新目标英语八年级(上)重点词语讲解(Unit 8)

时间:2022-04-13 12:24:44

新目标英语八年级(上)重点词语讲解(Unit 8)

1. gift, present


My friend gave me some presents/gifts on my birthday. 在我生日那天,我的朋友送给我一些礼物。

We are just going to get some presents/gifts for our teacher. 我们正要去买一些礼物送给老师。


1) gift 比较正式,一般指比较贵重的礼品。例如:

The gifts to Einstein would have filled a railroad freight car. 给爱因斯坦的礼物可以装满一节火车车箱。

In order to get the job, he gave an expensive gift to the boss. 为了得到这份工作,他向老板送了一份厚礼。

2) present 没有 gift 那么正式,一般指同志或朋友之间相互赠送的“礼物”,没有 gift 那么贵重。例如:

The nurse often gives him little presents. 护士经常给他送点小礼品。

She had not enough money and had only a few dollars to buy a present for him. 她带钱不多,仅仅能花廖廖几美元给他买了一份礼物。

3) gift 还可作“天资”、“才能”解,而 present 无此意。例如:

Some students have a gift for music. 有些学生有音乐天才。

He has the literary gift. 他有文学天赋

2. away, off

这两个副词都可以表示“离开”和“距离(多)远”的意思,用在 go, walk, send, ride, swim, fly, hurry, drive 等动词后面。例如:

The guests stayed a long time but went away/off at last. 客人呆了好半天,终于走了。

The river is two kilometers away/off. 那条河有两公里远。

At the sound of the stone, the birds in the tree flew away/off. 树上的鸟儿听到石头的响声,都飞走了。

He saw the sea far away/off. 他看到了远处的大海。


(1) away 侧重“距离(distance)”, off 侧重“分离(separation)”。试比较下列各句:

Take your hat away. 把你的帽子拿走。

Take your hat off. 把你的帽子脱掉。

He was away from home. 他远离家乡。

He is off. 他动身了。

(2) 在表示“离开”之意时, away 不侧重到什么地方去,而 off 则含有“从一个位置到另一个位置”的含义。试比较:

He will be away for three days. 他将离开三天。

He is off to England on the night of Friday. 星期五晚上他要到英国去。

How long will he be away? 他要离开多久?

He is off to the office. 他要离开这里到办公室去。

(3) off 可以用作介词,而 away 不能作介词用。例如:

The monkey jumped off the tree. 猴子从树上跳下来。

The apple rolled off the table. 苹果从桌子上滚落下来。

3. in future, in the future, for the future

1) in future 的意思是“从今以后(= from now on)”, 可与 for the future 互换。例如:

You should get rid of the bad habit in future. 今后你应该改掉这个坏习惯。

2) in the future 的意思是“将来,今后一个时期”,但不一定就是从今天立即开始,而是表示将来的时间。例如:

No one knows what will happen in the future. 谁也不知道将来会发生什么事。

3) for the future 的意思是“就未来而论,今后”;作“今后”解时,可与 in future 替换使用。例如:

What are your plans for the future? 你对将来有什么打算?

4. hanged, hung

二者均为动词 hang 的过去式和过去分词。它们之间的区别在于:

hanged 是及物动词 hang 的过去式和过去分词,此时 hang 意为“吊死”、“绞死”。例如:

The old man hanged himself at last. 那位老人最后上吊死了。

The murderer was caught and hanged. 凶手已被抓获并被绞死了。

hung 也是动词 hang 的过去式和过去分词,此时 hang 意为“悬挂”、“垂吊”。例如:

A basket hung above the table. 桌子上方挂着一个篮子。

She hung the picture on the wall. 她把那幅画挂在墙上。

He hung his head in shame. 他羞愧地低下了头。

5. competition, match, race


(1)competition 可指体育方面的“比赛”,也可指书法、朗读、音乐等方面的“竞赛”。如: a math competition 数学竞赛; a composition competition 作文比赛; a speaking competition 讲演比赛; Friendship first, competition second. 友谊第一,比赛第二。

(2) match 指体育运动中的竞技比赛,凡是球类方面的比赛均可用 match 表示。如: a basketball/volleyball/football match 篮球/排球/足球比赛。

(3) race往往与赛跑联系在一起,其本意是“在速度方面的竞赛”。如: a 1,500-metre race 1,500米赛跑?鸦 a race between hare and tortoise 龟免赛跑?鸦 a horse race 赛马?鸦 a Marathorn race 马拉松赛跑 a foot race 竞走。

6. end

end 用作名词时,意为“末端,终点,结尾,终了”。例如:

It is hard to tell what the end will be. 结局如何很难说。

end 用作动词时,意为“结束,终止,完结”。例如:

He ended his letter with good wishes to the family. 他在信的末尾向那一家人问好。

含 end 的常见短语有: at the end of... 在……的最后、在……的末端(既可表时间,也可表地点); by the end of... 到……为止; from beginning to end 从头到尾、彻头彻尾; in the end 最后,最终。

7. again

again 是副词,意为“再一次,又”。例如:

Please say the sentence again. 请把这个句子再说一遍。

含 again 的常见短语有: again and again 一再地、反复地; time and time again 一遍一遍地; now and again 有时、偶尔; once again 再一次; See you again. 再见。

8. rain, rainy

rain 可用作名词,意为“雨水,一场雨”。例如:

He went out in the rain yesterday. 昨天,他在雨中走了出去。

rain 用作动词时,意为“下雨”。例如:

Come in. It is raining hard outside. 进来,外面雨下得很大。

含 rain 的常见短语有: a heavy/light rain 一场大/小雨; rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨。

rainy 是形容词,意为“雨的,下雨的,多雨的”。例如:

It was rainy the day before yesterday. 前天是个雨天。

含 rainy 的常见短语有: rainy weather 多雨的天气; a rainy day 雨天; the rainy season 雨季。

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