分配中心 第19期

时间:2022-07-24 12:29:36



关键字:专线物流; 合作; 协同分配; 适当的数目

Abstract: the product distribution center is refers to the special used to store the building or warehouse, are usually equipped with refrigerators and air conditioning, and then or redistribution to the retailers and the contractor, or sell direct to customers. Distribution center is the main part of the top processing, is the center of the order process. Distribution centers are generally considered to be driving demand. Distribution center can also be called a warehouse, a DC, a store up goods library, a cross dock, a wholesale center, or a packaging center. Distribution center of name according to the operation situations. For example, a retail center is usually dealing directly with retailers, an order center is mainly distributed to the goods directly to consumers. The supply network distribution center is based, and allow a supply site to hoarding goods. Some institutions directly with a set of equipment, space, human and warehouse to simultaneously run to the retailers and consumers.

A typical distribution network operation should include a commercial market, it can have shops. Large distribution company such as wal-mart, may disposable to 50-125 home to provide services. Suppliers first the goods to the distribution center, and then based on the retail locations and the required amount to a reasonable distribution. Because big distribution center may have to provide hundreds of thousands of goods, so impossible the goods from house to house to the service. So many retailers have their own logistics network, for some smaller retailers cooperation to distributing the products, replacing the logistics company role. A distribution center in a logistics center collaborative allocation.

Keyword: special line logistics; Cooperation; Collaborative allocation; The appropriate number

中图分类号: F046 文献标识码: A 文章编号:

一 范围


二 储藏





• 内置储藏柜(海运)被用来有效的控制货物的运输,是以货物的体积和温度。

• 托盘是一种在分配中心被广为使用的工具,有很多特质的硬件是被用来控制托盘的——如铲车,液压车,托盘逆变器,以及独立体,自动储藏和检索系统(ASRS)。托盘被存储在地板上,可能被堆放,并可能存储在托盘货架。

• 盖洛德通常是连接在或者是依附在托盘上的单个的大箱子。

• 箱子和纸箱都是能装很多东西的盒子。在分配中心,这两者是严格分开的,尽管他们都是大盒子。货物可以储存在纸箱里,但是运送要用箱子。一个储物的纸箱只有被选着拉上运输的时候才能被叫做箱子。

• 手提袋是用于提或是运输的工具。

上一篇:建筑土建工程的施工质量控制 下一篇:基于CREO软件的城市排水管道系统三维建模