
时间:2022-10-30 12:21:00


Each day, the villagers of Marsabit, Kenya, gather at the “singing well.” They sing as they draw water from a well. With little water to spare[剩余], each can fill just one large jug[水壶].


The Wonder of Water

Water covers 70 percent of Earth’s surface. So why do the people of Marsabit struggle to get enough of it? We can’t use most of Earth’s water. Nearly 97 percent is salty or otherwise undrinkable. Another two percent is locked up in glaciers[冰川] and ice caps[冰盖]. That leaves only one percent. People, plants, and animals depend on that one percent of fresh water.

Each drop of water is always on the move. It constantly[不断地] moves through an endless cycle above, on, and through the Earth. For example, when the sun beats down[(烈日)照射] on the ocean, water evaporates[蒸发]. It rises into the sky as vapor[水蒸气]. The vapor forms clouds. Later, the vapor condenses[液化,浓缩] and falls as rain or snow. Next thing you know, you’ve got an indoor recess[休息时间]! The rain and snow soak into[吸(渗)入] schoolyards, soccer fields, and lawns. Water seeps[渗出] into creeks[小溪] and rivers. Then it flows back into the ocean.




Quenching [止(渴)] the Thirst

Water has been recycled like this for millions of years. The amount of water on our planet never changes. The water that drips from your faucet[龙头] today could be the same water that dinosaurs drank long ago.

All living things need water to survive, and that includes plants. In some plants, roots suck up water from the ground. In other plants, leaves and stems[茎] take in water. On a hot summer day, a thirsty birch[桦树] tree can sop up 300 liters of water from the ground. That tree can then release almost the same amount into the air as water vapor.

In dry places, plants must make every drop count. A desert cactus’ leaves store water. Some plants become dormant[睡眠状态的] during extremely dry times. When rain finally falls, they burst back to life in an explosion of color.

Plants use water to spread their seeds, too. The moving water can take plant seeds to faraway places. Some plants make seeds that float, like coconuts. They have a woody, waterproof covering. This lets them bob[上下摆动] along in salty water for long periods. When they reach a new island, they can take root.






A Little at a Time

Where there’s water, animals can’t be far behind. Water helps animals take in nutrients[有营养的] and get rid of waste. It helps them keep cool on hot days. If water is hard to find, animals must conserve[保存] water.

A camel can go without drinking water for a long time—sometimes as long as six months. It also saves water by not sweating. How? A camel can change its body temperature during the hottest part of the day. This keeps it from overheating. Because it does not need to sweat to cool itself down, it saves water.




Watery Homes

Animals don’t just crawl, walk, slither[滑动], or fly to water. Many live in it. Fresh-water habitats[栖息地] are key to their survival.

Some, like most fish, can only live in water. Others, such as frogs, toads[蟾蜍], and many insects, spend part of their life cycle in the water. Still other animals eat the creatures that live in fresh-water habitats.




Putting It to Use

You need water, too. You drink it. You use it to bathe, flush[冲洗], wash, and garden. Every American uses about 380 liters of fresh water on average every day. Europeans use about half of that. In the Marsabit village in Kenya where people rely on wells and do not have indoor plumbing[水管装置], each person must get by on as little as 19 liters each day.

People use even more water to make things. Growing food uses the most water of all. It takes 117 liters to grow one pound of potatoes. Livestock[家畜] like cows need even more water. It takes 2,400 liters to “grow” one hamburger! That’s not even counting the wheat to make the bun[小圆面包] or the tomatoes to make the ketchup.




Water, Water Everywhere

With so many demands on our fresh water supply, do we have enough? Although Earth is not running out of fresh water, it is not always there for people when and where it’s needed. Some places have too much water. Other places don’t have enough.

Just six countries have half of the world’s supply of fresh water. The people of Greenland have more than enough water. Only 60,000 people live there. Each one has access to millions of liters of water each day.

Yet people in places like the Marsabit village struggle to get the water they need. In some parts of the world, people have to walk many kilometers each day to find water.





Making It Count

To solve some of these problems, people are getting creative. Some merry-go-rounds[旋转木马] in Africa are used to pump[用泵抽(水)] water. Kid power brings clean water from under the ground.

Elsewhere, people carefully conserve water. For some Australians, using it twice is nice. Their shower water doesn’t just go down the drain[排水沟]. Instead, they collect it in buckets. Then they use it to water their plants. Can you think of ways to conserve, too? If everyone saves a little, we can all save a lot!




上一篇:晨之诗 第7期 下一篇:重学英语赏奥运