
时间:2022-08-10 02:49:31

A poor boy named Bold lived alone in a small yurt(圆顶帐篷) south of the icy vastness of the Siberian forest. Bold decided to travel north and request wisdom from the White-Black Shaman1 to help him overcome his poverty(贫穷).

As he walked across a field, a horseman approached2 and reined in3 his stallion(牡马). "My name is Ten-Thousand-Horse-Owner," said the man. "You are trespassing(擅自进入) on my land." "Forgive me," said Bold. "I am going north to make a request of the White-Black Shaman."

"Will you also make a request for me?" asked Ten-Thousand-Horse-Owner. "I have a beautiful daughter who has never spoken a word. Will you ask the shaman to help my daughter speak?" Bold nodded. "I will ask," he said. And he walked on.

As he approached the edge of the Siberian forest, Bold heard someone call to him from a small hut (简陋的小屋). "Help me," said an old man in ragged (衣衫褴褛的) clothes as he crawled4 from the hut. "My name is Wretched(可怜的). Could you give me a piece of bread or some mutton jerky(羊肉干)?"

"I have no food," said Bold. "I am going north to make a request of the White-Black Shaman." "Will you make a request for me?" asked Wretched. "Will you ask the shaman to help me overcome my life of suffering (苦难)?" Bold nodded. "I will ask," he said. And he went on.

As he walked through the forest, Bold reached a large scaly (多鳞的)log and began to step over it. The log moved, and up reared(竖起,举起) the head of an enormous snake. "My name is Titan Snake! Why are you walking in my forest?" " My name is Bold. I am going north to make a request of the White-Black Shaman."

"Will you also make a request for me?" asked Titan Snake. "A shaman told me that if I waited nine years I would be transformed into5 Rainbow Dragon. Nine years have passed, and I am still Titan Snake. Will you ask the White-Black Shaman to help me become Rainbow Dragon?"Bold nodded. "I will ask."

North of the frozen waters of Lake Baikal, deep in a valley surrounded by snow-covered Siberian cedars (西伯利亚雪松)and silver firs (银冷杉), Bold found the yurt of the White-Black Shaman. (To be continued)


1.shaman n.萨满教僧,萨满教巫医

2.approach vi.接近

3.rein in 勒马,勒住牲口

4.crawl vi.爬,匍匐行进

5.transform into 变形,转换


当他穿过一片牧场时,一个人骑马过来,勒住缰绳,说道: “我是一万匹马的主人,你擅自闯入了我的土地。”博尔德说:“请您原谅我,我要去北方向萨满黑白法师寻求帮助。”

“那你能替我也向法师祈求么?” 一万匹马的主人问道,“我有一个很漂亮的女儿,可她一直都不会说话,你能请求法师帮助我的女儿,让她开口说话么?” “我会的。”博尔德点头答应了,然后他继续前行。


博尔德回答说: “我没有吃的,我要去北方向萨满黑白法师祈求。”可怜人问道:“你可以也替我祈求么?能请求法师帮我克服这一生的苦难么?”“我会的。”博尔德点头答应了,然后他继续前行。



冰冷的贝加尔湖北部,在由白雪覆盖的西伯利亚雪松和银冷杉环绕的深谷里,博尔德找到了萨满黑白法师住的圆顶帐篷。 (待续)

上一篇:靠自己把握 下一篇:不朽的童话大师 安徒生