
时间:2022-09-07 11:55:53


2008年6月1日起,我国将全面禁止免费提供塑料袋,提倡民众自备购物袋。因此,继去年“我不是塑料袋”(I’m Not a Plastic Bag)的抢购热潮后,可以预见今年夏天的购物袋还会大吹环保风哦!你准备好私家包包了吗?

Paper or plastic?

Neither, thank you.

That’s what eco-savvy[有见识的]

consumers are saying these days when they go

shopping. They’re

also in favor of BYOB bring your own bag.

Some of the bags are plain and simple.

Others are as

arty[艺术家气派的] as a

museum piece. But they all have one thing in common: they’re meant to save trees, oil and the Earth.

At least that’s the noblest motivation[动机]. But people add other reasons for casting aside paper and plastic. Plastic bags won’t

stay upright[竖立着] if you leave them alone. The paper ones may tear, sending your groceries[杂货] onto the floor. They all tend to end up as household clutter[混乱].

Kerri Olivier is a new fan of the reusable[可重复利用的] bag. She’s happy with her most recent purchase. The bag is made of recycled materials, holds a lot of groceries, cleans easily and has handles that are long enough to tote[背负] on her shoulder.

She also likes the color blue, with a green apple design. It’s just one of the many stylish bags that have come on the market, trying to appeal not only to shoppers’ environmental sensibilities[意识],

but their fashion sensibilities as well.

Yes, you can still get a boring, beige[米色的]

canvas[帆布] one. But you can also get it in just about any color imaginable, whether solid[纯粹的],

patterned or adorned[装饰] with clever sayings. You may get them in material made from potato and corn starches[淀粉], or from recycled plastic. If you want to be artistic, you can get a decorate-your-own version at crafts[手工艺] stores.

Bagging Tips

Here are some tips on how to become a more eco-friendly shopper:

Use your own reusable bags and persuade your friends to do the same.

Put a note on top of your grocery list, reminding

yourself to take the bag to the market.

Realize that paper is not necessarily a better alternative[可供选择项]. Trees must be cut down, and paper mills[工厂] can pollute.

If you belong to an environmental or community

organization, lobby[游说] to have the plastic bag issue added to the agenda[议程].

















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