
时间:2022-09-09 02:09:05


摘 要:作为著名作家,伍尔夫对女性生活,她们的社会地位以及生活真谛有着独到见解。本文尝试分析伍尔夫在小说《到灯塔去》中对女性的各种观点看法并得出人物莉莉优于拉塞姆夫人的结论。事实上,这也是伍尔夫的意图,该意图彰显了其对妇女社会地位和未来的关心,也体现了其呼吁社会关注女性恶劣状况的愿望。


Abstract: As one of the most prominent writers, Woolf has her special thoughts about women's life, their position and the truth of life. This thesis is an attempt to analyze Woolf's views on women expressed in her novel, To the Lighthouse, and demonstrate that Lily triumphs over Mrs.Ramsay. Actually, this is Woolf's intention to write this novel, showing her great concern for the position and future of women who wants to call for the women as well as the men to pay attention to woman's bad condition.

[Key words] Victorian ideal woman; New woman; self-consciousness;

Analysis of Mrs.Ramsay and Lily Briscoe in To the Lighthouse

To the lighthouse consists three sections:"The Window," "Time Passes," and "The Lighthouse." Each section is fragmented into stream-of-consciousness contributions from various narrators..The following parts of this paper will illustrate how Lily triumphs over Mrs.Ramsay in her courageous pursuit of self-consciousness.

1.Mrs.Ramsay as the Ideal Woman

By giving a vivid picture of the life of the Ramsay family, Woolf recreated her parents in her memory. Mrs.Ramsay, "An angel in the house", can be seen as the representative of an ideal Victorian woman with beauty, kindness, tender, and intelligence.

1.1 Role as a Wife

As a competent and intelligent housewife, she supported her husband by ruling the house in order and stand the domestic anxiety alone without interrupting her husband's" big career" . To feed eight children on philosophy, she successfully shouldered all the responsibilities of the house without any help from the "great" husband. "She had it on the tip of her tongue to say, as they strolled: 'It'll cost fifty pounds,' but instead, for her heart failed her about money, she talked about Jasper shooting birds,..."(48) Mr. Ramsay was weak inwards; he implored his wife and even his guests for sympathy. Mrs.Ramsay offered comfort to him whenever needed, exhausting herself to please her "successful" husband.

1.2 Views about Marriage

Mrs Ramsay's view about marriage is very traditional. She regarded marriage the only proper way for a woman to obtain happiness. It is marriage that helps women realize their self-values. Before her husband, she was humble submissive and unworthy. She admired her husband more than any one. "There was nobody she reverences more. She was not good enough to lie his shoe strings, she felt."(24) She sacrificed her ambition and pursuit just to ensure a comfortable family atmosphere. She is a typical Victorian ideal woman.

2. Lily as a "rebellious" New Woman.

Unlike Mrs.Ramsay,Lily is not an ideal woman in men's eyes in that traditional society. She is a common looking spinster, but independent, rebellious, brave and full of ideas. She courageously fought against any difficulties and obstacles which came her way to self-realization. She chose painting as her career, through which she wanted to he a real woman equal to man and remain single all life to prove her determination to fight against the role of traditional woman. Lily embodied the spirit of the New woman of the new century.

3. Lily Triumphs over Mrs.Ramsay through Art

Though beautiful, charming, intelligent and admired by many people, Mrs.Ramsay was triumphed over by Lily, a "rebellious" spinster. Mrs.Ramsay devoted all her life to her husband and children, losing her self-consciousness. She was an ideal woman in that patriarchal society. On the contrary, Lily courageously fought against the accepted role of the Victorian woman. In the process of recalling Mrs.Ramsay, she become well understanding Mrs.Ramsay, and finished her painting and accomplished her search of self-identity.

Mrs.Ramsay's recognition of Lily's uniqueness shows that she had the latent awareness of the drawback of the traditional women. But she dared not to be this kind of woman, which proved that Lily was more courageous and persistent to pursue her true self. It was not beauty but strong will of freedom and independence that made Lily different from Mrs.Ramsay. Lily set a good example for the women in the future as a new woman, which is also Woolf's hope for the future women.


As a traditional housewife, Mrs.Ramsay seemed to have a peaceful life and was admired and respected by many people. However, she shouldered all the daily chores in the house and she had to satisfy her demanding husband whenever needed. She regarded man's world as her own world. She lost herself in that patriarchal society. In contrast, Lily is a woman who pursued her independence and self-consciousness. She fought against the traditional marriage, loved her painting,and looked down upon man's weakness. For Woolf, Lily is that woman who represents her theory of "androgyny". By portraying the mental development of the New woman artist, Woolf shows her great concern for the future of women. She is fully aware of the unequal social position of woman,and makes efforts to find a way out of such suppression.


Virginia Woolf: To the lighthouse ,USA;printed in the United States of America


陶铁柱:《波伏娃第二性》 中国书籍出版社,1998.

弗吉尼亚 伍尔夫:《到灯塔去》 北京:人民文学出版社,2003,4




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