
时间:2022-09-17 03:49:47


在中学英语课本里,经常出现something一词的不同用法。此词虽然为大家熟知,但你知道它的特殊用法吗? 你能准确地将其翻译成汉语吗?

1. something用作代词


A. They seemed to be eating something which they had cooked on the fire.

B. There is something that shines,perhaps bayonets.

C. I’m sure she has something you can borrow.



Doing something by halves,is to do something partially or incompletely. 做事半途而废,就是做某件事只做一部分,不做完。

There’s something behind this news.这个消息的背后有内容。

In 1898 they declared that they believed there was something in nature which gave out radioactivity. 1898年他们宣布,他们相信自然界存在着某种能发出射线的东西。


The battle won’t be won until everyone knows how serious the pollution is, and does something to stop it.直到人人都知道污染的严重性,斗争才会胜利,人们也才会采取措施来阻止污染。

He said he was fed up with resting at home and wanted to do something useful.他说他厌倦待在家里休息,想去做一些有用的事情。


Something tells me she won’t be pleased. 我有预感,她是不会满意的。

Something choked me,and I could not finish the sentence. 我感到哽咽,无法说下去。


Something in the doctor’s eyes told me he meant what he said.医生眼中的神情告诉我他说话算数。

I always found something which I could not fully understand in her smile.我总是发现她的笑容里有种我不能完全理解的东西。


He is a lawyer or something.他是个律师或是个人物。

He is something in that company.他是那家公司的重要人物。

2. something的名词用法


That was some speech you made!

It was(quite)some party!

故而,something有时也含有这种口吻,相当于一个名词(somebody),但something的汉译则因句而异,褒贬不一。可译为“重要的人物”、“重要的事物”。如上面的例句He is something in that company. (他是那家公司颇有地位的人。)


He used to think something of himself.他过去总是自视过高。

something 用作名词时,还可译为“少量”、“一些”、“部分”等。如:

They make up something like two?鄄thirds of the population. 他们占了差不多三分之二的人口。

3. something +形容词的一个作用


A. Do you find the story unbelievable?你发现这个故事不可信吗?

B. Do you find something unbelievable in his story?你觉得这个故事有点不可信吗?

A. The sentence is wrong.本句错了。

B. There is something wrong with the sentence. 本句有点错。

A. He is trying the impossible.他在尝试不可能的事。

B. He is trying something impossible. 他在尝试某些不可能的事。


4. “something + 动词不定式to do”用以表示“与……有关”

不论有无把握,都可以用something to do。

I’m sure he has something to do with insurance.我肯定他与保险有关。

—What is a “cam”? cam是什么?

—I don’t quite know. I think it has something to do with the machinery.我不十分清楚,我想它与机械有关。

5. something用作副词


The building looked something like a church.大楼看起来有点像个教堂。

There are something like 1,000 people present.大约有一千人在场。

It must be something like six o’clock.一定是六点钟左右。

something作副词时,相当于rather或a bit,在口语中加以运用,可避免武断的口吻,增加一点委婉的色彩。


1. It’s something to have a job at all these days.

2. She must be up to something.

3. A little something with his meals was an absolute necessity to him.

4. You can’t get something for nothing.

5. Our train gets in at two something.

6. She acts as if she were something since she won the prize.

7. These paintings were really something.

8. It is customary to give something to the porter.

9. The book cost something over £3.

10. The building looks something like a church.


1. 现在能找到一份工作就算不错了。(something指:聊以的事)

2. 她一定在搞什么鬼花招。(something指:某种令人不快的事情)

3. 就餐时少许喝点酒对他来说是绝不可少的。(something指:一些吃的喝的东西)

4. 你不可能不花力气坐享其成。(something指:实有之物)

5. 我们的这班火车2点多到达。 (something指:模糊的概念)

6. 自从获奖以来,她就表现得自命不凡了。 (something指:重要的人物)

7. 这些画确实出色。(something指:重要的事物)

8. 给搬行李的服务员一点儿赏钱是个惯例。(something表示:少量)

9. 这本书定价3英镑多一点。(something表示:稍微)

10. 这栋建筑物看起来有点像教堂。(something表示:有点像)

上一篇:行政执法检察监督的必要性与实务初探 下一篇:深化文化体制改革 强力推进免费开放