
时间:2022-09-22 10:07:55


An old man was childless and got sick frequently. Tired of loneliness, he decided to live in a rest home (养老院). So he announced that his magnificent(宏伟的)house would be sold by auction(拍卖). So many buyers came swarming to the auction that the price of his house was soon jacked up(提高,增加)from 80,000 to 100,000 pounds and it was still rising.

Sitting deep in a sofa, the old man looked justifiably (有道理的,有理由的) heavy hearted (心情沉重的). If he had been in good health,he wouldn't have thought of selling the house where he had lived for the greater part of his life.A plainly-dressed (衣着朴素的) young man approached him, bent forward and whispered. "Sir, I am eager to buy your house but I only have 10,000 pounds."

"You know the base price is 80,000 pounds,"the old man said gently. "And now it has been raised to 100,000 pounds."Not depressed,the young man earnestly(诚挚的)said, "If you sell house, I promise you will live in it as usual and enjoy your happy life,drinking tea,reading newspaper and taking a walk with me every day. Please believe me I shall care for you with all my heart!" The old man nodded with a smile. He stood up, motioned(示意)to silence everyone present. "Ladies and gentlemen," he said patting(轻拍) the young man on his shoulder. "I announce the result of the auction. The young man is the new owner of the house!"

有位老人无儿无女,又体弱多病。他厌倦了孤独的生活,决定搬到养老院去。老人宣布将拍卖他豪华的住宅。购买者蜂拥而至参加拍卖。住宅从底价8万英镑很快被炒到 10万英镑,价钱还在不断攀升。



上一篇:恪守诺言 第10期 下一篇:靠自己把握