
时间:2022-05-14 05:15:45



>> 谈三级CLOS交换构架 从三级甲等医院评估看专业技术档案管理 结合三级项目对传统实验课程教学方法的改进研究 大学英语课程三级项目的运用和探索 从创意产业角度探索工科院校视觉传达专业课程设置 艺术设计专业实践教学“三级”质量评价体系构建与实践 从体育与健康课程价值角度谈教学设计 300009安科生物 从科研项目到生物工程集团 19年的“三级跳” 连升三级 谈立定三级跳远项目的专门训练及错误纠正方法 眼视光技术专业眼镜验光员(高级/三级)校企合作项目探索 如何从大批发转向三级渠道管理 许建海 从影三级跳 刘美君:从三级歌后到荆棘女王 徐锦江:从三级明星到国画大师 从青蛙的“三级跳”说起 三级环境监测站通过计量认证的实践及总结 谈立定三级跳远的训练 谈高中英语三级作业方案 基于CDIO理念的微机原理及应用课程三级项目教学改革初探 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

[3] 李志义.适应认证要求――推进工程教育教学改革[J].中国大学教学,2014(6):816.

AbstractOwing to gain abilities in solving practical problem and complex engineering problem, course project is becoming important study step in university. By the processing of searching technical literature, parsing problem, designing devise, doing experiments and writing report, the student can be helpful in linking theory with practice and curious spirit. In this paper several problems and the root exist in current education are discussed in detail, at the same time, several strategies for how to improve course quality are proposed. The goal is to mobilize students and teacher together to improve ability of student solving complex engineering problem, because it is the core of engineering accreditation.

Key wordsengineering education accreditation; graduation requirements;course project; complex engineering; team cooperation

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