
时间:2022-09-05 07:02:49


英文标点符号概说(punctuation mark)在书面文字里用来表示各句之间和各句子成分之间的关系,目的在于把意思表示清楚明确,易为读者了解。特别是在医学英文论文中,标点符号的使用是文章组成部分之一,有着重要的特定作用。它可以帮助人们更好地理解语法,以明确文章内容。有时在句子中加上一个标点、减去一个标点或移动一个标点,整个句子的意思就会部分乃至全部改变。所以我们在撰写医学学术文章中要学会准确运用英语标点符号。




2.1逗号(,) 表示最短的停顿。


1)The heart,blood vessels,lymph vessels and lymph nodes makes up the circulatory system.心脏、血管、淋巴管和淋巴结组成了循环系统。(主语间并列)

2)The urinary system is also called the excretory system.Its main components are the kidneys,the urines,the bladder and the urethra.泌尿系统也称排泄系统。主要的组成部分为肾脏、输尿管、膀胱和尿道。(表语间并列)

3)Since the beginning of history, man has been fascinated by the idea of living forever, of winning the fight against death and disease.有史以来,人们就痴迷于长生不老,战胜所有死亡和疾病。(宾语间并列)

4)Britain's doctors, the report concludes, must learn to give more sympathetic, specific, but a long-term basis advice to the overweight.报道指出,英国的医生在给予肥胖者建议时,要体谅他们的感受,并且建议要更具体,但一定是要建立在长期策略基础上的建议。(定语间并列)

2.1.2不属于句子组成部分的词或词组,要用逗号与句子的其他部分分开这些词或词组主要的有:①称呼语。②同位语。well,yes,no等。例如:Well, we are preparing for the operation on the cancer patient.我们正在准备为那位癌症病人手术[2]。


1)Since that time,surgical techniques and techniques to help prevent the patients' body systems from rejecting new organs have developed very quickly.从那以后,无论是外科技术还是防止病人身体对移植新器官产生排斥的技术都得到了迅速的发展。

2)With this coat, the bacteria is called a"spore".由于有囊,这种细菌被称为“孢子”。


1)The temperature of the patient had fallen to normal,but he still felt some pain in the head.这位患者的体温已降到正常,但他仍感到有点头疼。

2)The intestinal disease form of anthrax may follow the consumption of contaminated meat, and is characterized by an acute inflammation of the intestinal tract.肠道性炭疽热可能是由于食用了污染的肉类所造成的,具有急性肠炎特征。


1)If a donor gave his or her heart, he or she would obviously and necessarily die.如果捐献者捐出自己的心脏,显然他必死无疑。

2)When the red cells are reduced in number,the condition'sspoken of as anemia.当红细胞在数目方面减少,此症被称为贫血。


1)The systolic pressure,which occurs during heart muscle contraction and averages around 120,expressed in millimeters of mercury.收缩压,在心肌收缩时产生,平均约为120,单位以毫米汞柱表示。

2)Kidney transplants, which were already quite common in 1967, often involved the transfer of a single kidney from a close living relative.肾脏移植在1967年的时候已经是很平常的事情,通常是从一位亲属身上移植一个肾。

2.2 句号(.)表示一句话完了之后的停顿,用于陈述句、语气缓和的祈使句或客气的问句之后[3]。

1)It is not only high blood pressure that leads to enlargement of the heart.导致心脏肥大的不只是高血压。(强调主语,此处that是关系代词,代替被强调的high blood pressure)。

2)Let's say that the speed of the pulse wave is quite independent of the blood itself.应该说脉搏速度与血液本身关系不大。

3)Pneumonia is not a single disease but more like a family of several dozen diseases.肺炎不是单一疾病,而更像是一个由多种疾病组成的家族。

4)Will you please return this case to Dr. Smith as soon as possible.请你尽快把这个病历还给史密斯医生。



1)用于并列分句之间,以分隔(通常)没有连词连接的主要从句,这些从句被认为是关系密切而属于一个句子。 例如:The temperature in the liver may be 105.l°F, while that under the tongue is 98.6°F;the temperature under the arm at 2 p.m.may be 99°F and 2 a.m.96.7°F;the rectal temperature is likely to be 0.5°F to 0.75°F above the oral.肝脏温度在华氏105.1°F,舌下为华氏98.6°F;下午2:00腋下温度为华氏99°F;清晨2:00腋下温度为华氏96.7°F;直肠温度比口腔温度要高0.5°F~0.75°F。

2)用于for example,for instance,namely,that is(to say),in fact,i.e.,e.g.等词语引出的分句之前。例如:Florida is lowest,which may reflect the"healthy retiree"effect;that is,the tendency of healthy older people to retire to places like Florida while the less healthy remain home.佛罗里达州是发病率最低的地区,这可能反映了“健康退休者”效应; 健康的老年人退休后倾向于到佛罗里达州生活,而身体不健康的老人则留在家里。


2.4.1列出表示列举、解释或说明性的词语例如:The blood is composed of 2 prime elements, these are:①The liquid element, called plasma.②The so-called formed elements,which are cells and products of cells.The formed elements also are called corpuscles and are grouped as follows:①Erythrocytes-red blood cells.②Leukocytes-white blood cells.③Platelets.血液是由以下两种主要成分组成的:①液体部分,叫做血浆。②所谓的有形成分,即细胞及其产物。这种有形成分也叫血球,可分类如下:①红血球-红血细胞。②白血球-白血细胞。③血小板。

2.4.2引出较长的正式引语或大段引语例如:Since then, pneumonia mortality rates have decreased markedly because of hygiene and increasingly effective methods of treatment:first, ant-pneumococcal serum, then sulfa drugs, and finallyin the 1940s, penicillin.


2.5.1用于疑问句或语气婉转的祈使句之后例如:Have you any trauma?你有过外伤吗?

2.5.2表示存疑或无把握表示一句话完了之后的停顿。例如:In these circumstances who would decide if a donor were found whose lungs were equally suitable for two potential recipients?在这样情形下,如找到了一个捐献者,而他的肺完全适合两个可能的接受者,该由谁来决定肺的归属呢?

2.6惊叹号(!) 表示一个感叹句完了之后的停顿,用在感叹句的句末或感叹词的前面,也可用于加强语气以引起注意。例如:Many people also like the taste of tar in cigarettes. Be careful, it is the tar that causes cancer!很多人喜欢香烟里焦油的味道,小心,正是焦油这种物质导致癌症的形成。

2.7 引号("") 表示文中的直接引语。

2.7.1用于直接引语例如:Dr Li said:"I shall operate on the patient next week".李医生说:“我下周给这位患者做手术。”

2.7.2用于引述俚语、反语、借用语、定义等例如:Using manufactured "therapeutic" virus, doctor will be able to replace cancer with healthy genes.医生们将学会用人造“治疗性”病毒,用健康的基因取代癌细胞。注意:①句子中其他标点符号与引号的相对位置,逗号、句号位于引号内(这是美国用法,英国用法多置于引号外)。②在引语内再用引语时,可用单引号(这是美国用法,在英国用法中,单引号在外,双引号在内)。引语不止一段时,引号位于各段起始处和最后一段结尾处。


2.8.1引出概括性词语例如:There are several causes of anemia―namely, poor nutrition,repeated hemorrhages,and defective function of the bone marrow.贫血的原因有几种――营养不良、反复出血或骨髓机能有缺陷。

2.8.2分隔非限定性修饰语、同位语引出被强调部分例如:Many serious diseases-cancer, for one-will become less threatening.


2.9.1用于连接复合词①Anti-Flexner serum痢疾福氏血清。②Clam-shaped蚌壳状。

2.9.2用于单词移行但移行时要注意以下几种情况:①单音节词不能分开移行,例如:health(健康) 不宜分成heal-和-th。②曲折变化形式不宜分开移行,例如:cubbing(拔罐)不宜分成cubb-和-ing。③数字、缩略词不宜分开移行,例如:25759和AIDS(艾滋病)不宜分成257-和-59, AID-和-S。④易引起歧义的词不宜分开移行,例如:airway( 导气管)不宜分成air-和-way移行。⑤移行后行尾不宜只剩一个字母,例如:alethia(失忘症)和bacteria(细菌)不宜分成a-和-lethia,b-和-acteria。⑥有词缀的词应在词缀与词根处移处。例如:distension(扩张) 和underdevelopment(发育不全)应在dis-和-tension, un-和-development 处分开移行。⑦复合词应在复合成分之间移行(原有连字符号的,可在行尾用双连字号或在下一行行首加-连字号)如:heart-sick (心脏病)有两种移行方式:











上一篇:45例老年糖尿病患者的心理行为分析及治疗对策 下一篇:综合物理因子治疗软组织损伤