
时间:2022-08-11 06:12:02


Who Wrote The First Ever Detective Novel?

Host: Who done it? You know, who wrote the first detective novel? Maybe somebody who wrote it in the 1)parlor with a quill pen. With all the clues and answers, our own literary detective, Paul Collins has done some 2)sleuthing and figured out who wrote the first detective novel. So, uh, what was it, Paul?

Paul: The Notting Hill Mystery. You know, the usual suspects are Edgar Allen Poe, ’cause he wrote The Murder in the Rue Morgue in 1841, which, you know, most people would consider to really be the first piece of detective fiction. It’s the first short story with a detective at the center of it. Or 3)Wilkie Collins, who wrote The Moonstone, and he, he kind of married Poe’s idea with the 4)sprawling novels of Dickens. And that was in 1868. Almost all of the elements

that we associate with detective fiction you can actually find in those early works. You know, they’re typically thought of as, kind of, the parents of the 5)genre. It turns out that there is, kind of, an 6)eccentric uncle living in the attic though.

Host: Who done it?

Paul: Well, Charles Felix did it. But the real mystery is we don’t know who Charles Felix is, or at least didn’t. I actually first came across this a while back when I was reading The Moonstone. And there was a footnote in it mentioning, you know, most people consider this sort of the first detective novel, but by the way, there’s an earlier one, called The Notting Hill Mystery that came out in 1862, and nobody knows who wrote it. And I went,“What?!” And so I started to look into it.

Host: Wow. And?

Paul: Well...

Host: Don’t leave us hanging, man, you know.

Paul: So, yeah, the…The Notting Hill Mystery, it’s a mystery that appeared initially in a magazine, a once-aweek magazine which was kind of a direct competitor to Charles Dickens’s magazine, which was Household Words. It started to run in late 1862 and it ran in eight 7)installments going into 1863.

And when the book came out, it attracted very favorable reviews. And reviewers were really struck by…this hadn’t been done before. The whole idea of a detective novel was basically new to them. And, in fact, the genre didn’t even really exist at that point, so they had to explain to readers the whole idea behind this is that you’ve been handed a puzzle.

Host: Of course, the, the question that remains, Paul: Who was Charles Felix?

Paul: His identity has been hidden for a hundred and forty-nine years, but his real name is Charles Warren Adams. And, in fact, they didn’t know back then either. There was absolutely no hint of who this was. And, in fact, I went to the publisher’s archives. There were no letters from the publisher to the author, which was really weird.

This guy, the so-called Charles Felix, had written another book, so I started looking around for the authorship of that. And after going through hundreds and hundreds of documents and old newspaper articles, I finally hit upon it. I can read it to you. It’s the one clue to his identity:

“It is understood that Velvet Lawn, by Charles Felix, the new novel announced by Saunders Otley and Company, is by Mr. Charles Warren Adams, now the sole representative of the firm.”

So the reason there was no 8)correspondence between the publisher and the author...

Host: Oh, because he, he is the...

Paul: He is the publisher.

Host: Yes! He’s the publisher and the author!

Paul: Yeah!

Host: Oh my! Paul, thanks so much for clearing this mystery up.

Paul: Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be here.






















Who done it? 凶手是谁?


Whodunit? = Who (has) done it? 谁干的?犯人/凶手是谁?

Howdunit? = How (has) done it? 怎么干?犯罪手法是什么?

Whydunit? = Why (has) done it? 为什么?犯罪动机是什么?


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