
时间:2022-04-29 10:29:48


We are definitely not alone.

In fact, anyone wondering if other life exists in this universe needs look no further than the local cinema. This summer it’s full of alien[来自外星的] baddies trying to take over the world—both in the movies and at the box office.

Taylor Kitsch alone has had to fight off two

sets of antagonists[敌手], in John Carter and then Battleship. An attack by outer-space bad guys brought The Avengers superheroes together for a screen battle that held the top box office spot for three weeks until Men in Black 3 and its team of intergalactic[星际间的] alien eccentrics[怪人] (127 varieties) blasted[猛烈攻击] in.

Prometheus just hit the box office with a $50 million





Makeup special-effects artist Rick Baker, who has created creatures in movies from 1977’s Star Wars to main baddie Boris the Animal in Men in Black 3, says,“There’s a built-in[固定的] fascination with the possibility of life on other planets and what it looks like.”

A d d t o t h i s a g l o b a l r e c e s s i o n[不景气],

which is pushing people to true movie-theater

“Real life has been disappointing lately. So we’re turning to the heavens a little more than usual, even if it’s going to kick our butt,” says Shawn Levy, producer of The Watch. Levy admits that when he started developing the comedy three years ago, “we didn’t know it would be coming out in a summer of alien invasions.”

Lindelof believes that while alien hordes[一群] might be eternal[不灭的], the Hollywood intensity[强度] will die down by summer’s end.

“It feels like audiences might be reaching a breaking point and they are saying, ‘Enough with the aliens already,’ ” he says. “And then it will be time for killer robots.”






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