
时间:2022-09-12 05:09:56






阳光照在孔子的脸上,但表情却很严肃,一本正经地对着同伴鞠躬。忽然“国君”从位置上跳了起来,指着孔子的背后笑了起来。他正想说话,孔子抬起头来,严厉地瞪了他一眼说:“国君怎么可以在祭祀的时候不守礼节,随便离座呢?并且还嘻嘻哈哈的,成何体统!”“国君”却也不管他,仍在笑着说:“好怪的一个人呐。”孔子正待再说什么,却感到一双手放在了自己的肩上。他不禁回过头去。 就在他回过头的瞬间,孔子看到了一个长相奇特、衣服非常破烂的人。孔子当即小脸一呆,但马上又镇定下来,抚着那人的头说:“叔叔,你一定走了很远的路吧?不然你的头发怎么这么乱呢?你一定是从蛮夷地区过来的,不然你怎么会这么穷困呢?”那人微微一笑,说道:“小朋友,你叫什么名字?”孔子不答话,却反问道:“叔叔,你还没有回答我的问题呢,这是不合礼节的。”那人当即一愣,转而一笑回答说:“叔叔确实走了很远的路,但并不是从蛮夷地区来的,叔叔这么贫困只是因为叔叔不会理财罢了。好了,叔叔已经回答了你的问题,你说你的名字吧。”






Cordial, Frank, Courteous, Temperate, Deferential

In Book Ⅰ of The Analects, Zi Qin said to Zigong, “When our Master arrives in a fresh country he always manages to find out about its policy. Does he do this by asking questions, or do people tell him of their own accord?” Zigong said, “Our Master gets things by being cordial, frank, courteous, temperate, deferential. That is our Master’s way of enquiring―a very different style, certainly, from the way in which enquiries are generally made.”

Legend has it that when he was six years old, Confucius played the “rite” game with a neighboring child. Confucius played the role of Prime Minister and the other child played the role of King. At that time, a man in shabby clothes with a peculiar face came up to them and asked: “Kids, what are your names?” Confucius replied: “My name is Kong Qiu. I’m six years old.” That man asked: “What are you playing?” Confucius said with a smile: “Rites. My mom taught me. It’s great fun.”

Confucius’ mother happened to pass by. She asked the man: “What’s your name, sir?” The man saluted her and said: “Hello, madam! Is this your son? Although he is a child, he displays an elegant attitude in the game. So I asked him some questions. Did you teach him the game?” Confucius’ mother smiled gently and said: “Yes, I did.” The man said: “I am Li Er, also named Lao Dan. I am sorry to disturb you. Though I am not talented, I know something about rites of the Zhou Dynasty. So I would like to instruct your son. Despite your being very knowledgeable, madam, I am afraid you do not know as much about the rites of Zhou Dynasty as I do.

At that time, Confucius’ mother was worrying about how to find a good teacher for Confucius. So he was very pleased at the offer from Li Er and said in great joy: “Thank you, Mr. Li.”

Thanks to the instruction from his teacher, Confucius made rapid progress in one week. Seeing him happy every day, his mother was also very happy. Li Er also praised Confucius very much. Li Er, in fact, was Lao Zi, a great ancient philosopher and thinker and founder of Taoism in China. Lao Zi stayed at Confucius’ home for six months to teach him the rites.

上一篇:东方太阳城的光彩 下一篇:永不消逝的“波螺油子”