清洁牙齿 拯救心脏

时间:2022-07-28 10:32:51

清洁牙齿 拯救心脏

Most of us don’t give serious thought to our mouths. We use them to eat, talk, breathe, and yet rarely give them more attention beyond keeping our teeth clean and white.

But the mouth can also be a gateway for 1)bacteria, and research is now showing how our mouths can significantly impact the rest of our bodies. People who have 2)parodontitis or 3)gum disease, have a greater chance of having heart attacks, or suffering other 4)cardio-vascular

problems than those who have healthier gums. In fact,

recent studies from Columbia University show the amount of bacteria in the mouth is directly related to 5)atherosclerosis

the dangerous buildup of cholesterol fat and other 6)particles

in the walls of our 7)arteries. Over time, this hardening

of the arteries can cause blood 8)clots and 9)blockages,

and ultimately, lead to 10)strokes and heart attacks.

Experts say that people with gum disease should tackle their

infections quickly and thoroughly, with professional cleanings,

and perhaps even 11)antibiotics. And for everyone else,

keeping a healthy mouth, regular brushing and 12)flossing, might help keep our hearts and brains healthy, too.

With this Medical Minute, I’m Dr. Timothy Johnson.







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