grow 用作连系动词时,意为“渐渐变得”。例如:

He is growing bigger and bigger. 他在渐渐长大。

The noise grew louder. 噪音渐渐大起来。

[辨析] grow 和 plant 都有“种植”的意思,但用法不同:

plant 着重指“种植”这一动作,这种动作涉及的时间较短; grow 着重指种植以后的“栽培、管理”过程,涉及时间较长。例如:

He grows many kinds of flowers in his garden every year. 他每年在他的花园里种了很多种花。

He planted an apple tree last year, but it is dead now. 他去年种了一棵苹果树,但是现在这棵树死了。

12. act

act 用作及物动词时,意为“表演”、“演戏”。例如:

He acted the part of Hamlet very well. 他很成功地扮演了哈姆雷特这一角色。

Don’t act the fool. 别出傻气了。

act 用作不及物动词时,意为“行动”、“做(事)”。例如:

Think carefully before you act. 行动之前你要仔细想一想。

We must act at once. 我们必须马上行动。

act 用作名词时,意为“行为”、“动作”。例如:

It was an act of justice. 那是正义的行为。

含 act 的短语中常见的有: act as (担任,充当); act against(违反); act for(); act on(对……起作用); act one’s age(举止与年龄相称); act up(调皮)等。

13. move

move 用作及物动词时,意为“移动”、“搬动”、“迁移”。例如:

Move the desk a few inches to get more light. 把书桌移动数英寸使光线更好些。

The chair is in the way, move it, please. 那把椅子挡路,请把它搬开。

及物动词 move 还有“使感动”之意。例如:

They were much moved at the story. 这个故事使他们深受感动。

move 用作不及物动词时,意为“移动”、“离开”、“动身”。例如:

“Move along, please!” said the conductor. “请往里走!”售票员说。

They moved to Shanghai last year. 他们去年搬到了上海。

It is late and I think it’s time to be moving. 不早了,我想我该走了。

注意: “move + 副词”还可以表达下列意义:

(1) move about/around 意为“不停地走动”。例如:

I can hear somebody moving about upstairs. 我能听到楼上有人走动。

(2) move away 意为“搬走”、“离开”。例如:

They have moved away. 他们已经搬走了。

(3) move in 意为“搬到某处,迁入”。例如:

Our new neighbor have just moved in. 我们的新邻居刚刚搬过来。

(4) move on 意为“往前走”。例如:

They just keep moving on from one place to another. 他们只是不停地从一个地方走到另一个地方。

(5) move up 意为“被提升”。例如:

He has moved rapidly up. 他晋升得快。

move 用作名词时,意为“行动”、“步骤”、“下棋的一步”等。例如:

What’s the next move? 下一步该做什么?

Whose move is it? 该谁走(下一步)了?

Don’t make a move, or I’ll shoot. 不许动,否则我就开枪了。

14. somewhere

(1) somewhere 用作副词时,意为“在某处”、“到某处”,美式英语中也用 someplace 代替 somewhere。例如:

The cinema must be somewhere here. 电影院一定是在这里某个地方。

He lives somewhere in this neighborhood. 他住在附近的某个地方。

You’ll find the passage somewhere in this book. 你可以在本书某一地方找到这段文字。

(2) somewhere 常用于肯定句中。在疑问句和否定句中,常用 anywhere。例如:

―Did you go anywhere last Saturday? 上星期六你去哪里了吗?

―No, I didn’t go anywhere. 没有,我哪儿也没去。

(3) 有时 somewhere 后面可跟修饰语,意为“某个……的地方”。例如:

He needed somewhere to stay. 他需要个地方住宿。

(4) somewhere 还可作“大约,左右”解,相当于 about。例如:

Mr Lin is somewhere in his forties. 林先生大约四十几岁。

15. save

save 用作动词时,主要有以下几种意思:

(1) 意为“储蓄,储存(金钱以备后用)”,常与 up 连用。例如:

We are saving(up) for a new house. 我们正在存钱准备买一所新房子。

The old man is saving money for his old age. 那老人在存钱防老。

(2) 意为“节省,省下,省去(不必要的事)”。例如:

We saved a lot of expense by doing the work ourselves. 我们自己做那工作,节省了一大笔开销。

(3) 意为“援救”、“拯救”,常与 from 连用。例如:

They saved the boy from the fire. 他们从火中救出了那个男孩。

(4) save sth to do 意为“节省……去做”。例如:

He is saving money to buy a computer. 为了买台电脑,他正在存钱。

16. rich

rich 用作形容词时,主要有以下几种意思:

(1) 意为“富有的,有钱的”,与 poor 意思相反。例如:

He has a rich uncle. 他有个有钱的叔叔。

(2) 意为“丰富的,含有……很多的”,常见的结构有“be rich in...”。例如:

This country is rich in oil. 这个国家有丰富的石油资源。

(3) 意为“(土地)肥沃的,富饶的”。例如:

This subject offers a rich field for advanced study. (比喻)这个题材为深入研究提供了广阔的天地。

(4) the rich 相当于 the rich people,意为“富人”。例如:

The rich are not always happy. 富人们并非总是快乐的。

The rich should help the poor. 富人应该帮助穷人。

17. retire

(1) retire 用作动词时,意为“隐居、退休、撤退、就寝”。例如:

My father retired at the age of 60. 我父亲60岁时退休。

He retired to his own room. 他回到自己的房间。

(2) retired 用作形容词时,意为“退休的、退职的、僻静的”。例如:

He is a retired teacher. 他是一位退休教师。

This is a retired place. 这是一个僻静的地方。

18. yet

yet 用作副词时,无比较级形式。其常见的用法有:

(1) yet 用于肯定句中,意为“仍然,还得”。例如:

He is yet a child. 他还是个孩子。

(2) yet 用于否定句中,意为“还;到那时;迄今”。例如:

We have received no news from him yet. 我们还没有收到他的任何消息。

(3) yet 用于疑问句中,意为“已经”。例如:

―Has he come yet? 他已经来了吗?

―No, not yet. 不,还没有。

(4) yet 与形容词和副词的比较级连用时,意为“更”,相当于 even。例如:

You must work yet harder. 你还要更加努力地工作。

yet 用作连词时,意为“然而,可是”。例如:

He worked hard, yet he failed. 他工作很努力,可是没有成功。

19. fit

(1) fit 用作形容词时,意为“健康的;适合的,恰当的”。常见的含 fit 的短语有: keep fit 保持健康; be fit for sth/be fit to do sth 适宜做某事。例如:

To keep fit, we do morning exercises every day. 为了有一个健康的体魄,我们天天做早操。

The man is not fit for the position. 那个人不适合这个职位。

(2) fit 用作动词时,意为“适合于;合身;使适合;安装”。例如:

This coat doesn’t fit me. 这件外套不适合我穿。

His great height fitted him for team games. 他身材高大,宜于参加球类比赛。

20. build

(1) build 可用作动词,其过去式和过去分词为 built, 意为“建筑,建立,扩大”。例如:

The house is built of bricks. 那房子是用砖盖起来的。

He built me a model ship out of wood. 他用木头为我做了个模型船。

(2) build 用作名词时,意为“体格,体型”。例如:

We are of the same build. 我们体型相同。

21. over

1) over 用作介词时,有以下意义:

① 意为“在……的上方”,含有垂直在上的意思,其反义词是under。例如:

There is a bridge over the river. 河上有座桥。

② 意为“(数目或程度)在……以上,超过”,其同义词语是more than。例如:

He will stay there for over two weeks. 他将在那儿呆两个多星期。

③ 意为“蒙在……上”、“悬挂在……上”。例如:

The workers all wear thick clothes and glasses over their eyes. 工人们都穿着厚实的衣服,并且戴着眼镜。

④ 意为“在……的各部分”、“遍及……的各部分”。例如:

We have friends all over the world. 我们的朋友遍天下。

2) over 用作副词时,意为“结束”、“完了”。例如:

Classes are over at 4:30 in the afternoon. 下午四点半课就上完了。

注意: over 也常出现在下列词语中:

① come over 意为“过来”、“顺便来访”。例如:

You and Lily must come over to my house if you have time. 有空的时候,你和莉莉一定顺便来我家看看。

② fall over 意为“摔倒”。例如:

She hit him so hard that she fell over. 她重重地撞击他,结果自己摔倒了。

③ fly over意为“飞过”。例如:

From Sydney, we flew over a line of mountains in the southeast. 从悉尼起飞,我们越过了东南部的一系列山脉。

④ look over意为“检查”、“察看”。例如:

The doctor looked over Mrs Brown very carefully. 医生非常仔细地给布朗夫人作了检查。

⑤ trip over意为“被……绊倒”。例如:

Ed started to carry the bag, but trips over his shoes. 爱德开始扛那个包,但绊住自己的鞋子摔倒了。

⑥ over there 意为“在那边”。例如:

The books are on that shelf over there. 书就放在那边的架子上。

上一篇:浅析no与not的用法 下一篇:新目标英语八年级(上)重点词语讲解(Unit 8)