
时间:2022-02-23 04:03:35






























Hangzhou Storytelling of Yesterday and Today

By Pang Ru

Storytelling is an ancient art in China. In the north, it is largely known as Pingshu and in the south, Pinghua. Usually it is one storyteller who performs the storytelling. A story sometimes has so many daily episodes that a complete storytelling goes for months. The prototype originated in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and became popular in the Song (960-1279). The art came to Hangzhou in the years of the Southern Song (1127-1279), as described in detail in a 20-volumed book titled by a Hangzhou native named Wu Zimu. In fact, classical novels such as by Luo Guanzhong and by Shi Nai’an were originally scripts for storytelling. History indicates that the authors respectively performed the stories from their masterpieces at storytelling theaters of Hangzhou. History records that many scripts used by storytellers in ancient Hangzhou later fleshed out into novels and opera plays such as and .

Although the tradition of storytelling in Hangzhou goes back to the Southern Song over eight hundred years ago, the tradition flourished in the last decades of the Qing (1644-1911) and the decades of the Republic of China (1911-1949). The city’s storytellers association set up back then had more than one hundred members. The tradition declined during World War Two. After the birth of New China, some best traditional storytellers were employed by the city’s ballad-singers troupe.

Hangzhou Pinghua is performed in the Hangzhou dialect. Stories cover people and events of yesteryears and life of today. The art is very regional and very grassroots. It vividly reflects the grassroots life of Hangzhou. Originally, a storyteller sits talking and performing by a table. On the table are a fan and a handkerchief, and a small wood piece that works like a gavel for silence and attention. The fan and the handkerchief are used occasionally to assist the storytelling. As the art evolved, some storytellers began to stand performing. A standing storyteller can move around the table, getting much more room to act out details of a story. Those who have never watched a Hangzhou Pinghua artist tell a story would never fully understand how he magically transforms himself into different characters, and how his voice and facial expressions change dramatically, and how his postures and gestures help add a wonder touch to the storytelling itself.

Liu Jingting (1587-1670) was a celebrated storyteller of his time. He performed in Yangzhou, Hangzhou and Jinling (the present-day Nanjing) and was a master storyteller. He made friends with high-ranking government officials and businesspeople and scholars. Scholars who attended his storytelling wrote essays and poems about his virtuosity and these essays and poems can still be read today. He acted vividly and he mingled his storytelling with comments and descriptions from the everyday life his audience could relate to. His style has influenced storytellers of Hangzhou.

In the 1950s, Hangzhou Pinghua was very much alive. Artists performed in teahouses and small storytelling theaters. Going to a storytelling session in a teahouse was part of everyday life for many local residents. The storytelling made a big and brief comeback in the 1980s. It began to decline again in the 1990s, overwhelmed and replaced by new forms of entertainment.

Hangzhou Pinghua is a minor art form. It still attracts some loyal followers. Some storytellers themselves were first audience members themselves. Chen Ruquan, a storyteller, now performs regularly at a small theater. As a boy, he got hooked by the storytelling at the teahouse next door to his home. He dreamed of becoming a storyteller himself. His parents thought it a good idea. So he was sent to a master to learn the storytelling. He has been in this business for more than 50 years now.

The youngest storyteller in Hangzhou is Hu Da, a man born in the 1990s. He has taken the tradition on simply because he loves it. He can retell a story in the storytelling manner after hearing it only once. And the young storyteller is bringing innovation into the ancient entertainment.

Hangzhou Pinghua is alive at present. It will not be a mass entertainment. But it still attracts a small group of people to learn the art and maintains a small group of audience who come to the show royally and regularly.

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