
时间:2022-08-31 02:23:52



>> 经济新常态背景下中国的就业形势及政策改革分析 新常态下社会救助问题及其对策探析 经济发展新常态下的战略思路 新常态下的经济结构新思路 经济新常态下的社会保障改革:困境与出路 经济新常态下社会保险改革的关键点及对策研究 经济新常态下财政政策的新趋势 经济新常态下的货币政策调控 中国经济新常态下的新改革 经济新常态下社会认同的变化及其影响 经济新常态下的企业社会责任 经济新常态下我国的供给侧结构性改革:理论、现实与政策 经济新常态下高校科技产业改革发展思路 经济“新常态”下中国的金融改革 新常态下 的经济形势和改革 经济新常态下的供给侧改革探析 新常态下的投资思路 新常态下的房地产调控思路与政策前瞻 “新常态”下的货币政策 经济新常态下深化我国社会保障体系改革探究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.




Abstract: As China’s economy enters the new normal, fiscal income decrease leads to the increase of social assistance fund, and down turn of economy and structural adjustment result in high risk of unemployment and poverty for low and middle income group. Changing economic growth model sets higher requirements in the respective of increasing human capital input to impoverished population and enhancing consumption capability for low and middle income group. At present, absolute poverty is alleviated but expenditurebased poverty grows and social assistance system is urgent to transform and upgrade. There is high profit of fiscal capital for social assistance, but the input structure is imbalanced and effect is diminishing for the growth of population in aid. Each social assistance policy is bound with subsistence allowances in practice, which cause problems such as assistance projects superposition and welfare dependence. The policy should go in the direction of making assistance forward to strengthen risk prevent capability of social assistance; social assistance service should be explored positively to improve social assistance system; government purchase service should be accelerated to advance the innovation of social assistance management service; target people affirmation and demand evaluation system should be improved to promote the accuracy of assistance; the relationship of social assistance authority and fiscal expenditure should be clarified to adjust capital expenditure structure and to establish growth mechanism of fiscal input based on demandoriented assistance.

Key words: economic new normal; social assistance; social assistance service; expenditurebased poverty; assistance projects superposition; welfare dependence; target people affirmation; demand evaluation; economic assistance; service assistance

CLC number:C913.7;F126Document code:AArticle ID:16748131(2015)04003109

上一篇:农村低保和扶贫对象动态管理机制研究 下一篇:合作原则视角下爱丽丝门罗《逃离》会话含义分...