
时间:2022-03-24 06:59:28




摘 要:



中图分类号: TP391文献标志码:A


Face recognition method fusing Monogenic magnitude and phase


LI Kunming, WANG Ling*, YAN Haiting, LIU Jifu


College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha Hunan 410082,China



In order to use the magnitude and phase information of filtered image for face recognition, a new method fusing Monogenic local phase and local magnitude was proposed. Firstly, the authors encoded the phase using the exclusive or (XOR) operator, and combined the orientation and scale information. Then the authors divided the phase pattern maps and binary pattern maps based on magnitude into blocks. After that, they extracted the histograms from blocks. Secondly, they used the blockbased Fisher principle to reduce the feature dimension and improve the discrimination ability. At last, the authors fused the cosine similarity of magnitude and phase at score level. The phase method Monogenic Local XOR Pattern (MLXP) reached the recognition rate of 0.97 and 0.94, and the fusing method recognition rate was 0.99 and 0.979 on the ORL and CASPEAL face databases respectively and the fusing method outperformed all the other methods used in the experiment. The results verify that the MLXP method is effective. And the method fusing the Monogenic magnitude and phase not only avoids the Small Sample Size (3S) problem in conventional Fisher discrimination methods, but also improves the recognition performance significantly with smaller time and space complexity.

In order to use the magnitude and phase information of filtered image for face recognition, a new method fusing Monogenic local phase and local magnitude is proposed. Firstly, the authors encoded the phase using the exclusive or (XOR) operator, and combined the orientations and scales information. Then the authors divided the phase pattern maps and binary pattern maps based on magnitude into blocks. After that, they extracted the histograms from blocks. Secondly, they used the block-based fisher principle to reduce the feature dimensions and improve the discrimination ability. At last, authors fused the cosine similarity of magnitude and phase at score level. The phase method MLXP reached the recognition rate 0.97, 0.94, and the fusing method recognition rate was 0.99, 0.979 on the ORL and CAS-PEAL face database and it outperforms all the methods used in the experience. The results verify that the MLXP method is effective. And the method fusing the monogenic magnitude and phase not only avoids the ‘3S’ problems in conventional fisher discrimination methods, but also improves the recognition performance significantly with small time and space complexity.

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