
时间:2022-09-08 04:38:37



The majority of us have been bored by ads long ago. Advertising is everywhere: television, radio,

billboards, magazines, buses, newspapers, the

Internet. From people walking down the street wearing

signs, to flyers in our mailboxes, to ads on the ATM screen as we wait for it to 1)dispense our cash we see ads all day, every day.

So it’s just reasonable that the latest trend in

advertising is to make it less 2)advertorial.

When is an ad not an ad? When it’s product placement.

Moving away from 3)in-your-face ads, where the product is the star, product placement in today’s movies, TV shows, songs, video games and even books can feature “real-life 4)scenarios” with the products and, of course, all those famous brand names 5)hovering in the background.

Actually, this type of advertising practice is nothing

new it can date back to at least the early 1950s. However, it took a movie about a child-sized alien lost on Earth to really place product placement into the public 6)consciousness. In E.T.: the Extra-Terrestrial (1982), the alien followed a trail of Hershey’s Reese’s Pieces to his new home. The movie was a hit, sales of Reese’s Pieces increased dramatically, and to some, the product placement industry was born.

The Transformers Case

Those who work in the ad business jokingly said the Transformers series was truly a master lesson in product placement: not only has GM gained eyeball time as much as possible, the idea of Transformers actually provides us a sense of creativity. It isn’t the 7)nostalgia of the toys themselves or the memories of your childhood. For many people, it’s more about a time when you could be as creative as you like, without fear of rejection or failure. Tag a brand to that feeling and wrap it up in a movie? Now the audience can associate their creative feelings with all those fascinating cars!

But critics have long charged that product

placement is ruining television and movies, and the Transformers series is understandably a perfect target. When the first movie hit the theater in 2007, people were quick to debate its heavy use of product placement.

Though Michael Bay, the director, claimed that brand names were everywhere in real life and should stay that way in the movie, is it a real world where everyone drives a GM car? How about a world where all the top-level government officials use Macbook? The production stuff seemed to find this world a bit 8)ridiculous as well, so they changed the product placement strategy in the sequel. Instead of being one big car commercial for GM, it 9)incorporates different car manufacturers that make the auto 10)lineup more diverse and therefore, well, more believable. It is said that there won’t be a third movie

until 2012. Personally, I can’t wait to see what new

strategy Bay will apply then!

With digital technology continuing to 11)skyrocket in both form and function, there’s a seemingly endless stream of new ways to put products in front of potential consumers. Whatever the future holds, there’s no doubt you’ll continue to see many of your favorite stars holding, handling and using products of all kinds on the big and small screens for years to come. Next time you watch a movie, try to keep an eye out for products and brand names you recognize. I bet you’ll soon notice something really entertaining. “How,” you may wonder, “can the

actor hold the Coke can just the right way every time so that the logo is perfectly visible?”













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