
时间:2022-01-11 05:47:04



>> 试论高校校园精神文化的内涵、特点及其功能 试论艰苦奋斗精神的时代内涵与社会价值 试论文化与先进文化 试论经济法保护弱势群体的功能 试论“碎片化”校友群体的聚合 试论社会群体的利益协调与保持社会和谐稳定 试论绘画中的精神内涵 试论新时期教师精神的内涵 试论创先争优与党的先进性建设 试论世界先进文化的吸收与借鉴 论大学生先进正式群体的培养 试论对高校就业困难群体的指导与帮扶 试论对各类就业困难群体的指导与帮助 试论对高校就业困难群体的指导与服务 试论民办高校先进党支部的创建 试论先进教育技术对教学的影响 试论创新乡镇群众文化工作的途径 辉县精神的形成及其对先进群体队伍的影响 试论保险的社会管理功能 试论公益广告的社会功能 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l,2016年7月1日。

On the Spiritual Connotation and Social Function of the "Xinxiang Advanced Group"

Wang Mingke

Abstract:"Xinxiang advanced group" is a general designation of the advanced model of party members and cadres at the grass-roots level emerging in the city of Xinxiang in Henan province since new China was founded. It has been attracted much attention for its groupment and continuity. This group is mainly consists of the basic unit party members and cadres, the structure has the characteristics of groupment and hierarchy, content has the distinct characteristics of the times, the development has the characteristics of leading and inheritance. "Xinxiang advanced group" shows the spiritual characteristics of firm faith and be loyal, rely on the masses and the public, seek truth from facts and advancing with the times, advocate pragmatic, hard work, honest, dedicated and distinctive ethos, their spirit has the education, cohesion, shaping and promoting social functions of growing.

Key words:Xinxiang advanced group; spiritual connotation; social function

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